牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 》PPT课件 (3)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 》PPT课件 (3)

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Checkout time Do you remeber their summer holiday plans? I’ll go back to _________. I will _________ for _________. I’ll visit my_______________in ________. I will go by _________. London stay there a month aunt and uncle Beijing train Think and say I’ll go to ___________ with __________. I will go to __________ and _____________ too. I’ll go to ________ with ___________. I will ___________________ after ____________. Hong Kong my family Disneyland Ocean Park Taipei my parents show you some photos the holiday Think and say My summer holiday plans This summer, I will go to ____________________. I will go there by ___________________. I will go there in/on __________________. I will stay there for ___________________. I will do many things there. I will_________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I will have a wonderful summer holiday! Try to say Bei jing by plane July five days visit the Great Wall ,the Summer place and the Palace Museum. I'll eat some nice food,too. Do a survey 用下面的句型问一问你朋友的暑假计划吧 Do a report Our summer holiday plans My friend and I have different plans for the summer holiday. I’ll __________________________________________ _____________________________________________He’ll/She’ll____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ … Cartoon time What does Bobby say? I want to be a traveller and travel around the world. a travel book Watch and answer What’s Bobby’s travel plans? Read and answer What’s Bobby’s travel plans? First , Next , Then , he’ll go to the UK. he’ll go to the US. he’ll go to the Australia. But how will they get to the UK? By plane. Let’s listen Let’s act 注意模仿语音 , 语调和动作哦 ! Think and say

