六年级英语上册课件-Unit 1 Review :Again, Please!-冀教版(共18张PPT)

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六年级英语上册课件-Unit 1 Review :Again, Please!-冀教版(共18张PPT)

Unit 1 Again, P lease ! 冀教版 六年级上册 My house is big, My home is here; What are you doing? What are you doing? Sleeping in the bedroom, Reading in the study; Washing in the bathroom, Cooking in the kitchen; Table, toilet, floor and clock; Say to him, say to them, say to you and her; East or west, home is the best! Let's chant! bed phone toilet table clock fridge chair floor dish es tomato es potato es ... bedroom bathroom kitchen study living room Let's say! bed phone toilet table clock fridge chair floor dish es tomato es potato es ... bedroom bathroom kitchen study living room Let's say! brush teeth take a shower have dinner wash the dishes listen to the music make breakfast play cards ... 12-16 5-11 1-4 Check your anwsers in pairs, and give stars to each other. This is a study. Look at the flowers, they are beautiful, I like _____ very much. Mike is my friend. I want to invite _______ to my study. My teacher Miss Li tell _____ to do our homework everyday. We all listen to_____. I want to learn English. Can you help_____? her him me them us you her him them us me Let's write the time! A match for you. You write down the time when you hear. 2 3 4 5 6 7-10 3-6 1-2 Always often hardly ever Speaking: Reading: Check your answers in pairs, and give stars. Let's write! Good writing Not bad keep studying Get stars after you finish wirting. Homework 1. Do the exerise on the textbook. P15 No. 4, P16 No. 5 and P17 No. 7, 8. 做书上15页4题,16页5题,17页7,8题。 2. Write about your house. You can take P17 as a model. 仿写17页的文章,写一篇介绍自己家的作文。

