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Unit 1 自测 ( 时间 :40 分钟 满分 :100 分 ) 一、听录音 , 选择你所听到的句子中含有的单词或词组。 (10 分 ) ( B ) 1 .A.shorter B.thinner    C.bigger ( A ) 2 .A.longer B.heavier C.stronger ( C ) 3 .A.size 8 B.size 9 C.size 10 ( B ) 4 .A.43 kilograms B.45 kilograms C.47 kilograms ( B ) 5 .A.1.4 metres B.1.6 metres C.1.8 metres 二、听录音 , 给下列图片排序。 (10 分 ) 三、听录音 , 选择正确的答语。 (10 分 ) ( A ) 1 .A.I’m twelve years old. B.I’m 45 kg. C.I’m 1.45 m. ( B ) 2 .A.Yes, I do. B.I like the small one. C.I like the white one. ( B ) 3 .A.It’s 20 cm. B.They’re 78 cm. C.They’re 2 kilograms. ( A ) 4 .A.He’s fat and short. B.He likes music. C.She’s thin. ( A ) 5 .A.Amy. B.Mike. C.Amy and Mike. 四、单项选择。 (20 分 ) ( B ) 1 .—     are your shoes?   —They are size 34. A.What colour   B.What size   C.How old ( B ) 2 .Who is     , Mike or John?   A.funny B.funnier C.funnyer ( C ) 3 .My fish is bigger than     .   A.him B.her C.hers ( C ) 4 .—     is your brother?   —He is seven years old. A.How long B.How big C.How old ( B ) 5 .She’s the     girl in her class.   A.tall B.tallest C.taller ( C ) 6 .Look!The kangaroo is so     !   A.bigger B.biggest C.big ( C ) 7 .You’re     than my sister.   A.strong B.tall C.taller ( B ) 8 .I have two friends.     of them are girls.   A.All B.Both C.Lots ( B ) 9 .They are     the sun go down.   A.looking B.watching C.seeing ( B ) 10 .My mother is 1.68     .   A.metre B.metres C.kilograms 五、读问句 , 选答语。 (10 分 ) ( C ) 1 .How tall is Mike? ( E ) 2 .Which cat is stronger? ( D ) 3 .How heavy is your father? ( A ) 4 .How big are your feet? ( B ) 5 .Are giraffes taller than monkeys? A.I wear size 36 shoes. B.Yes, they are. C.He’s 165 cm. D.He is 70 kg. E.The white one. 六、看图完成句子。 (10 分 ) 1 .The ruler is   longer   than the pen.     2 .The elephant is   heavier   than the dog.     3 .The white cat is   thinner   than that black one.       I     He   I    She 4 .His eyes are   smaller   than mine.     5 .Her hair is   shorter   than mine.     七、补全对话。 (10 分 ) Jim: 1 .   A     Mike:I am 48 kilograms. Jim:I’m 50 kilograms. I’m heavier than you. 2 .   E     Mike:I’m 1.61 metres. 3 .   D     Jim:Yes, I’m 1.68 metres. 4 .   C     Mike: 5 .   B     Jim:She is 1.62 metres. A.How heavy are you? B.How tall is your sister? C.I am taller and heavier than you. D.You are taller than me. E.How tall are you? 八、阅读短文 , 判断正 “T” 误 “F” 。 (10 分 ) Mike is an American boy. He is my new classmate. He is 10 years old. Mike has a brother. His name is Nick. Nick is 1.43 m. Mike is 1.55 m. Mike often goes to school on foot. Nick often goes to school by bus. They are very different. Mike likes flying kites. Nick likes listening to music. ( T ) 1 .Mike is an American boy. ( F ) 2 .Mike is 11 years old. ( F ) 3 .Nick is 1.55 metres. ( F ) 4 .Nick often goes to school on foot. ( T ) 5 .Mike likes flying kites. 九、根据下面的表格写一篇短文 , 要运用比较级。 (10 分 ) Yang Ming is 35 years old.Liu Gang is 32 years old.Yang Ming is older than Liu Gang.Yang Ming is 1.83 m.Liu Gang is 1.78 m.Yang Ming is taller than Liu Gang.Yang Ming is 76 kg.Liu Gang is 68 kg.Yang Ming is heavier than Liu Gang.  

