六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things Period 1 沪教牛津版

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六年级英语课件-Module 3 Unit 9 Reusing things Period 1 沪教牛津版

Unit 9 Reusing things Period 1 Read and learn to use again reuse re + v. re write re tell re do re draw What can we reuse? Talk and share cans What can we reuse? bottles What can we reuse? judge Mrs Wang asks Alice to throw away the bottles and cans. ( ) They will put rubbers and crayons in the small can. ( ) They will put pencils and rulers in the bottle. ( ) They will make the big can into a pen holder. ( ) F T F T Can I throw away these bottles and cans? Read and learn No, we should keep them. (not to keep) vase Read and learn We usually put ________ in a vase. water and tea cookies and biscuits flowers pen holder Read and learn A pen holder holds __________________. pens and pencils some flowers the bottle some pens, pencils and rulers the big can some rubbers and crayons the small can Read aloud Read and complete Do you have any other ideas to reuse bottles and cans? ? paper Others things we can reuse write on both sides envelope stick the envelopes together and put pictures and cards in. reuse a biscuit box and put small items in. From waste to wealth Think and discuss 1. Why do people reuse things? 2. Do you reuse anything at home? 3. What do you reuse at school? Homework read Student’s Book pages 54, 55, and 58. Talk about something you can reuse at home. Finish Workbook pages 60 and 61. Thank You

