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Unit 1 How tall are you ? Part A let ’ s learn 表示两者 ( 人或事物 ) 的比较。 句型是: A + be 动词 + 形容词的比较级 + than + B . 此句型表示 A 比 B 更 …… 形容词的比较级的用法 构成的规则变化 : 一般在词尾加 — er ,发 【 ə 】 音,翻译为 更 …… 。 形容词的比较级变化形式 Task 1 : Do it by yourself .( 温馨提示:请根据你所掌握的知识独立完成以下单词的比较级的转换 ) 。 原级 —— 比较级 tall —— short —— long —— short —— old —— young —— tall taller old older young younger short shorter long longer Zeng Zhiwei is short . Pan Changjiang is Pan Changjiang is Zeng Zhiwei. short er . short er than than 比 Liu Huan is old . Zhao Benshan is Zhao Benshan is Liu Huan. 54 岁 60 岁 older . older than Lin Xinru is young . Liu Yifei is Liu Yifei is Lin Xinru. 30 41 younger . younger than The blue ruler is long. The red ruler is longer. The red ruler is longer than the blue ruler. 填空题 — 比较级填空 1. A is 10 years old, B is 11 years old. —A is ______ than B. Tom is 1.60 metres, Lucy is 1.70 metres. —Lucy is _______than Tom. The blackboard is 93 cm, the desk is 58 cm. —The blackboard is _______than the desk. younger taller longer Task 2 Do a survey and report. Name( 名字 ) Age( 年龄 ) Height( 身高 ) Wu Yifan 12 1.64m ( 温馨提示:请用以下两句型来完成表格) A:How old are you ?B:I’m 12 years old. A:How tall are you? B:I’m 1.64 metres. 用你掌握的比较级的句子来评一评说一说。 Eg:___is taller than ___,but____is taller than ___ … 小练笔 以 My friend and I 或 My friends 为题写一篇小短文。要求两人进行比较,不少于 5 句话。 ———— ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Summary( 小结 ) What have you learned in this class? (说说你的学习感受) Goodbye

