六年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 A School Sale Period 4 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 A School Sale Period 4 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 6 A School Sale 第四课时 >>Lead-in Free talk Do you often go to the shop? What does the shop sell? What will you buy there? Do you often go to the library? >>Presentation Look and say a pair of scissors s tory book glue t oy car magazine >>Presentation Listen and tick What did the girl buy? >>Presentation Ask and answer A: There will be a new film tomorrow? B: Really? Will you go to see it ? A: Sure. Would you like to go to see the film with me? B: Great! Let’s go together. a new film / go to see it >>Presentation Ask and answer a school sale/ take part in it rain / make a model plane a music class /play the guitar >>Presentation Read and fill in the blanks Next weekend, our school will have a s___ on the playground. I will take part in it with my f_____, Li Shan. I will sell some m________ and color pencils. I love my magazines. They are very interesting. But I want m ____ pupils to read them. Li Shan will s___ some notebooks and some t____. It will be the first time for me. How exciting! Oh, I can’t wait! ale riend agazines ore ell oys 答案 >>Summary 本课所学的重点词汇有哪些? notebook magazine glue s tory book m odel plane t oy car a pair of scissors >>Summary 本课所学的重点句型有哪些? There will be a sale at our school. What will you sell? What shall we do with the …? We’ll give it to … >>Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 复习本单元所学的重点词汇及句型。 3 . 预习 Unit7 A Let’s learn 。 Thank You

