Lesson 22 Surprise!

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Lesson 22 Surprise!

Lesson 22 Surprise!‎ 教学内容分析:‎ 本课为我们提供了两个运用语言的语境。第一个语境为Danny和Jenny商量给即将回国的李明举行一个聚会。第二个语境是Jenny电话邀请Steven参加为李明举行的聚会,并强调聚会要来早,给李明一个惊喜。在学习新单词和 句型的过程中,通过情景教学的方式,把学生带入“surprise party”的情景中,并使用实物、图片等直观教具,使 教学内容更加贴近学生的生活,使学习过程真实而有趣提高了学生的参与热情。‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎(一)知识目标:‎ ‎1.Four skills:‎ cake, cookies, sugar, someone, ice cream ‎2.Three skills:‎ flour, oil, salt, bowl ‎3.学生能听懂并会运用句型 How long is _______?‎ ‎(二)能力目标:‎ 通过课本剧表演,培养学生在真实情境中运用语言的能力。‎ ‎(三)情感目标:‎ 通过本课的学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心他人,产生积极的情感体验。‎ 教学重、难点分析:‎ 掌握新授单词,学习课文后进行课本剧的表演。 教学课时:‎ 一课时 教学过程:‎ ‎(一).Class Opening and Review ‎1.Greetings:‎ T: Hello , boys and girls. How are you?‎ S: Fine , thank you . And you?‎ T: I’m fine , too . What day is today? What’s the date today ? How’s the weather?‎ ‎2.Students answer these questions together.‎ ‎3.Sing an English song.‎ ‎4.Act out dialogues.‎ T: Do you like a party?‎ S: Yes.‎ T: Li Ming has lived in Canada for ten months. Let’s have a party for him. I think we can invite some friends for the party. Who do you want to invite? Please call them.‎ ‎(教师出示一部电话提示学生编一个电话会话)‎ Show their telephone conversations.‎ ‎(由于是复习旧知识,学生们可提前准备好道具,教师要提醒学生正确使用“打电话”用语。如:Who’s that speaking? This is …Is that…speaking? Yes, it is.等。)‎ ‎(二).Key Concepts ‎1. Presentation.‎ T: Today is Li Ming’s party . Yesterday I bought some things for the party. What are they ?(出 示课件,学生边看边回答。)‎ S: Watermelon , pop , pizza , apples , banana… T: But I think we need some more things. What do we need?‎ S: We need…(学生也许会给出很多不同的答案,如“蛋糕、饼干、牛奶、水果等”)‎ T: (出示课件:一块蛋糕,一些饼干) Yes, we need a cake, some cookies. (出示实物“cookies” )‎ They are cookies,and this is a cookie.(教师区别单复数,并将图片出示给学生)‎ Students read and spell the new words T: Can you make a cake? What do we need to make a cake? (学生也许会给出不同的答案如:鸡蛋,‎ 牛奶等,教师可拿出准备好的物品帮助他们回答) T : We must have these things to make cookies.. What are they? You can taste it and guess.‎ ‎(学生通过品尝得出结论,是油,盐,糖,面粉。但要学生注意面粉和花的发音一样,做cookies需要面粉而不是 花)‎ Then teach and read these new words.‎ T+S: We need flour, oil, salt, sugar to make cookies.‎ ‎2. Listen and Say T: Now, Li Ming’s friends Jenny, Danny make some cookies. But, when they begin making cookies, there’s someone at the door. Who’s that? (教师走到门口敲门,用身势语解释there’s someone at the door.的意思。)‎ They make some cookies, what does every cookie have? Kim bought a gift for the party. What did she buy?(教师一边提问,一边出示幻灯,打出问题,) Please listen to the tape and answer the questions.‎ ‎(放录音,学生听后回答问题。此环节培养学生在短时间内捕捉英语信息的能力以及锻炼他们的听说能力。)‎ ‎(三)、课堂练习:‎ 根据课文内容填“T”、“F”.‎ ‎1.Kim is late for the party . ( )‎ ‎2.What do you need to make cookies ?‎ We need eggs, sugar flour and oil . ( )‎ ‎3.Mr.Smith and Liming don’t know the party . ( )‎ ‎4.Danny ,Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cookie has letter . ( )‎ ‎(四)、作业安排:‎ 互动英语第1、2、3题做到作业本上。‎ ‎(五)、Class Closing Sing a song.‎ T: Let’s sing a song for Li Ming. Let’s wish he and his friends “Auld Lang Syne”. Play the tape, students listen to the music and sing the song. ‎ 附录(教学资料及资源):‎ 教学课件、单词卡片。‎ 自我问答:‎ 为了吸引学生的注意力,必须有所保留与顾及地变换教学方式,让他们在相对新鲜的活动中保持精力集中,在老 师的引领下有效学习,进而达到脱离老师完全自学的教育 终极目标。‎

