六年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 What Is He like? Period 3 陕旅版(三起)

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六年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 What Is He like? Period 3 陕旅版(三起)

0 Unit 5 What Is He like? 第三课时 >>Review Make sentences -What is … like? -… is … -What do you think of …? -… is … >>Lead-in Free talk When do you get up? When do you have breakfast? When do you come to school? How do you come to school? When do you have English class? >>Presentation Say and do get up run have breakfast have a read have a class play football >> Presentation Look and imagine >> Presentation Read and answer Who was Jack’s English teacher? What was she like? Mrs. Brown. She is very serious. Where is Jack’s English book? It’s on the school bus just now. >> Presentation Let’s learn more Jack got up late this morning. He ran to the school bus without breakfast. He got to the classroom at eight o’clock. Then he couldn’t find his English book. His English teacher was very serious. What should he do? >> Presentation Let’s learn more Then it was the English class. Mrs. Brown came in. Jack said to her, “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Brown. I can’t find my English book.” Mrs. Brown wasn’t angry. She took out a book and smiled, >> Presentation Let’s learn more >> Presentation Let’s learn more “Is this your English book? I saw it on the school bus just now. What a hard-working boy!” Jack’s face got red. >> Practice Number the pictures Read again and finish the tasks. 3 1 5 4 2 >> Practice Read it by yourselves for one minute. 自读对话一分钟。 Tips: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会读或不明白意思的单词或句子,可以把它圈起来,请教同学或老师! 开始 一分钟倒计时 50 40 60 30 20 10 >> Practice Act in roles. ( 分角色演) Read together. ( 齐读 ) Read in roles. (分角色读) 两人一组,先朗读再表演这个有趣的故事吧。 3 1 2 >> Practice Read and judge Jack got up late this morning. ( ) Jack ran to school. ( ) Jack had breakfast at 8:00. ( ) Mrs. Brown is his English teacher. ( ) Mrs. Brown was very kind. ( ) √ √ × √ × 答案 >> Summary 根据图片提示简要复述课文内容 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ >> Homework 1 . 按照 正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 将 Let’s learn more 课文 内容复述给自己的家人 。 3 . 预习 B Read the words 。 Thank You

