2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit3 Part B 第二课时 精品课件

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2020人教版PEP英语六年级下册 Unit3 Part B 第二课时 精品课件

Unit 3 Where did you go ? Part B Let's learn Look and say 人教版(三年级起点 ) 六年级下册 Let's learn 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Let's learn ● Look and say Let’s chant I rode a horse. What did you do? I went camping. What did you do? I went fishing. What did you do? I rode a bike. What did you do? Oh, no! I hurt my foot. Warm-up/Revision 【 过去式 】 ate eat ( 动词 ) 吃 He ate fresh food last summer holiday. 去年暑假他吃了新鲜的食物。 Presentation take ( 动词 ) 拍照 【 过去式 】 took 【短语】 take pictures 拍照片 take photos 拍照片 He took pictures last summer holiday. 去年暑假他拍了照片。 buy ( 动词 ) 买 【 过去式 】 bought He bought gifts last summer holiday. 去年暑假他买了礼物。 gift ( 名词 ) 礼物 【复数 】 gifts T his is my birthday gift . 这是我的生日礼物。 Do and guess Listen and answer the question How was your summer holiday, Yifan ? It was good. I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. Let's learn 点击“ Let's learn ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 Present (原形) Past (过去式) eat go take buy ate went took bought I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures. 每个周末我都去游泳还拍了许多照片。 【 辨析 】 and 和 with 都可以作“和”讲。但是用法却不同。具体如下: and 是连词 , 可以连接两个或两个以上的并列单词或短语 , 或用于把两个或两个以上的有并列关系、动作先后关系或者是有条件和结果关系的句子连接起来。 重点句型 Role play Look and say He took pictures of food. He went swimming. He bought nothing. Robin is not for sale! 写出下列动词的过去式。 eat——          take ——          buy ——           read ——         see ——      ate took bought read saw Test 连词成句。 1.  did,   what,   do,   you,   last,   Monday    (?)                      2.  ate,   he,    fresh,   food,    yesterday     (.)                          3.  you,    did,    where,   go,   Sunday,    last     (?)                     4.  all,     are,    right,  you   (?)   What did you do last Monday? He ate fresh food yesterday. Where did you go last Sunday? Are you all right? 重点词汇 eat 吃 take 拍照 buy 买 gift 礼物 Sum-up 重点句型 I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures . 每个周末我都去游泳还拍了许多照片。 1.Listen to the tape and read to your parents. 2.Write the phrases. Homework Thank you!

