六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things Period 2 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things Period 2 沪教牛津版

Period 2 Unit 9 Reusing things Look and spell _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c e n v e l o p e p e n h o l d e r v a s e a n Read and choose 1. She grabbed a ____ of soda out of the fridge. 2. Before you send a letter, you have to stick the stamp on the _________. 3. Somebody broke the ____ and the flowers were all over the floor. 4. I need a __________ to put my pencils and rulers in. envelope can pen holder vase can envelope vase pen holder Read aloud recycle Think and say Can we recycle these things? waste sorting Watch and learn What happened to the plastic bottle? think Which one is a plastic bottle? Read and number 2 1 3 4 5 Read and match rubbish bin trash can garbage bin Read and complete The truck took us to a factory. Some people cleaned us and put us into a big machine. We became small pieces. Finally, they made us into a piece of cloth. Look at your T-shirt. Does it look like a plastic bottle? A street cleaner found me. He put me into a truck. There were a lot of other bottles in the truck. A street cleaner found me. He put me into a truck. There were a lot of other bottles in the truck. The truck took us to a factory. Some people cleaned us and put us into a big machine. We became small pieces. Finally, they made us into a piece of cloth. Look at your T-shirt. Does it look like a plastic bottle? a truck piece s cloth a piece of cloth A street cleaner found me. He put me into a truck. There were a lot of other bottles in the truck. The truck took us to a factory. Some people cleaned us and put us into a big machine. We became small pieces. Finally, they made us into a piece of cloth. Look at your T-shirt. Does it look like a plastic bottle? Read aloud Retell the story I’m a … A week ago, I was … Then a woman … The next morning, the woman … A street cleaner … The truck … Some people … We became … Finally, … Do you know? Do you know Do you know? Think and discuss waste pollution Flush the toilet with used water. Don’t buy things from shops when you can make them at home. Donate old clothes to people in remote places. Don’t throw old books away. Start book floating! Reject disposable tableware. Save our planet! … Don’t waste food. Drink boiled water instead of bottled water. Homework 1 read Student’s Book. 2 Recite. 3 Learn about recycling and waste sorting. 4 Finish Workbook. Thank You

