六年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 What does he do?Period 2 人教PEP版 (共13张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 What does he do?Period 2 人教PEP版 (共13张PPT)

Unit 5 What does he do? 第二课时 businessman head teacher taxi driver writer dancer football player factory worker She is a worker, she works in a factory. So she is a factory worker. What does he do? postman He is a man, he works in post office. So he is a postman. What does she do? post officer She is a officer, she works in a police station. So she is a post officer. 职业词汇的构成 职业词汇的构成,有以下几种情况: a. 词尾直接加 -er ,如: work+ er = worker, sing + er = singer, clean + er = cleaner b. 以 e 结尾的直接加 -r ,如: dance + r = dancer, drive + r = driver c. 词尾加 -or ,如: visit + or = visitor , e. 词尾加 -man 或 -woman ,如: business +man =businessman (男) business + woman = businesswoman ( 女 ) Role playing Ask a few students to play a factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer. A: Are you a postman? B: No. I am … A: What does he do? B: He is a … Let’s learn Listen and read. Zhang Peng: Is your father a postman? Oliver: No, he isn’t. Zhang Peng: What does he do? Oliver: He’s a businessman. Work in pairs and change the job. Listen, match and say. Jiao Jie’s mother Ge Nan’s father Zhou Jia’s mother Liu Qian’s father police officer postman factory worker businesswoman Jiao Jie’s mother is a businesswoman. Ge Nan’s father is a … Group work Interview your partners about their parents’ work using the follow sentences. Then fill the form. At last do a report. Name father Mother Tom Is your father /mother a ….? What does your father / mother do ? He/she is a … Tom’s father is a … but his mother is a … Summary Words: factory worker postman businessman police officer Sentences: Are you a …? Is your father a postman? What does he do? He’s a … Homework 回家采访你身边的朋友,长大后的理想是做什么工作?

