冀教六年级下unit Lesson At the gym篇

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冀教六年级下unit Lesson At the gym篇

冀教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Sports Lesson 3 At the Gym 一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:‎ ‎1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . ‎ ‎2.Student can understand read say and practice the words heavy and light.‎ ‎3.Student can understand read say and follow the following directions: ‎ catch, hit and throw.‎ 二.The Importance and The Difficult point:‎ The importance: Practice the dialogue.‎ The difficult point: Four skills the verbs.‎ 三.Teaching Aids:‎ some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder 四.Allocation of time: ‎ one course 五.Teaching steps:‎ Step 1.Organizing the teaching ‎1)Greetings ‎2)Sing an English song. ‎ Step 2. Revision ‎1)Review learn and teach with a game. ‎ Ask for two volunteers. ‎ Whisper to them that you want to be a teacher and the other to be a student. ‎ Ask the class to guess what the volunteers are acting out.Use questions such as:‎ Who is the teacher?‎ Who is the student?‎ What is the teacher doing?(Teaching)‎ What is the student doing?(learning)‎ Step 3.Key concepts:‎ light-heavy catch hit throw ‎ ‎1)Introduce:‎ a.Demonstrate “heavy” and “light” with real heavy and light objects, ‎ such as a stone and a feather.‎ b.Usea pingpong ball to demonstrate “throw”“catch”and “hit”. ‎ Perform the actions with the ball as the teacher say the words.‎ ‎2)Student book :‎ a.Review the story so far.LiMing and Jenny went to the store to buy some clothes and some student book.Where are they now?What are they doing?What happens?‎ b.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.‎ ‎3)Practice: Divide the class into small groups.‎ Ask each group to make up a dialogue about teaching each other a sport or sports.‎ ‎ 六.Students’ activity:‎ ‎1.Daily dialogue with each other.‎ ‎2.Game: Whisper.‎ ‎3.Imitation.‎ ‎4.Discuss the story in the student book.‎ ‎5.Group work :A dialogue about teaching sports.‎ ‎ 七.Blackboard:‎ Lesson 3 At the Gym ‎ heavy-----------light ‎ ‎ throw-----------catch ‎ hit 冀教版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Sports Lesson 3 At the Gym 教学目标:‎ 让学生四会掌握单词:‎ light ,heavy, catch, hit, throw 教学重难点:‎ 让学生四会掌握单词:‎ light ,heavy, catch, hit, throw 教学时间:‎ 一课时。‎ 教具准备:‎ 录音机、卡片等。‎ 教学程序:‎ 开始上课和复习 复习 ‎● 用游戏来复习learn 和teach这两个单词。‎ 找两名自告奋勇的学生。老师悄悄地告诉这两名学生一名将扮作“教师”,一名将扮作“学生”。“教师”在教“学生”写数字。然后让全班学生猜他们在表演什么。 ‎ 教师可用如下问句:‎ Who is the teacher?‎ Who is the student?‎ What is the teacher doing?‎ What is the student doing?‎ 重要概念:‎ light ,heavy,‎ ‎ catch, hit, throw 介绍 ‎●用重和轻的实物,如一块石头和一片羽毛,演示light和 heavy,‎ 用教师带进课堂的一个ping pong ball,‎ 或一个又大又软的球来向学生演示throw catch hit,‎ 用球来表示这些动作,同时说出这些单词。‎ 运用 利用《教科书》与录音带 ‎● 复习刚刚学过的故事,上一节课,Liming 和Jenny去商店买一些衣物 以及ping pong ball,观察书上的图片。‎ 他们现在在哪儿?‎ 他们在做什么?‎ 发生了什么事情?‎ ‎● 做游戏Question Toss 利用《活动手册》‎ 检查理解情况 家庭作业:‎ 板书设计:‎ BOOK8 lesson3: At the Gym 教材分析:‎ 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元第三课.本节以体育馆为课堂,通过实际运动和操作,区分catch, hit, throw三个动词,使学生在动中学,乐趣无穷.‎ 学生分析:‎ 六年级学生活泼好动,对各种体育运动都报有极大兴趣.把学习融入生活中,极大提高了学生的学习兴趣,使他们对学好英语更有信心.‎ 设计理念: ‎ 本节较为密切地联系学生的生活,让学生在玩中学,做中学,较大程度地参与到教学中来,成为学习的主人.‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.会听说读写throw, catch, hit, heavy, light.能听说读net.‎ ‎2.能根据各种体育动作,简单地说出相对应的英语.‎ 教学重点:1、2 ‎ 教学难点:目标2‎ 教具学具:篮球,乒乓球 教学流程: ‎ 一、Class opening and review.‎ ‎1.以“What's your favourite sport?” 提问,让学生们试说出自己喜爱的运动。(对于不会的单词,可以用动作表示。)‎ ‎2.Can you play basketball? Can you play ping-pong ball? Are you ready to paly basketball? Are you ready to learn ping-pong?老师以不同的问题提问不同的学生,吸引学生的注意力.然后以 Let's go!带学生到体育馆去.‎ 二、New Concepts.‎ ‎1、老师做抛球的动作,边做边说:“I'm throwing the basketball.”反复说两次,让学生跟自己拼读throw.学生们拿起篮球,边做抛的动作边说:“Throw, throwing. I'm throwing the ‎ basketball.”2、一学生把球传到老师手中,老师说:“I'm catching the basketball.”反复两次,让学生跟自己拼读catch.学生两人为一组,互相传球,拿到球的一方就说:“I'm catching the basketball.”‎ ‎3、老师走到乒乓球台前,用拍子打乒乓球,边打边说:“I'm hitting the ball,I'm hitting the ball to Li Ming.”让学生跟自己拼读hit。学生两人一组打乒乓球,边打边练习说:“I'm hitting the ball to ......”老师在巡视过程中,如发现不会打的同学打到了自己的手,伺机教学:“Poor xx, you hit your hand!”‎ ‎4、老师一手拿篮球,一手拿乒乓球,教学 heavy和 light。老师说:“The basketball is heavy. The ping-pong ball is light.”把篮球交给一名学生,老师手指篮球说:“Throw the basketball at the net,please.”教学net。‎ ‎5、学生分组活动,要求根据自己的不同的活动和动作,说出与本节相关的词语或句子。‎ 三、Class Closing:‎ 集合学生,面对面站成两排,听老师的口令做出相应的动作,练习巩固throw, hit 和catch。 ‎ 板书设计: ‎ Lesson 3: At the Gym ‎ I'm throwing the basketball. ‎ I'm catching the basketball. ‎ I'm hitting the ball to Li Ming.‎ ‎(冀教版)六年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Lesson 3 At the Gym ‎ 一、Teaching Objectives and Demands: 1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . 2.Student can understand read say and practice the words heavy and light. 3.Student can understand read say and follow the following directions: catch, hit and throw. 二、The Importance and The Difficult point: The importance: Practice the dialogue.‎ ‎ The difficult point: Four skills the verbs. 三、Teaching Aids: some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder 四、Allocation of time: one course 五、Teaching steps: Step 1.Organizing the teaching 1.Greetings 2.Sing an English song. Step 2. Revision Review learn and teach with a game. Ask for two volunteers. Whisper to them that you want to be a teacher and the other to be a student. Ask the class to guess what the volunteers are acting out. Use questions such as: Who is the teacher Who is the student What is the teacher doing (Teaching) What is the student doing (learning) Step 3.Key concepts: light-heavy catch hit throw Introduce: a. Demonstrate "heavy" and "light" with real heavy and light objects, such as a stone and a feather. b. Use a ping pong ball to demonstrate "throw" "catch" and "hit". Perform the actions with the ball as the teacher say the words. 2.Student book : a. Review the story so far. LiMing and Jenny went to the store to buy some clothes and some student book. Where are they now? What are they doing? What happens? b. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books. 3.Practice: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about teaching each other a sport or sports. 六、Students' activity: 1.Daily dialogue with each other. 2.Game: Whisper. 3.Imitation. 4.Discuss the story in the student book. 5.Group work :A dialogue about teaching sports. ‎ 七、Blackboard: Lesson 3 At the Gym heavy-----------light throw-----------catch hit Teaching summing-up: Teaching summing-up:‎

