牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 3 A healthy diet》PPT课件 (1)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 3 A healthy diet》PPT课件 (1)

Unit3 A healthy diet By Guo Magic eyes : 请说出下面食品或饮料的英语单词 Work in pairs: A: ----What food do you like? B:---I like… vegetables a lot of a few 几个 some a little 一点 B He drinks a few a little eggs. water. Grammar time 可数名词 eats She 不可数名词 A little 和 a few 后面跟的词有什么不同 ? 后面跟不可数名词 后面跟 可数名词 Let’s play. a little+ 不可数名词 a few+ 可数名词 milk eggs hamburgers bread sweets rice coffee hot dogs I We They You eat / have a lot of some noodles vegetables rice meat fish Grammar time A lot of 和 some 后面跟的词有何特点呢 ? 不可数名词 可数名词 a lot of 、 some 后面 既可 跟可数名词, 也可 跟不可数名词! 健康的 饮食 [′hel θ i] [′daɪət] What is a healthy diet? a few some a lot of a little In a healthy diet, there is________ fruit and vegetables. There is also_______rice and bread. You can have ________ meat and fish in your meals. You can also have ________ eggs every week. Milk is good for your body. You can have ________ milk every day. Sweet food is nice, but it is not good for your teeth. Eat only ________ sweet food every day. a little a lot of some a lot of a little a few some fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜 rice and bread eggs ,meat and fish milk sweet food Look and complete Does Mike have a healthy diet? What about Yang Ling? B Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner , he has a lot of rice ,some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week. Does Mike have a healthy diet? Does Mike have a healthy diet? No , he doesn’t. 健康饮食金字塔 健康金字塔 Fill in the blanks : ( 根据课文填空) I like eating . I have a lot of food every day. In the morning . I have some _______ and _____ . In the afternoon and evening, I have _____________, _____________ and ________________. I like eating _______, ______ and ____________. I like sweet food very much. Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner , he has a lot of rice ,some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week. Does Mike have a healthy diet? bread milk a lot of rice some fish some meat sweets cakes ice cream Fill in the blanks : ( 根据课文填空) I like eating . I have a lot of food every day. In the morning . I have some _______ and _____ . In the afternoon and evening, I have _____________, _____________ and ________________. I like eating _______, ______ and ____________. I like sweet food very much. Mike like s eating sweets , cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water . He only drink s a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner , he has a lot of rice ,some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week. Does Mike have a healthy diet ? bread milk a lot of rice some fish some meat sweets cakes ice cream Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice. Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Do you have a healthy diet? 2. Does YangLing have a healthy diet? Yes, she does. 健康金字塔 Fill in the blanks : ( 根据课文填空) I like eating too. In the morning , I have a lot of ________. I sometimes have _______ . In the afternoon and evening, I have some ________ and some __________ . I only eat a little _____ . I also eat a little_____ ________ and some _______ every day. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice. Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Do you have a healthy diet? noodles an egg meat vegetables rice sweet food fruit Fill in the blanks : ( 根据课文填空) I like eating too. In the morning , I have a lot of ________. I sometimes have _______ . In the afternoon and evening, I have some ________ and some __________ . I only eat a little _____ . I also eat a little_____ ________ and some _______ every day. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast . She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables . She only eats a little rice . Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little . She eats some fruit every day. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Do you have a healthy diet? noodles an egg meat vegetables rice sweet food fruit at a time 一次 at a time some fruit some fruit 水果 Name Breakfast Lunch Dinner some bread and milk a lot of rice a lot of rice some fish some fish some meat some meat a lot of noodles an egg some meat some vegetables a little rice some meat some vegetables a little rice Let’s review. Follow the tape: 跟读磁带,注意语音语调。 Mike likes eating sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like drinking water. He only drinks a little water every day. Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner , he has a lot of rice , some fish and some meat. He has a few eggs every week. Does Mike have a healthy diet? Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice. Yang Ling likes sweet food too, but she eats a little at a time. She eats some fruit every day. Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet? Do you have a healthy diet? 英汉互译: 1. 健康的饮食 _____ ______________ _________ 2. 一次 _______ ______ _______ 3. 吃几个鸡蛋 ______ _____ _____ ___________ 4. 喜欢甜食 _________ __________ ____________ 5. 喝一点水 _________ ____ ______ __________ 6. 一些水果和蔬菜 _____________________________ 7.only eat a little rice ______________________ 8. have some bread and milk ____________________ 9.put your things in order ____________________ 10. 迈克不喜欢喝水 Mike _______ _______ ________ water. 11. 她只吃一点米饭。 She ______ _______ a _______ rice. 12. 杨玲经常吃一些面条作为早餐。 YangLing often ________ some _______ _____ _________ . a healthy diet at a time eat a few eggs like eating sweets drink a little water some fruit and vegetables 只吃一些米饭 吃一些面包和牛奶 把你的物品整理好 doesn’t like drinking only has little has/eats noodles for breakfast Junk food 垃圾食品 Healthy diet, healthy life . Healthy food Summary : 1 、 Make a healthy eating table for your family. 为家人制定一份健康饮食表。 2 、 Read Cartoon time. 朗读卡通故事。 Homework

