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第 1 页 共 3 页 三水区 2018-2019 学年度小学毕业水平测试卷 学校_______________姓名_____________ 得分_____________ 听力部分 一、听录音,选出在句子中所听到的单词或词组,本题读两遍。10% ( )1. A. twenty B. month C. year ( )2. A. cold B. cool C. cook ( )3. A. buy B. gifts C. summer ( )4. A. many B. student C. glass ( )5. A. younger B. older C. taller ( )6. A. when B. today C. meet ( )7. A. watched B. cleaned C. hall ( )8. A. by bike B. by car C. by bus ( )9. A. ballon; football B. volleyball; football C. football; basketball ( )10. A. small birds B. in the park C. little flowers 二、听录音,判断图片与录音是否相符,相符的打√否则打×,本题只读一遍。10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,根据所听到的内容选择正确答案,本题读两遍。10% ( )1. A. I’m taller than John. B. John is taller. C. Mike is shorter. ( )2. A. Thank you so much. B. You are right. C. It’s very expensive. ( )3. A. We went swimming. B. Sanya is beautiful. C. Yes, we did. ( )4. A. Beihai park B. In August. C. From Shanghai. ( )5. A. They are beautiful. B. I took them in Kunming. C. Last year. 四、听录音填空,本题读两遍。10% My is Rose. I’m twelve years old. I have a two-month every summer. summer, I went to Beijing by with Kate. Kate is my sister. She is a girl. She’s twelve years old, too. We’re sisters. We had a time in Beijing. My best didn’t take a trip. They at home and did their . 笔试部分 五、选出划线部分的读音与其他两项不同的一项。 ( )1.A.funny B.flu C.subway ( )2.A.bear B.hear C.near ( )3.A.right B.live C.sick ( )4.A.ton B.worry C.sock ( )5.A.what B.who C.where ( )6.A.apple B.water C.black ( )7.A.sky B.city C.friendly ( )8.A.use B.university C.duck ( )9.A.pink B.child C.chick ( )10.A.grass B.last C.hall 六、单项选择题。15% ( )1.Do you have art class on Monday? A.the B.an C.an ( )2.I’m the player in the team. A.stronger B.fast C.tallest ( )3.My father bought me a dog.It a cat. A.looked like B.looks like C.look like ( )4.Welcome back home.Please tell about your school. A.us anything B.me something C.her many ( )5.Last Sunday I had a race my father. A.for B.to C.with ( )6.My aunt doesn’t any more. A.play piano B.play the piano C.plays the piano ( )7. be late for school. A.Don’t B.No C.Please not ( )8. Mary is 49 kilograms and Lily is 51 kilograms. So Lily is than Mary. A.thinner B.heavier C.shorter ( )9.A:I like eating fruit and vegetables. B: . A.Me neither B.I too C.Me too 第 2 页 共 3 页 ( )10.I wanted to an e-mail to my friend but the computer work. A.sending;didn’t B.send;didn’t C.sends;doesn’t ( )11.They are a film out of the door. A.talking about B.talked about C.talks on ( )12.Alice and parents Lhasa last month. A.she;go to B.she;went to C.her;went to ( )13.Before I was .Now I’m . A.short;old B.tall;young C.quiet;active ( )14.Work hard and you a scientist in the future. A.will become B.are becoming C.be ( )15.A:How did you go to Sydney from China last year? B: . A.By subway B.By plane C.On foot 七、连词成句。10% 1. badminton, friend, with, his, often, John, plays, good (.) ________________________________________________________________ 2. was, what, father’s, like, school, your (?) ________________________________________________________________ 3. boys, a, two, went, week, ago, fishing, the (.) ________________________________________________________________ 4. look, photos, at, my, come,old, please, and (.) ________________________________________________________________ 5. help, you, English, me, study, can (?) ________________________________________________________________ 八、用所给单词的正确形式填空,不限词数。10% 1. My mother _______(do) the housework every day. 2. Listen! Zhang Peng _____(play) the guitar. 3. Which is _______ (small), the sun, the moon or the earth? 4. In autumn, you can see many ______ (leaf) under the trees. 5. ________ (do not) worry, I will go with you. 九、阅读理解。10% A Helen was seven years old. And one day one of her teeth hurting. She cried in her class, and her teacher said, “ What’s wrong with you. Helen?” “One of my teeth hurts. “ answered Helen. “Tell your mother about it.” said the teacher,” and then go and see a doctor.” That afternoon Helen spoke to her mother about her tooth, and her mother took her to see a doctor a few days later. The doctor looked at the tooth and then he said to Helen, It will be very nice next year.” He pulled the tooth out. The next day Helen’s teacher asked her about the tooth. She said. “Does it still hurt?” “I don’t know. You’d better ask the doctor.” Helen answered. “Why?” the teacher said. Because the doctor has got it.” Helen answered. 判断下列句子是否正确,正确的鞋 T,错误的写 F。(5%) ( )1. All of Helen’s teeth hurt. ( )2. Helen told her mother about the bad tooth. ( )3. The doctor pulled a new tooth from Helen’s mouth. ( )4. Helen’s tooth didn’t hurt again. ( )5. Helen took back the bad tooth from the doctor. B I had a little dog. His name was Fido. Early morning Fido went to the shop in the village. The girl in the shop gave him two things: a piece of meat and a copy of (一份)newspaper. Fido ate the meat and took the newspaper in his mouth. I liked reading the newspaper in bed before I got up. Fido knew that and he brought the newspaper to my bedroom, When I was eating my breakfast, he brought all the letters to me After that, he went outside to wait for the bus. When he saw the bus coming down the road, he made a noise (发出叫声. I ran out,and the bus stopped for me. Fido never let me Miss(错过)the bus. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(5%) 6. Where did the dog go in the morning? _____________________________________________________- 7. What did the girl in the shop doing the morning? _____________________________________________________ 8. What did the writer like before he got up? _____________________________________________________ 9. What did Fido do after breakfast? _____________________________________________________ 10.How did Fido tell the writer that the bus was coming? _____________________________________________________ 十、小作文。5% 快要毕业了,六年来你最喜欢的老师是谁?以最喜欢的老师为题描下你最喜欢老师的外貌特 第 3 页 共 3 页 征,日常喜好,对待学生的态度等,写一篇小短文。 要求:1.条理清晰,意思连贯,语向通顺、合理 2.字数在 50 字左右; My favourite teacher _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

