六年级英语上册课件-Recycle 2-人教PEP(三起)(共15张PPT)

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六年级英语上册课件-Recycle 2-人教PEP(三起)(共15张PPT)

Recycle 2 1,When does the story happen (发生) ? And where? 2, How many people in the story? And who? Pre-task : While -task : 1, Who can have the money? And why? The fisherman can have his money because he is honest. 2, How many people in the story? And who? While -task : Four . The old businessman ,t he factory worker ,t he coach , t he fisherman . While -task : 1,What does the business man say to those three people ? 2, What do they bring? While -task : What does the business man say to those three people ? Bring him the flowers,the man with the most beautiful flowers can have his money. 1,Read in groups and finish the table . 小组内读故事,完成表格。 P ost -task : 2, Try to r etell the story to your partners . 试着小组内复述故事。 R etell the story What happens: 1. The old businessman has lots of _______________ 2. The businessman meet three men. He gives them ____________ 3. The factory worker brings____________________ money three seeds a big red flower 4. The coach brings_ ____________ ______________ 5. The fisherman brings________________________ 6. ________________can have his money because he is honest. (a big red flower; the fisherman; money; a small purple flower; three seeds; nothing ) a small purple flower nothing The fisherman Act it out ! 表演故事! No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘,一分收获。 Hope : Read more! 多多读书吧! Homework: 1, Tell your parents what you have learn t from the story. 告诉爸爸妈妈你从故事中学到了什么道理。 2, Retell the story to your parents. 向爸爸妈妈复述这个故事。 Thank you !

