冀教六年级上Unitlesson Are you ready for a quiz

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冀教六年级上Unitlesson Are you ready for a quiz

‎(冀教版)英语教案六年级上册 unit1 Lesson7‎ Lesson7 :Are you ready for a quiz ?‎ 教学目标:‎ 掌握本单元的四会词汇 能够运用本单元所学的单词组成句子,运用到实际生活中去。‎ 理解故事内容,并能用自己的话复述故事.‎ 教学重难点:‎ ‎1. 本单元的重点单词、句型。‎ ‎2. 频率副词的区别与运用。‎ ‎3. 理解故事内容,并学会复述。‎ 教具、学具准备:教师卡片、录音机、故事书等。‎ 教学过程:‎ 一、Greetings 二、Revision ‎1.复习表示房间的单词:‎ T: Hello, everyone. 今天老师想检验大家的记忆力,看看谁的记忆力最棒。,教师出出示单词卡,每个词读一边之后,让学生回答:What do see in my hand ? 采用这个“过目不忘”的游戏,避免了学生枯燥的读的过程。‎ ‎2.利用书中的题目进行测试。‎ T: Now let’s have a text. Look at these pictures.(教师放录音,让学生口头回答后再写下来 ,集体订正。)‎ ‎3.、Story: (教师在让学生听故事之前,出示几个问题)‎ Did Baby Becky have fun?‎ Did her mother have fun ? Why not?‎ Where does Baby Becky ‘help’ her mother cook?‎ How does Baby Becky get dirty?‎ Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty?‎ Where does her mother go when she is tired?‎ Do you like this story ? Why or why not?‎ ‎4.放录音,让学生回答这几个问题。还可以让学生自己提出问题,其他学生帮助解决。‎ ‎5.活动手册:第3题。‎ ‎6.结束课堂教学:Sing a song .‎ 板书:‎ Lesson7 :Are you ready for a quiz ?‎ Did Baby Becky have fun?‎ Did her mother have fun ? Why not?‎ Where does Baby Becky ‘help’ her mother cook?‎ How does Baby Becky get dirty?‎ Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty?‎ Where does her mother go when she is tired?‎ Do you like this story ? Why or why not?‎ Exercise:‎ Fill in the blanks a. It’s 7:00.Time for breakfast. My mother __________s breakfast .‎ b. My hands are ______ . I want to ______my hands .‎ c. This is a towel . ______ your hands . Now your hands are ______. Let’s go to the kitchen . Mum is ______ing your eggs on the stove.‎ d. This book is mine . That is ______.‎ Word list:‎ clean, dirty , dry , cook , make , wash , yours ‎

