人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Unit 3课件-B Lets check & C Story time

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人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Unit 3课件-B Lets check & C Story time

Unit 3 Where did you go? PEP 六年级下册 Part B 第四课时 Let’s check Listen and write T (true) or F (false). Listen again ,and answer the questions. 1.What did Mike do last weekend? 2.Why did Sarah think her weekend was great? 3.Why did Amy go to school by car today? 4.What did Zhang Peng do in Harbin? Let’s check Let’s wrap it up Look at the pictures. Choose words to fill in the blanks. There _______lots of dinosaurs many years ago. Some of them ____ plants. Some of them _____faster so they could eat other smaller dinosaurs. But we can only see dinosaurs in museum now. Let’s wrap it up am/is was are were eat ate drink drank run ran were ate ran Story time Zoom: Am I now on the moon? I can’t believe it! She must be Change's. Oh, there is her rabbit. Story time Zoom: It’s time to go. Good! Here comes a spaceship. Story time Zip: How was your holiday? Zoom : It was fun. Story time Zip: Where did you go ? Zoom : I went to the moon. Zip: How did you go there? Zoom: By spaceship. Story time Zip: What did you see? Zoom : I saw Change's, the rabbit and the tree. Zip: Did you take any pictures? Zoom: Yes , I did. Oops, where did I put the pictures? Story time Zoom: Oh, it was a dream.

