陕旅版英语六年级上册Revision 2优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册Revision 2优质课件

Revision 2 陕旅六年级上册 Review——words scarf wallet sunglasses warm jacket rain boots school bag gloves beach volleyball museum laugh cry guitar Review——phrases 刚才 在 ...... 前面 照顾;照看 离开 讲笑话 演话剧 开始;起初 just now in front of... look after go away tell a joke act a play at the beginning... Review——sentences Where is/are ...? Where was/were ... Yesterday? What did you do last weekend? Where did you go on your holiday? What do you think of ... ? Play roles with your partner with the sentences above . Where is the school bag? It’s on the desk. Where were you yesterday? I was in my house. What did you do last weekend? I did some housework. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to the Great Wall. What do you think of our party? It’s great! Listen and tick or cross 1 1.The rain boots are behind the door. 2.Tina went to the zoo yesterday afternoon. 3.Miss Li was at school this morning. 4.The book was really funny. 5.The boy played the guitar at the New Year’s party. × √ × × √ 1.A. Where are my rain boots, Mom? B. They were under your bed just now. Look, they are still there. 2. A. What did you do yesterday, Tina? B. In the morning, I did my homework. And in the afternoon, I went to the zoo. Listening material 3. A. What’s wrong with Miss Li? She wasn’t at school this morning. B. She was ill in hospital. A. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. 4. A. What do you think of the book? B. It was too sad. It made me cry. 5. A. Did you sing at the New Year’s party ? B. No. But I played the guitar. Listening material Look and write 2 1. Last weekend, Lucy helped her mother______________. 2. Wang Lin ______________ and it made everyone laugh. 3. We went to Xi’an and ______________ sweep the floor told a joke visited the museum 4. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I ________________. 5. A: Did you _________ yesterday? B: No, I didn’t. made a cake act a play 3 Play a game 1.Act: You are laughing. 2.Answer: What did you do last weekend? 3.Stop once. 4.Go to 14. 5.Ask a question with “where”. 6.Sing an English song. 7.Act:Make a cake. 8.Answer: How often do you go shopping? 9.Go back to 5. 10. Take out your Math book. 11.Act:You are playing the guitar. 12.Go to 15. 13.Tell a joke. 14.Make a sentence with “saw”. 15.Answer:How do you get to Hainan? 16.Go back to 7. 17.Ask about the weather yesterday. 18.Act:You are crying. 19.Stop once. 20.Greet your partner. 4 A:How often do you travel? B:Once a year. A:Where did you go last year? B:I went to... Talk in groups Play roles with your partner with the sentences above . Where did you go last year? I went to Guilin. A:How about going to the park? B:We can see an animal show. C:Where shall we go? 5 Choose, complete and act Mr. Zhao: Let’s go out to play next week. _____ Kevin: Why not go to the zoo? _____ Alice: I don’t like that. Let’s go to the mountains. Li Shan: It’s too far. _____ We can go boating. Wu Chen: Good idea. And we can take a walk in the park. C B A 6 Read and answer It was Saturday morning. Miss White, Su Nan, Colin and Liu Zhaoyang went to the mountains together. There were many tall trees and beautiful flowers. The children had a picnic under a big tree. Then it was time to go home. But where was Liu Zhaoyang’s cap? “Look! Your cap is in the monkey’s hand.” said Su Nan, “Let’s climb up the tree and get it back.” “No. Monkeys can climb trees well, but we can’t.” Liu Zhaoyang said. “How about putting some bananas under the tree?” asked Colin. “Good idea!” Su Nan said. They put some bananas under the tree. The monkey came down, threw the cap and took the bananas away. Now, Liu Zhaoyang got his cap back. They went home happily. Questions 1.What did the students do on Saturday? 2. Where did they have the picnic? 3. Did the children climb the mountains? They went to the mountains. They had a picnic under a big tree. No, they didn’t.

