六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Period 2 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting Period 2 陕旅版(三起)

Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting 第二课时 >>Review Quick response throwing have a sports meeting 100-meter race long jump high jump running race >>Lead-in Think and talk A: What’s your favorite sport? B: My favorite sport is … A: How often do you play it? B: I play it … >>Presentation Q 1: Look at the picture. Who is the boy? Look, then ask and answer He is Liu Zhaoyang. Q 2: What are they talking about? They are talking about the sports meeting. >>Presentation ask and answer Q 1: How does Liu Zhaoyang look? Why? Q 2: How did he do at the sports meeting? Q 3: Who was the first in the 100-meter race? He looks tired. Because he took part in the boys’ 100-meter race and the long jump. He was the first in the 100-meter race. Liu Zhaoyang. >>Presentation Let’s talk Amy: You look tired. Liu: Yes. We had the school sports meeting yesterday. Amy: What sport did you take part in? Liu: I took part in the boys’ 100-meter race and the long jump. Amy: Great! Did you win? >>Presentation Let’s talk Liu: Yes. I was the first in the 100-meter race. Amy: How about the long jump? Liu: I lost it. Amy: Anyway, you did well. Liu: Thank you. Read it by yourselves for one minute . 自读课文一分钟。 Learning tip : 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师! 开始 一分钟倒计时 50 40 60 30 20 10 >>Practice 小组合作,声音洪亮,有感情地正确朗读课文。 C 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,脱离课本,口语表达较准确流利,感情与肢体语言较丰富。 B 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,能结合已有知识或生活,对内容有创新,口语表达准确流利,感情与肢体语言丰富。 A Good Great Excellent 角色扮演,小组先进行练习,然后展示,其他同学评价。 Role play >>Practice Look and say What sport is it? throwing long jump high jump 100-meter race A: What sport did he take part in at the school sports meeting? B: He took part in the throwing . A: Did he win it? B: Yes, he did. /No , he didn’t. He lost it. >>Practice Ask and answer >>Practice Make new conversations and act boys’ throwing throw far girls’ 60-meter race run fast girls’ high jump jump high A: We will have a sports meeting next week. B: Really? What sport will you take part in? A: I will take part in the boys’ throwing . B: Do you throw far ? A: Yes, I do. I won’t it last year. >>Summary 本课所学的重点句型: -What sport did you take part in? -I took part in the … - Did you win? -Yes. I was the first in … >>Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 仿照课文 Let’s talk 进行新的对话创编。 3 . 预习 Unit4 B Let’s learn more 。 Thank You

