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1 / 6 情景交际专项突破卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 第一部分 问答配对 (20 分) 一 ( )1. What sports do you like? ( )2. What's your favourite sport? ( )3. What did you do this evening? ( )4. Who won? ( )5. How often do you eat fruit? ( )6. What do you do before breakfast? ( )7. Why do you always brush your teeth? ( )8. What is exercise? ( )9. How many minutes do you walk? ( )10. What will Jenny do this summer? 二 ( )1. Do you have any pingpong balls? ( )2. Do you want these or those? ( )3. Are you ready to learn to play basketball? ( )4. Did Bob's team play a game? ( )5. Does Bob play basketball every day? ( )6. Can you hit the ball to Jenny? ( )7. Did you have fun? ( )8. Do you remember? ( )9. Is Steven late? ( )10. Does the party begin at 4:00? A. We watched a game. B. Because I want strong and healthy teeth. C. I wash my face and hands. D. I like football. E. She will go on a trip. F. Bob's team won. G. About ten minutes. H. Seven times a week. I. Walking is exercise. J. My favourite sport is basketball. A. I want these. B. Yes, we are. C. Yes, I do. D. No, he doesn't. E. No, it didn't. F. Yes, I remember it. G. No, I can't. H. Yes, it does. I. No,he isn't. J. Yes, I did. 2 / 6 第二部分 排序 (42 分) 三 ( )Ouch! It's too heavy. I can't catch it. ( )Catch the basketball. ( )Good idea! ( )The pingpong ball is light. I can catch it. ( )Of all sports, I like basketball best. ( )What's your favourite sport? ( )Let's play basketball. 四 ( )After school, I play football for about an hour. ( )Hi! I'm a healthy boy. ( )After breakfast, I walk to school every day. ( )Every morning, I get up at 7:00. ( )Then I run for about twenty minutes in the park. ( )Walking helps make my body strong. ( )Next, I have breakfast at home. 五 ( )What did you do last summer? ( )I will play on the beach, too. ( )I went to a lake with my grandparents. ( )That is interesting. Will you go to the lake again? ( )I swam in the lake. ( )No! This summer holiday we will go on a trip to the sea. ( )I will swim in the sea. 第三部分 补全对话 (38 分) 六 3 / 6 七 A:Excuse me. 1. ________ B:Yes. 2. ____________ A:There are many kinds of Tshirts. B:3. ____________ A:Yes. It's beautiful. 4. ____________ How about that Tshirt? B:It's forty yuan. A:It's cheap. I'll take it. Here's the money. B:OK. Here you are. A:Thank you ! B:5. ____________ 八 A. Yes, I do. B. I will come at 4:00 in the afternoon. C. What do you do before breakfast? D. I will play on the beach. A. But it's too expensive. B. I'll show you. C. You're welcome. D. Do you have any Tshirts? E. Do you like this Tshirt? 4 / 6 A:What did you do yesterday evening? B:1. ____________ A:Who played the game? B:2. ____________ A:3. ____________ B:The Blue Team won. A:They are great. Are they all professional (专业的) players? B:No, they are students. 4. ____________ A:Did you yell for them? B:Yes, they played so well. 5. ____________ 九 A:I will go on a trip to China next month. B:1. ____________ A:By plane. B:2. ____________ A:At six o'clock in the morning. B:3. ____________ A:It's about five thousand kilometers. B:4. ____________ A:Maybe twelve hours. B:Have a nice trip! A. The Blue Team and the Orange Team. B. We watched a basketball game. C. They play basketball for fun on Saturdays and Sundays. D. They are all good players. E. Which team won? A. Thanks! B. How far is China? C. How long will the trip take? D. How will you go there? E. When does your plane leave? 5 / 6 A:5. ____________ 十 Mr. Brown: 1. ____________ Tom: I had breakfast three times last week. Mr. Brown: That is bad for you. 2. ____________ Tom: OK! 3. ____________ Mr. Brown: First, you should eat more fruit and vegetables. Tom: 4. ____________ I like to eat fruit. Mr. Brown: Great! What sports do you play? Tom: 5. ____________ Mr. Brown: How many minutes do you walk? Tom: 6. ____________ Mr. Brown: I think you need about an hour of exercise a day. Tom: I will play football after school. Mr. Brown: Good! 7. ___________ A. You should always eat breakfast. B. How can I be healthy and strong? C. I walk to school in the morning and walk home after school. D. About twenty minutes. E. You will be healthy and strong. F. I eat fruit six times a week. G. How often did you have breakfast last week? 6 / 6 情景交际专项突破卷 一、1. D 2. J 3. A 4. F 5. H 6. C 7. B 8. I 9. G 10. E 二、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. G 7. J 8. F 9. I 10. H 三、6 5 4 7 2 1 3 四、7 1 5 2 3 6 4 五、1 7 2 4 3 5 6 六、1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 七、1. D 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. C 八、1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D 九、1. D 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. A 十、1. G 2. A 3. B 4. F 5. C 6. D 7. E

