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小升初英语语法专项训练:名词练习 一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式。 bus ___________ sheep ___________ woman ___________ dress___________story___________watch___________ pencil-box___________ apple tree___________ stamp___________ geese___________ babies___________ teeth___________ students___________ stars___________ families___________ farmers___________ peaches___________ policeman___________ fish___________ knife___________box___________ shelf ___________ man___________ child___________leaf ___________ foot ___________ 二、用下列名词的正确形式填空。 1.Is this __________(apple) ? No, it isn’t. 2.What are these? They are ________( orange). 3.Pass me _________(pencil ). 4.Give me some _________(egg)., please. 5.Are those your _______( shoe)? Yes, they are. 6.Those shoes are _______( Tom). 7.Is the big _____________ (orange)Linda’s? 8.There are two ________(knife) in the pencil-box. 9.This __________(T-shirt) is big. 10.How many _________(fish) are there in the river? 11.They have some new _________(hat). 12.A pig’s ______ (ear) are big. 三、翻译下列短语 1.第三课 ______________________2 六年四班______________________ 3.第十二中学_____________________ 4.七点半______________________ 5 黑色的鞋子 ____________________6 在家______________________ 7 三把小刀______________________ 8 一位老教师______________________ 9. 九点零三分______________________ 10. 用汉语 ______________________ 11. 多少______________________ 12. 上一节语文课______________________ 13. 中国邮票 ______________________ 14. 在太阳下读书______________________ 15. 听老师说________________________ 16. 看电视 ________________________ 四、找出下列单词中不同类的那一个。 1. A. April B. day C year D. month 2. A. snow B. rainy C windy D. sunny 3. A. manager B. farmer C. work D. nurse 4. A. season B. winter C. spring D. autumn 5. A. year B. month C. day D. May

