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1 / 8 句型专项突破卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三 总分 得分 主题句型梳理 (汉译英) 一、询问对方是否有某物。(2 分) ——你有乒乓球吗? ——是的,我有。/ 不, 我没有。 —Do you _________ pingpong balls? —_____________________________ 二、选择疑问句。(4 分) 1. ——你喜欢这件 T 恤衫还是那件? ——我喜欢这件。 —______ you ______ this Tshirt ______ that Tshirt? —__________________ 2. ——你想要这些球还是那些球? ——我想要那些球。 —Do you want ______ ______ or ______ ______? —____________________ 三、祈使句。(18 分) 1. 让我们玩吧! ____________________________________ 2. 接住篮球! ____________________________________ 3. 投篮球,丹尼! ____________________________________ 4. 总是吃早饭! ____________________________________ 5. 总是刷牙! ________ brush your ________! 6. 多吃水果和蔬菜! ________ more ________ and ________ ! 7. 努力学习! ____________________________________ 2 / 8 8. 不要迟到! ____________________________________ 9. 让我们为他举办一个惊喜聚会。 ________ ________ ________ surprise ________ for ________. 四、询问或介绍做过的事情。(8 分) 1. ——你们玩得开心吗? ——是的,开心! —Did ________ ________ fun? — ________, we ________. 2. ——今晚你们做了什么?——我们观看了鲍勃打篮球。 — ________ ________ ________ ________ this evening? — _______________________________________________________________ 3. 我和丹尼去了商店。 _________________________________________________________________ 4. 我们买了一些圣诞礼物。 ____________ ____________ some Christmas gifts. 五、询问做某事的频率及做某事花费的时间。(8 分) 1. ——你多久吃一次蔬菜? ——大约一周两次。 — ________ ________ do you ________ ________? — ________ twice ________ ________. 2. ——你多久吃一次水果? —— 一周三次。 — __________________________? — ____________ times ____________ ____________. 3. ——你步行多少分钟? ——大约五分钟。 — ________ ________ ________ do you walk? — _______________________________________________________________ 4. ——他多久来一次? ——一个月一次。 — ________ ________ ________ he come here? —Once ________ ________. 六、描述季节特征。(4 分) 3 / 8 1. 在冬天,天气寒冷多雪。 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. 很多树的叶子都掉光了。 Many ________ ________ have ________ ________ ________. 七、询问或介绍喜欢做某事和将要做某事。(12 分) 1. 我喜欢坐着晒太阳。 I like to ________ ________ ________ ________. 2. 我喜欢看云。 I like to ________ ________ ________ ________. 3. 我将要给妈妈摘一些花! I ________ ________ some ________ ________ my mother! 4. 我们将要去公园。 ___________________________________________________________________ 5. 我们将要做什么? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. 你暑假将要做什么? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the summer holiday? 八、关于购买礼物。(4 分) 1. ——你需要多少礼物? ——我需要十一份礼物。 — ________ ________ gifts do ________ ________? —I need eleven ________. 2. ——这些帽子怎么样? ——好的,我要买四顶。 — ____________ ____________ these caps? —Okay, I'll ____________ ____________. 九、其他。(6 分) 1. 旅途愉快! Have ________ ________ ________! 2. 不要忘了给我写信。 ________ forget ________ ________ to me. 4 / 8 3. ——聚会什么时候开始? ——下午四点。 — ________ ________ does the party ________? — ________ 4:00 ________ ________ ________. 常考题型过关 十、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. Everyone ________ to be healthy and strong. A. want B. wants C. like ( )2. These are good gifts ________ China. A. with B. at C. from ( )3. ________ Can you tell me where the shop is? A. Excuse me. B. Thank you! C. Let me try. ( )4. Their teacher often tells them ________ more exercise. A. to do B. do C. does ( )5. — ________ do you do exercise? —Three times a week. A. What B. How C. How often 十一、根据提供的情景,选择正确的句子。(10 分) ( )1. 当你想问朋友“哪个球队赢了?”时,你会问: A. Which team won? B. Who won? ( )2. 当你想告诉朋友“水果对你有好处。”时,你会说: A. Eat more fruit. B. Fruit is good for you. ( )3. 当你想说“每个人都想健康和强壮。”时,你会说: A. People want to be healthy and strong. B. Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. ( )4. 当你想知道朋友晚饭后做什么时,你会问: A. What do you do after dinner? B. What do you do before breakfast? ( )5. 当你想问朋友“聚会什么时候开始?”时,你会说: A. What time will the party begin? B. When will we go to the party? 5 / 8 十二、按要求完成句子。(10 分) 1. Do you like this book or that book? (改为复数句) ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Catch the ball! (改为否定句) ____________________________________________________________________ 3. I hit the ball to Jenny. (加时间状语 now 改写句子) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Sometimes, they teach each other a sport. (将 sometimes 换为 yesterday 改写句子) ____________________________________________________________________ 5. I go to school five times a week. (将 I 换成 she 改写句子) ____________________________________________________________________ 6. I eat fruit three times a week. (对画线部分提问) ____________________________________________________________________ 7. I will come before 4:00. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________________________________ 8. best, like, sports, basketball, of, all, I ( , . ) (连词成句) ____________________________________________________________________ 9. exercise, minutes, how, does, many, Danny (?) (连词成句) ____________________________________________________________________ 10. party, goodbye, let's, a, have, Li Ming, for ( . ) (连词成句) ____________________________________________________________________ 十三、根据例句仿写句子。(4 分) 例 1. —Do you like these shoes or those shoes? —I like these shoes. 1.—_________________________________________________ —__________________________________________________ 6 / 8 例 2. —How often do you eat fruit? —Five times a week. 2.—_________________________________________________ —__________________________________________________ 例 3. —What will you do this summer holiday? —I will go on a trip. 3. —________________________________________________ —_________________________________________________ 例 4. —How many boxes do you need? —I need two boxes. 4. —________________________________________________ —_________________________________________________ 7 / 8 句型专项突破卷 主题句型梳理: 一、have any; Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 二、1. Do; like; or; I like this Tshirt. 2. these balls; those balls; I want those balls. 三、1. Let's play! 2. Catch the basketball! 3. Throw the basketball, Danny! 4. Always have breakfast! 5. Always;teeth 6. Eat;fruit;vegetables 7. Work hard! 8. Don't be late! 9. Let's have a; party; him 四、1. you have;Yes; did 2. What did you do;We watched Bob play basketball. 3. I went to the shop with Danny. 4. We bought 五、1. How often; eat vegetables; About;a week 2. How often do you eat fruit? Three;a week 3. How many minutes;About five minutes. 4. How often does;a month 六、1. In winter, it's cold and snowy. 2. trees don't;any leaves 七、1. sit in the sun 2. look at the clouds 3. will pick; flowers for 4. We will go to the park. 5. What will we do ? 8 / 8 6. What will you do for 八、1. How many;you need;gifts 2. What about; take four 九、1. a good trip 2. Don't; to write 3. What time;begin;At;in the afternoon 常考题型过关: 十、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C 十一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 十二、1. Do you like these books or those books? 2. Don't catch the ball! 3. I am hitting the ball to Jenny now. 4. Yesterday, they taught each other a sport. 5. She goes to school five times a week. 6. How often do you eat fruit? 7. Will you come before 4:00? 8. Of all sports, I like basketball best. 9. How many minutes does Danny exercise? 10. Let's have a goodbye party for Li Ming. 十三、1. —Do you like these shorts or those shorts? —I like those shorts. 2. —How often do you have lunch? —Seven times a week. 3. —What will you do this summer holiday? —I will go swimming. 4. —How many books do you need? —I need three books.

