六年级英语上册Lesson 23课件冀教版

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六年级英语上册Lesson 23课件冀教版

Unit 4 Christmas 冀教版·六年级上册 Lesson 23 Lead-in What do people do at Christmas? They invite their family and friends to their house. They give their family and friends gifts. They sing Christmas songs. They put up the Christmas tree. They write Christmas cards. New words open 打开 little 幼小的;少许的 Open our gifts It’s Christmas morning! This morning we open our gifts! Did Santa bring gifts? Come on, Lynn! Let’s go and see. He did! He did bring gifts! “Who brought these gifts, Jenny?” Li Ming asks. “Did Santa bring them?” “I don’t think so. I think Mum and Dad brought them, but Lynn is little!She thinks Santa brought them! ” Jenny says to Li Ming. Lynn sees a gift. It has her name on it! She opens it. “Look! Santa brought me toys!” she says. “Look, Li Ming! You have a gift, too. It’s from Santa!” Lynn gives Li Ming the gift.” “ Open it, Li Ming!” “Oh! It’s a camera! ” says Li Ming. “I wanted a camera! Now I can take pictures and send them to my mother and father!” Then Li Ming gives his gift to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This is for everyone. It’s from me! Oh! Thank you, Li Ming! Is it from China? Yes! It’s a Chinese lantern. I asked my mother to send it. It’s wonderful! Language points 1. He did bring gifts. 他带来了礼物。 did 在该句中起强调作用。助动词do放在动词原型前, 加强该动作的语气,表强调。 例句:一定要来参加我的聚会。 Do come to my party! 2. Did Santa bring them? 是圣诞老人把他们带来的吗? 此句型用于询问“某人过去是否做过某事”,是一 般过去时的一般疑问句。 结构:Did +主语 + 动词原型 + 其他? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+did. 否定回答:No, 主语+didn’t. Let’s do it! Read Patr1. Then tick or cross. 1.People open gifts on Christmas morning. 2.Jenny thinks her mum and dad brought the gifts. 3.Lynn thinks the gifts are from Santa. 4.Li Ming gets a camera for Christmas. 5.Li Ming’s gift is for Mr. and Mrs. Smith. 6.Santa wrote the names on the gifts. √ √ √ √ √ × Listen and repeat.

