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六年级上册知识点盘点 Unit 1 一、词汇 bike (乘自行车) 交通工具 traffic tools on foot=walk走路by bus (乘公共汽车) train (乘火车) plane (乘飞机) ship (乘轮船) subway (乘地铁) traffic lights交通灯traffic rules交通规则stop停wait等 right side右 边 left side左边 二、句型 England英国Australi澳大利亚however但是if如果 ①询问交通方式用疑问代词how go to school? —— I go to schoolon foot. —— How do yougo to Canada? —— I goby plane. 我走路去上学。 你怎么去加拿大。 我坐飞机去。 —— Howdoes your father go to work?你 父亲怎样去上班? Hegoes to work by subway. 询问地点,用疑问代词where —— Where is your home ?你家在哪里? —— It’s near the post office .在邮局旁边。 问路—— 3H ow can I get to Zhongshan Park ?我怎么去中山公园? go by —— You can take You can 交通规则(traffic rules) 4 Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules. 1、Stopat a red light . 2、Waitat a yellow light . 3、Goat a green light . the No.1 bus.你可以坐一路车去。 the No .1 bus.go by=take乘坐 看交通灯。 记住交通规则 红灯停 黄灯停 绿灯行 4、In China and the US , drivers drive on therightside of the road . 在中国和美国,司机靠右行驶。 5、In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on theleftside of the road. 但是在英国和澳大利亚,司机靠左边行驶。 Unit 2 一、词汇 library图书馆 post office邮局 hospital医院 places: cinema电影院 east (地点) bookstore书店 science muse科学博物馆 bank银行 school学校 supermarket超市 shoe store鞋店 where在哪里pleas请next to与…相邻 north (北) west (西) (东) south(南) turn right右转弯turn left左转弯 go straight直走excuse me对不起want想要a pair of双then然后 minute分钟 get on上车 二、句型 (一)问路 take乘坐far from远离after school 放学以后get off下车 1.Where is the cinema, please? next to the hospital. in front of the school. behind the park It’s near the zoo. on the right/left of the bookstore. east of the bank. far from here. 请问电影院在哪儿? 在医院的旁边。 在学校的前面。 在公园的后面。 在动物园的附近。 在书店的左/右边。 在银行的东边。 离这儿很远。 2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here ? Yes, there is. 3.—How can I get to the hospital? —You can go by the No.15 bus. (二)指引路 1. You can go by the No.312 bus. 2. Get on / off at the cinema. 3. Walk straight for three minutes. 4. Turn right/ left at the hospital. 5. Walk east/ west/ south/ north for 5 minutes. 6. Is it far from here? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Unit 3 一、词汇 next week下周this morning今天上午 this evening今天晚上 请问这附近有电影院吗? 有。 我该怎样到达医院呢? 你可乘坐15路公车去那儿。 你可乘坐312路公交车去那儿。 在电影院上车/下车。 向前直走在分钟。 在医院向右/左转。 朝东/西/南/北/走5分钟. 离这儿远吗? 是的,挺远的。/不,不会很远。 tonight今夜this afternoon今天下午 tomorrow明天 shop商店典 newspaper报纸 magazine杂志comic book漫画dictionary字 post card明信片 果 take a trip去旅游theme park 主题公园buy some fruit买一些水 go to the cinema去看电影 Great Wall参观长城 pet shop宠物店fruit stand水果摊visit the shoe store鞋店 读有关植物的杂志 二、句型 busy忙碌的together一起地read a magazine about plants 阅 1.Whatare you going to do this afternoon?——I am going to buy books. 2.Whereare you going this afternoon?——I am going to the bookstore. 3.Howare you going to the bookstore this afternoon?——I am going by bus. 4.Whenare you going to the bookstore by bus?—— At 2 o’clock. 5.I’m going to have a busy weekend!我将要度过一个繁忙的周末。 6.----What are you going to do in the future?你将来想干什么? -----I’m going to be a science teacher one day.我想将来有一天当科学老师。 -----What about you ?你呢? -----I want to be a computer expert in the future.我想当个电脑专家。 Unit 4 一、知识点归纳 语法是动词的-ing形式和动词的第三人称单数形式。 (一)动词的ing形式: ride a bike (ridinga bike)骑自行车 dive (diving)跳水 hobby (爱好) play the violin (playingthe volin) 拉小提琴 make kites (makingkites )制作风筝 collect stamps (collectingstamps)集邮 询问某人的爱好: ----What’s your hobby?你 的爱好是什么? ----I like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮 like后面动词加ing形式,如:like playing the piano 动词-ing形式变化情况: 1.直接在单词后面加ing: play---playing the piano playing the erhu playing chess collect---collecting stamps listen---listening to music clean---cleaning the room 2.单词以e结尾的,去掉e再加ing dive ---diving live---living ride--- riding a bike 3.双写末尾字母再加ing swim---swimming run---running playing the violin playing football do---doing homework watch---watching TV fly---flying kites make---making a kite shop---shopping (二)一般现在时的用法(often,usually,always) 陈述句:a.主语(第一人称)+动词原型+其他。 I teach English.我教英语。 b.主语(第三人称单数)+动词s或es形式+其他 My father teaches English. 一般疑问句:Do/ Does +主语+动词原形+其他? Do you teach English?肯否 定回答: Yes,I do./No,I don’t. Does your father teach English?肯否 定回答: Yes,does ./ No, she doesn’t .she 主语是第三人称的时候,谓语动词要加s或es情况有以下几种: 1.一般情况是直接加s 2.以o,ch,sh结尾的,加es,比如: go—goes do---does watch—watches wash—washes teach---teaches 3.以y结尾要去掉y,加上ies,比如:fly—flies Unit 5 一、词汇 TV reporter singer writer anactor anactress 职业 anartist job anengineer anaccountant policeman salesperson cleaner 其他表示职业的词:worker (工人) teacher (老师) 二、句型 ①询问职业 What does he do ?/What is he ? 生。 What do you do ?/What are you ? 生。 ②询问工作的地点 (电视台记者) (歌手) (作家) (男演员) (女演员) (画家) (工程师) (会计师) (男警察) (销售员) (清洁工) doctor (医生) nurse (护士) student (学生) drive(司机、驾驶员) ——He is a doctor.他是做什么的?他是一个医 ——I ’m a student .你是做什么的?我是一个学 Where do you work ?你在哪儿工作?——I work in a school .我在一个学校工作。 Where does your mother work ?你妈妈在哪儿工作? 她在一个医院工作。 ——She works in a hospital . 一般疑问句:Does 是的。 he work in a company ?他 在公司工作吗?——Yes,he does . ③询问怎样去工作 How does your father go to work ?你父亲怎么去上班? 他开车去上班。 ④An artist draws pictures .画家画画。 A cleaner cleans streets .清洁工打扫街道。 A doctor helps sick people医生帮助病人。. A teacher teaches lessons .老师上课。 A salesperson sells things .销售员卖东西。 Unit 6 一、词汇 ——He goes to work by car . rain雨,下雨cloud云 vapour蒸汽 stream小溪sun太阳 come from…来自…;从…来 should应该then然后 become变成 little小的 二、句型 seed种子 shine照耀 soil土壤sprout苗,嫩芽plant植物 1、Where does the rain come from? It comes from the cloud. 2、How do you do that? 3、Would should you do then ? 4、描述事情的先后顺序和过程 first… then… next… How do you plant a tree? First dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Next water it often. Wait for it to grow. 雨来自于哪儿? 雨来自于云朵. 你怎样做呢? 然后你又该怎样做?

