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第 1 页 共 3 页 南海区 2018——2019 学年度第二学期 期末考试 六年级英语试卷 学校_______________ 姓名_____________ 得分_____________ 说明: 1、试卷满分 110 分,听力部分 40 分;笔试部分 60 分;附加题 10 分(其中作文 8 分、书 写分 2 分)。考试时间 70 分钟。 2、本试卷的选择题和非选择题都在答题卡上作答。 The children and Miss Chen are having a farewell party. Listening (40%) 一、Listen an choose. Listen 2 times (10% 1% each) At the farewell party, the children are watching a music album(相册)of the Sports Day. 1. Time: A. one year ago B. three years ago C. six years ago 2. People: A. Miss Chen and her friends B. the students C. Miss Chen and her students 3. Place: A. gym B.PE Room C. playground 4. Activities: A. ran B. jumped C. played 5. Winner: A. Class one B. Class Two C. Class Three 6. Who got hurt: A. Mike B. Tom C. Ann 7. Who helped: A. Miss Chen B. PE teacher C. the students 8. Prize: A. First Prize B. Second Prize C. Third Prize 9. Feeling: A. sad B. happy C. worried 10. Know something: A. friendship B. love C. difficulty 二、Listen and tick. Listen 2 times (10% 1% each) The children are watching some photos of last school trip and talking about the trip. 11. Oliver Ann Lucy Tom Mike 三、Listen and choose. Listen 2 times (10% 2% each ) The children are having a show at the farewell party. 12. Who is singing an English song at the farewell party? A. Miss Chen B. Ann C. Lucy 13. What could Ann do three years ago? She could well. A. act B. dance C. play kung fu 14. Why can Ann sing well now? Because Ann . A. learned to sing by herself B. joined the singing club C. learned to sing from TV shows 15. What is Ann going to be in the future? She is going to be a . A. singer B. dancer C. cook 16. How do the children like Ann’s song? They think it is . A. wonderful B. not so good C. bad 四、Listen and write. Listen 3 times (10% 1% each) After the show, Miss Chen is talking to the children. “My dear children, you are going to have new life in the middle school. I will miss you a lot. Six years ago, you were and . Now, you are ____ and ____ than before. In the past six years, we ____ ____ together, ____ ____ together, and ____ ____ together. We had happy time together. I hope you will have better and happier life in the middle school. Reading and writing (60%) 五、Read and write. (10% 1% each) Miss Chen and the children are playing riddles at the party. 27. It is a season. It comes after winter. The weather is usually rainy in this season. It is ____. 28. It is a kind of animal. It is small. It has long ears. Some of them are white and have red eyes. It is a ____. 28. It is a kind of fruit. It is big and green outside, and red inside. It’s juicy. There are many black seeds in it. It is a ____. 30. It is a kind of colour. It is the colour of bananas, lemons or sunflowers. It is ____. 31. It is the last day of the week. It comes after Friday. It is ____. 32. It is the first month of the year. It is in winter. New year’s Day is in this month. It is ____. 33. It is a job. This person flies a plane on the sky. He is a ____. 34. It is a place. People can read books and borrow books in it, but people can’t buy books in it. It is a ____. 35. It is a place. It is big. Students or teachers can have lunch and dinner in this place. It is a____. 36. It is a thing. It shows the time of the day. It is usually on the wall. It is a ____. 六、 Read and choose.(10%1% each) Miss Chen is talking about her old middle school to the children. No.1 Middle School is a very good middle school 37 our city. It is about 45, 000 m² big. There _38 a 第 2 页 共 3 页 playground. It is 39 than our school's playground. The runway is 400 40 long. There 41 some basketball grounds and a gym near the playground. No. 1 Middle School is in the middle of the city. It is next 42 a science museum and near the river. You can 43 the No. 22 bus to go there. People built the school 80 years ago. There 44 just 100 students at the beginning many years ago. They learned very hard and 45 books early in the morning. Now there are more than 3,000 students. They are also hard-working. Two months later, you are 46 to study in a middle school, you should try your best and work hard, too. 37. A. on B. in C. under 38. A. are B. is C. am 39. A higher B. lower C. bigger 40. A. metres B. metre C. centimetre 41. A. are B. is C. were 42. A. from B. for C. to 43. A. take B. takes C. took 44. A .was B. were C. are 45. A. read B. reading C. reads 46. A. go B. goes C. going 七、 Read and choose.(5%1% each) Ann is asking Miss Chen some questions about her life in the middle school. Ann: Miss Chen, can you tell me something about your life in the middle school? Miss Chen: Yes. No.1 Middle School was far from my home. Ann: 47 Miss Chen: I went there by No 22 bus. I stayed at school for 5 days a week. I studied hard. Ann: 48 Miss Chen: I learned many subjects, such as English and Maths. All the students got up early and read books. Ann: 49 Miss Chen: I got up at six o'clock. Ann: 50 Miss Chen: No, because I went to bed early at night. Ann: 51 Miss Chen: Yes, of course. The teachers were great and the school was good. A. Did you feel tired? B. How did you go to school? C. What did you learn from school? D. Why did you go there? E. Did you like your middle school? F. When did you get up every day? 八、Read and write (10% 1% each) Miss Chen is showing a video to the children at the party. This is a video about the s 52 during the six years. Six years ago, Ann was just 1.1 metres. She was s 53 than other ones in the class. But now, she is 1.5 metres. She is t 54 than before. She often helps the teachers. She is h 55 . She can sing very well. Everyone loves her songs. Tom was not f 56 , so he had no friends at that time. He changed a lot and now he is very a 57 and nice. He joins the guitar club and has many friends. Lucy was the tallest girl in the class. But she couldn't p 58 sports well six years ago. Now, she is good at playing b 59 . Oliver was 50 kilograms before. He was h 60 than other classmates. Now he is not fat in the class, he is t 61 than before. He is one of the members in our school football team. 九、 Read and choose“T”or“F”(10%2% each) Miss Chen is telling the children a story “The Pied Piper(吹笛人)” Long time ago, there was a beautiful town named Hamelin. The town was near a river and a mountain.The people there were very happy but they had a big problem- "There were rats everywhere.” People were angry and they went to tell the mayor(市长). The mayor promised(承诺)to kill the rats. He made a poster-”kill all the rats. Earn 100 dollars.” Two days later, a piper came, and said he could kill all the rats.The mayor was happy and promised to pay for that. The per began to pipe d mad a kind of tune(曲调). All the rats liked the tune and followed him。 The piper walked to a river. All the rats ran into the river and never came back. People in the town were happy. But the mayor just paid the piper 50 dollars, because he wanted to keep some money for himself. The piper was angry. He began to pipe again and made another kind of tune. This time, all the children followed him and walked up to the mountain. At night. The parents couldn't find their children and they were angry to the mayor. The mayor paid 50 more dollars to the piper and said"Sorry!" Then all the children came back again. After that, the mayor and the people in the town near always kept their promises. 第 3 页 共 3 页 ( ) 62. Hameline was a little town near a river and a mountain. ( ) 63. The people in the town were angry because there were many children. ( ) 64. The piper killed the rats because he wanted to get 50 dollars. ( ) 65. All the children followed the piper, because they liked the piper. ( ) 66 .From this story, we know we should keep our promises. 十、Read and choose. (5% 1% each) The children are singing a song together at the party. ( )67. Which one do you think is the best name for the song? A. Birds Singing. B In the Sky. C. Goodbye My Friend. ( )68. In the song. when did "we"know each other?"we"know each other_____. A. when"we were sixty B. when"we" were sixteen C. when"we were still very young ( )69. In the song. what did "we"do together?"We_____together. A. sang and swam B. danced and sang C learned to sing ( )70. In the song, "it's hard to say "bye"means_____. A. "we"don't want to say "Goodbye B. "we"are hard-working C."we" want to say" Goodbye" very much ( )71. Why do the children sing this song in the party? A. Because it's farewell time. B. Because it's lunch time. C. Because it's fun time. 十一、 Read and write (10% 1% each) The children are making an alumni page(同学录)about you. Please answer and write. 72. Where are you from? 73. How old are you? 74. Who is your best friend? 75. Which animal do you like best? 76. What are your hobbies? 77. How do you go to school? 78. Did you go for a trip last year? 79. Where did you go last winter holiday? 80. What do you usually do on Sundays? 81. What are you going to do this summer holiday? 附加题(8%) 82. The children are writing a letter to Miss Chen. What will you say to your teacher? 同学们,你们小学阶段都有哪些变化? 请以 Then and Now 为主题,写一封信给你的老师,说说你小学阶段 的变化。 要求:言语表述清晰,文章结构合理,书写工整,卷面整洁,写八句话以上。 These questions may help you. Before: What were you like? What were your hobbies? What could you do? What did you like? ... Now: What are you like? What are your hobbies? What can you do? What do you like? ... 全卷面书写 2%

