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全册单元课件 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 Unit 1~ Unit 6(含recycle ) unit 1 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 How can I get there? Let’s learn & Make a map and talk Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up — Where is the picture? — It’s _____________________.on the wall/above the bed Ask and answer. — Where is the chair? — It’s _________________.in front of the desk — Where is the …? — It’s beside/near... Let’s chant. in在……里,on在……上, under,under,在……下面, near,beside,在……旁边。 in front of,在……前面, behind,behind,在……后面, between,between,在……中间。 library school What place is it? Lead in Have a guess. park zoo What place is it? New words It has many books, dictionaries, magazines there. If you want some books, you can go there. It’s a … Presentation 合成词 book(书) + store(商店)= bookstore(书店) shoe(鞋) + store(商店)= shoestore(鞋店) everyone playground schoolbag It’s a big place. If you want to see Kung Fu Panda, Spider Man… You can go there. What place is it? pet hospital If you have a headache, have a stomachache, have a cold, you can go there. What place is it? 科学博物馆 Opposite tune science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital What's the missing? — Where is the ___________? — It’s ____________ the science museum. hospital next to Language points 与……相邻 — Where is …? — It’s next to … Practice in pairs. Let’s learn Who are they? What do they say? Listen to the tape. It's next to the bookstore. Where is the cinema? Listen again and answer the question. Where is the cinema? It's next to the bookstore. Read in pairs. Wu Yifan: Robin: There is a pet hospital in my city. Where is it? It's near the park. pet hospital park Make a map and talkPractice cinema library zoo museum s c h o o l There is a _____ in my city. Where is it? It's near the ______. zoo school • sc_ence m_se_m • p_st _ffice • bookst_re • cin_m_ • h_sp_tal i 一、连线,并将单词补充完整。 Exercises 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( ) 1. — _______ is the library? — It's near the science museum. A. What B. where C. Where ( ) 2. I want to send a postcard. I should go to the______. A. post office B. library C. science museum ( ) 3. — Is there a library near here? — _____. It's next to the school gate. A. Yes, there is B. No, it isn’t C. Sorry, I don't know C A A 二、单项选择。 1. the, where, museum, is, science (?) __________________________________________________________ 2. there, is, in, office, post, the, a, city (.) ___________________________________________________________ 3. hospital, it, near, the, is (.) __________________________________________________________ Where is the science museum? There is a post office in the city. It is near the hospital. 三、连词成句。 Summary 1. 学习了五个表示建筑的单词及词组: cinema, post office, bookstore, science museum, hospital 2. 学习了句型: — Where is the …? — It’s next to … 七彩课堂 伴你成长 在四线三格中,将 本课所学词汇书写 四遍。 one two Homework 绘制一张地图,并 和你的朋友谈论。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up What place is it? cinema bookstore Have a guess. What place is it? hospital post office What place is it? 科学博物馆 science museum park school hospital library bookstore post officeshop museum — Where is the park? — It’s next to the school. Ask and answer. park school hospital library bookstore post officeshop museum — Where is …? — It’s next to/near/ beside/in front of… How do you like these robots? Lead in Where are Robin and Wu Yifan? Have a guess. Let’s try 1. Where are they? In the museum. In the bookstore. 2. Is Grandpa there? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick. √ √ 听力原文: Wu Yifan: Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin: Wu Yifan: These robots are so cool! I love this museum! Me too! Don't forget to buy some gifts for Grandpa. I know. But I really need to go to the bathroom. Where is it? It's on the second floor. OK, thanks. 忘记 Wu Yifan and John are looking at the robots in the museum. Wu Yifan has something to do. What does he do? Presentation Let’s talk 1. Circle all the places in the dialogue. museum school post office museum shop hospital 2. Where is the museum shop? 3. Where is the post office? It's near the door. It's next to the museum. Watch the video and answer these questions. 点击画面 播放视频 I want to buy a postcard. I want to send it today. Wu Yifan wants to go to the post office. What does he want to do? postcard post office car{明信片 What else? Language points want的用法 想要某物 eg. I want an orange. eg. I want to buy a pair of shoes. ① want + sth ② want + to + 动词原形 想要做某事 what引导的感叹句 What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 (+主语+谓语)! What + 形容词 + 复数/不可数名词 (+主语+谓语)! eg. What delicious food (it is)! Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! eg. What an interesting story (it is). Wu Yifan: Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin: Man: Robin: Man: Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. It’s near the door. Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, sir. Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Where is the post office? It’s next to the museum. Thanks. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. Let’s talk 问 先生(对男子的礼貌称呼) Wu Yifan: Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin: Man: Robin: Man: Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. It’s near the door. Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, sir. Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Where is the post office? It’s next to the museum. Thanks. Read in pairs. Wu Yifan: Robin: Wu Yifan: Robin: Man: Robin: Man: Robin, where is …? I want to … It’s … Thanks. Where is …? I want to ... I don’t know. I’ll ask ... Wow! A talking robot! … Where is the …? It’s ... Thanks. Act the text. Talk about the places in your city/town/village. Is there a ...? Where is it? It's near/next to/behind ... Practice Role play park restaurant library post office bank school hospital police station A: Is there a bank? B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it? B: It’s behind the library. park restaurant library post office bank school hospital police station A: Is there a hospital? B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it? B: It’s in front of the police station. park restaurant library post office bank school hospital police station A: Is there a …? B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it? B: It’s near/next to/behind … 一、看图,将下列单词补充完整。 p__stc__ __d l__br__r__ bookst__ __e m__se__m 1. 2. 3. 4. o a r oai y r u u Exercises ( ) 1. I want _______ a postcard. A. buy B. to buy C. buying ( ) 2. Sorry. I ______ know. A. do B. did C. don't ( ) 3. ______ a great city! A. How B. What C. Where ( ) 4. ______ lovely baby she is! A. How B. How a C. What B C B 二、单项选择。 C 三、根据首字母提示补全句子。 1. It's near the l______. 2. What a g______ museum! 3. E______ me, can you help me? 4. I want to s______ a postcard. 5. Wow! A t______ robot. ibrary reat xcuse end alking 1. 学习了下列单词:postcard, sir, ask 2. 学习了want的用法:want sth want + to + 动词原形 3. 学习了在情景中运用句型: — Where is the …? — It’s … Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读 let‘s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Be a tour guide 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Warm up Let’s chant. 点击画面 播放视频 Enjoy a song. Lead in 点击画面 播放视频 Left, left, right, right, go, turn around, go, go, go. I'm on the left. I'm on the right. on the left Presentation on the right New words ur /ɜː/ hamburgerr turn turkey 短语:at the crossing crossing turn left go straight turn right Listen to the tape and follow the tape. I say, you do. I do, you say. Play a game. 教师发指令,学生做动作。 Where is the Italian restaurant? 餐馆意大利的 Let’s learn It’s 12 o’clock. Mike and Wu Yifan are hungry. They want to go to the Italian restaurant. Listen to the tape. Turn left. Mike: Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? Robin: No, turn left. Listen again and follow the tape. Practice Have a guess. turn left turn right go straight crossing cc cc cc cc Play a game. crossing turn left go straight turn right Read the words. Be quiet when meeting the bomb. Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing. Can you help her? Now we are in front of Tian’anmen. Go straight and you can see the Place Museum. Be a tour guide Tian’an men Palace Museum Beihai Park Now we are ... Tian’an men Palace Museum Beihai Park Practice in pairs. go straight turn left crossing turn right Exercises 一、连连看。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. _____ can I get to the post office? A. Where B. How C. What ( )2. Don’t play ____ the crossing. A. on B. in C. at ( )3. Turn right ____ the restaurant. A. on B. in C. at B C C 二、单项选择。 三、补全对话。 1. —Where is the bookstore? — It’s near the ______________(科学博物馆). ______________________ (在东风路上). 2. —How can I get to the cinema? —_________(直走) and ____________________ (在十字路口右转). science museum on the Dongfeng Street Go straight turn right at the crossing Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇:crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right 2.学习了下列句型: —Where is the Italian restaurant? —Turn right here. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 将下列词汇抄写四遍: crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right one two Homework 听录音跟读let’s learn 部分对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Warm up Review some words and phrases. go straightturn left turn right crossing I say, you do. I do, you say. Play a game. 教师发指令,学生做动作。 T: I want to go to cinema. How can I get to the cinema? Ask and answer. S1: Turn left and go straight. S2: How can I get to the … S3: … 1. Who are they? 2. Where are they? What are they talking about? Lead in Look at the picture and have a guess. Mike and Wu Yifan. The cinema. Let’s try 1. ( ) They want to go to the bookstore. 2. ( ) The cinema is next to the bookstore. Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross. × √ 听力原文: Wu Yifan: Hi, Mike. Let’s go to the cinema. Mike: Sure. How can I get there? Wu Yifan: Go to Main Street. Turn left at the bookstore. The cinema is next to the bookstore. See you soon. Mike: OK. Bye. Wu Yifan and Mike saw an interesting film. Let’s watch the video. Presentation Where do they want to go? 点击画面 播放视频 An Italian restaurant. Let’s talk Watch the video again, and then answer the question. ________ at the ________. Then __________ at the _________. Q: How can they get there? 点击画面 播放视频 bookstoreTurn left turn right hospital Mike: What an interesting film! Wu Yifan: Yes, but I’m hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. Mike: Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? Wu Yifan: It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street. Mike: How can we get there? Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike: OK. Let’s go! 比萨饼 大街;街道 China Chinese Japan Japanese America American Australia Australian Italy Italian 国家 语言 Language points on + 街道 at + 地点 on Zhongshan Street on Yuhua Street on Heping Street at the bookstore at the hospital at the cinema 专属名词首字母大写 How can we get there? 疑问词 + can + 主语 + get there? 表示询问某人怎么能达到某个地方的句型。 eg. —How can I get there? — You can go by the No. 1 bus. Mike: What an interesting film! Wu Yifan: Yes, but I’m hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. Mike: Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? Wu Yifan: It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street. Mike: How can we get there? Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike: OK. Let’s go! Read the text after the tape. Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? I like ________. How can I get to the _____________? Turn left/right at ______. Practice 一、圈出不同类的单词。 A. restaurant B. hospital C. street A. at B. left C. right A. postcard B. pizza C. cake Exercises 二、单项选择。 ( )1. What ____ interesting film! A. a B. an C. the ( )2. —How can I _____ there? —Turn right at the traffic lights. A. get to B. get C. go to ( )3. —Where is the cinema? —It’s neat the bookstore _____ Wenming street. A. on B. at C.in B B A 三、连词成句。 1. right, the, bookstore, turn, at (.) _______________________________________________ 2. an, interesting, what, film (!) _______________________________________________ 3. I, get, How, can, there (?) _______________________________________________ Turn right at the bookstore. What an interesting film! How can I get there? Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇:interesting, restaurant, pizza, street, get, Italian 2. 学习了下列句型: —How can we get there? —Turn left at the bookstore. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Unit 1 How can I get there? Read and write Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up 点击画面 播放视频Sing a song Play a game What is it? Lead in Turn left, turn left, 向左转, Turn right, turn right, 向右转。 Go straight, 直着走。 At the crossing, 在十字路口。 Let’s chant Read and write What’s this? Lead in Pre-reading What’s this? Global Positioning System (全球定位系统) What’s this? What’s this? You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? ✔ map compass GPS stars Read and write Wu Yifan’s grandpa gave Robin a new feature. What does he have? Robin has GPS! While-reading 功能;特点 give的过去式 Wu Yifan and his friends wanted to go to Italian restaurant. Step 1: Skimming reading Read the text quickly and answer the question. What is Robin’s new feature? □He can find food. □He can find the way. Step 2: Intensive reading Read the text carefully and answer the questions. Two. 2. Underline them in the text. 1. How many places did they pass by?      3. Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效, 起作用”?_________ Robin: We’re in front of the cinema. Let’s go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! Mike: Is it far? Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Let’s turn right and then turn right again. Mike: There is the restaurant! Robin: My new GPS works!  Wu Yifan: Yes! I’ll tell Grandpa. But let’s eat first. I’m so hungry! Check the answers. 奏效,起作用 Robin: We’re in front of the cinema. Let’s go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! Mike: Is it far? Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Let’s turn right and then turn right again. Mike: There is the restaurant! Robin: My new GPS works!  Wu Yifan: Yes! I’ll tell Grandpa. But let’s eat first. I’m so hungry! Guess. What do the underlined words mean? 跟着较远的 告诉 Robin: We’re in front of the cinema. Let’s go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! Mike: Is it far? Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Let’s turn right and then turn right again. Mike: There is the restaurant! Robin: My new GPS works!  Wu Yifan: Yes! I’ll tell Grandpa. But let’s eat first. I’m so hungry! Read after the tape. Robin has GPS! Wu Yifan’s grandpa gave Robin a new feature. He now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They ___________ and ____________________. They _______________________ and then turn right again. go straight turn left at the bookstore turn right Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story. Post-reading 陈述句、特殊疑问句祈使句常使用降调,一般疑问句常用升调。 Listen, look and say. Robin hasGPS. Follow please! me, Is it far ? Where is the restaurant? Tips for pronunciation 1. Where is the cinema? 2. Is there a park near here? 3. Can I have some chicken, please? 4. This is a cat. 5. Are you a boy? 6. What’s the weather like today? 判断语调 一、连线题。 GPS map stars compass Exercises 二、按要求写出下列单词。 1. far(反义词)____________ 2. right(对应词)____________ 3. 直走(汉译英)___________ 4. 奏效,起作用(汉译英) ______ 5. 跟着我(汉译英) _______________ near left go straight work follow me 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( ) 1. Now we are __________ the library. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in front ( ) 2. Let's _____ left at the science museum. A. turn B. turns C. turning ( ) 3. You are in a plane. Which of these can help you find a place? A. GPS B. map C. stars B A A 三、单项选择。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇:GPS, gave, feature, follow, far, tell 2.了解英语句子两种基本语调:降调和升调。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 one two Homework 将学习的故事用英 语复述给同学听。 完成同步练习。 Let's check—Story time 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B & Part C Warm up 点击画面 播放视频Sing a song Review some words. What is it? Lead in turn left turn right go straight crossing What is it? cinema bookstore science museum hospital Review some words. ✔ museum ✔ post office ✔ ✔ bookstore cinema Presentation Let’s check Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures. ✔ school 2. How can he get there from the post office? _________________________________ 1. Where does the boy want to go? _________________________________ Listen again and answer. Museum. Go straight and turn right at the cinema. 听力原文: Boy: Today, I want to go to the museum. From my school I go straight and turn left at the post office. I can see the bookstore there. From there I go straight ahead. Then, at the cinema I turn right. Finally, I’m at the museum. It’s not far. between in front of behind Try to write more words. Let’s wrap it up next to beside near Can you make sentences with these words? below 方位介词 between in front of behind next to beside near Can you make sentences with these words? below The science museum is next to the bookstore. … Zoom wants to get some food, but he doesn’t know the way to the shop. He asks the way. Can he get the food? Story time Yes, he gets the food. Let’s watch the video. 点击画面 播放视频 1. Where is the London Eye? Watch again and answer the questions. It’s next to the film museum near the Thames. He ate three large portions and one small one. His stomach hurt. 2. How much food did he eat? 3. Why does Zoom want to eat tanghulu? 点击画面 播放视频 伦敦眼 ,全称为“可口可乐伦敦眼 (The Coca-Cola London Eye)”,坐 落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是伦敦的地 标及著名的旅游观光点之一。 The London Eye 泰晤士河,也称泰姆河(River Thames), 为英国著名的“母亲”河。泰晤士河沿岸 有许多名胜之地,诸如伊顿、牛津、亨利 和温莎等。泰晤士河的入海口商船来往繁 密,而其上游的河道则以其静态美而著称。 在英国历史上,泰晤士河流域占有举足轻 重的地位。 Thames 1. Zoom: Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy one? Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way. 2. Zoom: Excuse me. Where is the London Eye? Man: It’s next to the film museum near the Thames. 3. Zoom: Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here? Man: No. Go straight and turn left. 4. Zoom: Zip, look! Zip: Finally! 5. Zoom: Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please. Man: OK. 6. Zoom: Oh, my stomach hurts! I miss my tanghulu! Zip: You still want to eat?! Read after the tape. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( ) 1. He wants _______ to the bookstore. A. to go B. going C. go ( ) 2. —Is the Thames far from here? —________. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, there is. ( ) 3. —How can you get there from the cinema? —________ A. See you. B. It's near the park. C. Turn left at the zoo. A A C 一、单项选择。 Exercises 1. the, where, Thames, is (?) _______________________________________________ 2. right, at, turn, cinema, the (.) _______________________________________________ 3. London, it, near, Eye,the, is (.) ________________________________________________ Where is the Thames? Turn right at the cinema. It is near the London Eye. 二、连词成句。 Tom:Hi, Alex. Let’s go to the zoo. Alex: Sure. How can we go there? Tom:Go to Zhongshan Street. Turn left at the park. The zoo is near the park. Alex: OK. Let’s go. 1. Where do Tom and Alex want to go? _________________________________________ 2. How can they go there? __________________________________________ 三、阅读短文,回答问题。 Zoo. Go to Zhongshan Street.Turn left at the park. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1.复习了下列词汇:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, crossing, turn, left, straight, right 2.复习了下列句子: —Where is the cinema/hospital ...? —It's next to/near/in front of... —How can we/I get there? —Turn left/right at the hospital. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 将学到的故事,用英 语复述给自己的同伴 听。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 unit 2 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 can I get there? Let’s learn & Write and say Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up taxi Play a game. What’s this? Guess! What’s this? Guess! bus bike What’s this? Guess! foot What’s this? Guess! 点击画面 播放视频 Sing a song: How do you go to school? Lead in T: My home is far from our school. I come to school by car. How do you come to school? New wordsPresentation S: I come to school . Ask and answer. [ʌ] [weɪ] We have many ways to come to school. What are they? Look at the picture. We can come by... In fact, when going outside, we have many ways to go to many places. We can also go... by +交通工具,表示“乘……”。 by bus 乘公共汽车 by taxi 乘出租车 by subway 乘地铁 by train 乘火车 by plane 乘飞机 by ship 乘轮船 on foot 步行 How do we get there? By bus. Language points What are Mrs Smith and her students talking about? Can you guess? Let’s learn They are going to the nature park next Wednesday. How do they get there? Listen! Mrs Smith and her students next Wednesday When ? How the nature park Where 时间 地点 交通方式 By bus. Mrs Smith: John: Sarah: Mrs Smith : Let’s go to the nature park. Hooray! How do we get there? By bus. Listen and read. Mrs Smith: John: Sarah: Mrs Smith : Let’s go to the nature park. Hooray! How do we get there? By bus. Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Mrs Smith: John: Sarah: Mrs Smith : Let’s _________. Hooray! How _________? By _________. Let’s act the dialogue out. Practice B: By plane. Write and say From How? To China your school USA your home 、 A: How do you get to the USA from China? B: By bus. From How? To China your school USA your home 、 A: How do you get to your home from your school? B: On foot/By … From How? To China your school USA your home A: How do you get to … from …? 一、看图,将下列单词补充完整。 Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________by plane by bus by ship by taxi ( ) 1. — Let’s go to the zoo. — _________. A. Thanks B. Great C. Bye ( ) 2. — How do you get there? — _________. A. By foot B. On feet C. On foot ( ) 3. I go to school _________ train. A. on B. by C. in B C B 二、单项选择。 三、写一写。 1. — How do you get to the USA from China? — _______ _______. 2. — How do you ______ ______ the park from your home? — ______ _______. China the USA the park your home By plane get to By subway Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了交通方式的词组: by plane, by train , by taxi, by ship, on foot, by bus, by subway 2. 乘某种交通工具:介词by + 交通工具 3. 学习了谈论交通方式的句子: —How do you/we get there? —On foot/By... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 默写本节课7个表 示交通方式的短语。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up S2: I often ... Sometimes ... T: What do you do on the weekend? S1: I usually ... Ask and answer. Review some phrases. Review some phrases. S: ... on foot by bus by taxi by subway by plane by ship Sing a song: How do you get there? 点击画面 播放视频 Who are they? Where are they? Who’s this lady? Lead in Mike and Amy. Mrs Smith. At school. 夫人 1.( ) They are talking about a sports meet. 2.( ) They will go by bus. Amy meets Mike at school this morning. Listen and tick or cross. √ Let’s try 听力原文: Amy: Morning, Mike. Mike: Morning. Hey! Don’t forget! Mrs Smith will take us to the nature park next Wednesday. Amy: Oh, yes! How do we get to the nature park? Mike: By bus. Amy: Look! There’s Mrs Smith now! Sing a song: How do you go to school? 点击画面 播放视频 T: I usually come to school on foot. How do you come to school? S1: I usually come to school … S2: I often come … S3: Sometimes I come … Presentation always 100% usually 80% often 60% sometimes 20% never 0 always 100% usually 80% often 60% sometimes 20% never 0 Make a dialogue in pairs. A: How do you come to school? B: I usually/often/ sometimes come ... It’s near/far/not far. Let’s talk Look at the picture. They are Mrs Smith, Mike and Amy. How do they go to school? Please watch the video. 点击画面 播放视频 ①How does Amy go to school? ②How does Mike go to school? ③How does Mrs Smith go to school? Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Amy Mike Mrs Smith usually often sometimes Mike: Mrs Smith : Amy: Mike: Amy: Mrs Smith : Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith! Hi, children. You’re early. How do you come to school? Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. I often come by bike. How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car? Sometimes, but I usually walk. That’s good exercise. 早到的 ①How does Amy go to school? ②How does Mike go to school? ③How does Mrs Smith go to school? Check the answers. Amy Mike Mrs Smith usually often sometimes on foot by bus by bike walk by car How do you come to school? 和 How do they go to school? You’re here. there come go Language points Mike: Mrs Smith : Amy: Mike: Amy: Mrs Smith : Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith! Hi, children. You’re early. How do you come to school? Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. I often come by bike. How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car? Sometimes, but I usually walk. That’s good exercise. Read after the tape sentence by sentence. Mike: Mrs Smith : Amy: Mike: Amy: Mrs Smith : Mike: Good morning, Mrs Smith! Hi, children. You’re early … Usually ... Sometimes ... I often ... … Mrs Smith? By car? Sometimes ... That’s good exercise. Act the dialogue. I go to school by bike. 判断是否符合逻辑:若符合逻辑则跟读,若不符合逻辑 则双手交叉说No。 Play a game “Who is fast?” I go to school by plane.I go to school by car.I go to school on foot.I go to school by subway. Practice usually often sometimes How do you come to school? I usually/often/sometimes ... Do a survey. √√√ 一、看图,写出相应的交通方式。 Exercises 1. 2. 3. __________ __________ __________by car on foot by bike 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( ) 1. I come to school ______. It’s not far. A. on foot B. by subway C. by plane ( ) 2. I often go to school ______ bus. A. on B. buy C. by ( ) 3. Mike often comes by bike, ______ by bus. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times ( ) 4. I usually ______ to the park. A. walk B. on foot C. goes C A A 二、单项选择。 B 1. I, usually, to, come, by, taxi, school (.) __________________________________________________________ 2. is, good, that, exercise (.) ___________________________________________________________ 3. do, how, you, to, come, school (?) __________________________________________________________ I usually come to school by taxi. That is good exercise. How do you come to school? 三、连词成句。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词:early 2. 学习了谈论交通方式的句子: How do you come/go to ...? I usually/often/sometimes go/come ... 3. 知道了: I usually walk. = I go/come to ... on foot. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读 let‘s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 写一写你到达学校 的交通方式,并完 成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Role- play Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 T: How do you come to school? Why? Warm up S: I come ... It’s far/near. Ask and answer. How do you come to school? Play a game. I come ... What are they? They are lights. Do you see lights in different colours in our city? Lead in traffic lights Three. What are they? Presentation Red, yellow and green. What do they mean? Do you know? How many colours does the traffic lights have? New words It’s a yellow light. We must slow down and stop. It’s a red light. We must stop and wait. straight It’s a green light. We can go. snow, follow, bowl, ai ow 停下 慢下来 Red, red, red, stop and wait. Yellow, yellow, yellow, slow down and stop. Green, green, green, go, go, go. Read the chant together. 游戏规则: 教师说Red, 学生说Stop and wait,并做出相应的动作, 做错的同学将淘汰。 RedgreenyellowRedgreenyellow 听指令,做动作 Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. When do we go? When do we stop and wait? When do we slow down and stop? Let’s learn and at a yellow light. and at a red light. at a green light. Remember the traffic rules. Slow down stop Stop wait Go Where are they now? Where are they going? Who are they? Mrs Smith, Mike, Amy and John. The nature park. At the crossing. Look at the picture and have a guess. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. Look! The park is over there! Let’s go! Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait. Mike: Mrs Smith: 表达一定要做某事的肯定句型。 句型结构:主语 + must + 动词原形 + 其他. Language points We must stop and wait. 我们必须停下等一等。 eg. I must go now. 现在我必须走了。 You must finish your homework first. 你必须先完成作业。 【辨析】 must和have to eg. We must be there on time. 我们必须准时到那儿。(责任感的驱使) I have to do my homework now. 我不得不现在做作业。(不得不做) 1. must 多表示主观需要或责任感的驱使有必要或有义务去做某事, 多译为“必须”,没有人称和时态的变化。 2. have to 多表示客观存在的环境所限,即客观的要求,多译为“不 得不”,有人称和时态的变化。 Read the dialogue in pairs. Look! The park is over there! Let’s go! Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait. Mike: Mrs Smith: Make a new dialogue. Look! The is over there! Let’s go! Please wait! It’s now. We must . Mike: Mrs Smith: What’s next? wait slow down stop red green go yellow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 must Practice 游戏规则: 教师出示一组单词卡片,学生快速认读。认读两遍后,教师在某 处停住,提问What’s next?学生根据记忆说出单词。 游戏规则: 教师出示一组单词卡片,学生快速认读。认读两遍后,教师在 某处停住,提问What’s next?学生根据记忆说出单词。 What’s next? wait slow down stop red green go yellow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 四人一组,其中一人扮演盲人,其他一人或两人做带路 者,一人或两人演示红绿灯。 A: Excuse me. How can I get to ...? Role-play B: Go straight/Turn left/... Let me help you. It’s ... light. Slow down and wait/Stop and wait/Go ... A: Thank you. 一、将交通灯与交通规则连线。 Exercises 1. Slow down and stop! 2. Stop and wait! 3. Go! red wait bus green train stop plane yellow go ship 二、给下面的单词分类。 颜色 交通工具 动词 red, green, yellow wait, stop, go bus, train, plane, ship 三、根据汉语意思补全句子。 1. 看看交通灯。 Look at the _______ _______. 2. 公园在那边。 The park is ______ _______. 3. 你们可以在绿灯的时候走。 You can ________ ________ a green light. 4. 在黄灯的时候要减速慢行。 ______ ______ ______a _______ light. traffic lights over there go at Slow down at yellow Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词和词组: slow, slow down, stop, wait, go, traffic, traffic light 2. 学习了三条交通规则: Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 仿写Let’s learn部 分的对话。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: How do you get there? Warm up 点击画面 播放视频 Read the words and translate. wait slow down stop go traffic lights Remember the traffic rules. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. Lead in We must know and obey the traffic rules. Mrs Smith and the children are going to the nature park. What does Mrs Smith tell the children to do? Can you guess? Stop and wait at a red light. Let’s try √ Listen to the tape and answer the question. 听力原文: Mrs Smith: Children, let’s get on the bus! Children: Yeah! Mrs Smith: You should get on one by one. Children: OK. Chen Jie: Mrs Smith, where is Wu Yifan? Mrs Smith: He’s not coming. His grandpa is ill. Chen Jie: I’m sorry to hear that. 一个一个地 Presentation Wu Yifan goes to the hospital to meet his grandpa. How can he get there? Guess. He can go to the hospital by bus/... Then how does he get there? Watch the video and answer these questions. 1. How does Wu Yifan get to the hospital? 2. What are Wu Yifan and Mr Jones talking about? 3. Where are the pictures from? Take the No. 57 bus over there. Pictures of bikes. They’re from Mr Jones’ cousin in the USA. 号码,编号 点击画面 播放视频 What’s this?It’s a helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear the helmets. 头盔 戴 同音词where What is right, when we see the red light? Don’t go at the red light. 告诫某人不要做某事。 句型结构:Don’t + 动词原形 + ... eg: It's raining. Don't go outside. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. 必须 注意 Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? Take the No.57 bus over there. Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes! They’re from my cousin in the USA. What’s this? A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Johns. Hey, don’t go at the red light! Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Let’s talk Listen to the tape and follow the tape. Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? Take the No.57 bus over there. Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes! They’re from my cousin in the USA. What’s this? A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Johns. Hey, don’t go at the red light! Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Mr Jones, how can I get to …? Take the … bus over there. Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes! They’re from my cousin in the USA. What’s this? A … In the USA people on bikes must … I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Johns. Hey, don’t go at…! Oh, right! Thanks. I … pay … to the traffic lights! Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Mr Johns: Wu Yifan: Let’s act the dialogue out. T: Are they right? What can you say to them? Don’t go at a red light. It’s dangerous. 中外交通规则知多少 In China, you must ... Don’t ... In England, ... Don’t turn right.You must look right before you cross the road. You can see this on the road in Hong Kong. What do these signs mean? Where can you see them? Stop. Don’t touch the door. You can see this in the subway. Practice 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises wear 同音词 go 反义词 交通灯 汉译英 don’t 完全形式 where come traffic lights do not ( )1. _______ can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? A. What B. Where C. How ( )2. I must pay attention _______ the traffic lights. A. to B. at C. in ( )3. In the USA people on bikes must wear the _______. A. helmets B. shirts C. gloves ( )4. Don’t _______ at the red light. A. go B. stop C. wait 二、单项选择。 C A A A 三、读句子,选择正确的图片。 ( )1. — What’s this? — It’s a helmet. A. B.     ( )2. He can take the No. 12 bus to the park. A. B.     ( )3. You must look right before you cross the road. A. B.     B 12 B A Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词和词组: No. helmet, pay attention to 2. 学习了谈论交通规则的句型: Don’t ... I must ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 收集交通标识,用 英语写出来。 读Let’s talk部分对话。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Read and write Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: How do you get there? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up T: How do you come to school? S: I come ... S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T: Do you come to school by plane /by train/...? Lead in Ask and answer. He’s Wu Yifan’s grandpa. Look at the picture. Who is he? He’s ill. What does Robin want to do? He wants to read a magazine to him. What’s it about? Let’s have a look together. Look at the picture. How do the children go to school? They go to school on foot. Presentation Pre-reading How do the children go to school? by sled by ferry [sled] [ˈferi] In this place, how do the children go to school? Papa Westray [ pɑːpə ˈwestreɪ] Can you guess? While-reading Step 1: Skimming reading Run your eyes over the text. Underline the places and circle the ways the children go to school in the text. (快速阅读文章,在文中用直线划出地点,用圆圈 圈出交通方式。) Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. It’s fast. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ferry every day. In Papa Westray, Scotland,the children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didn’t work. _________ ________ ________ _____________ 德国慕尼黑 美国阿拉斯加 苏格兰帕帕维 斯特雷岛 Let’s check. Munich Papa Westray [ pɑːpə ˈwestreɪ] Germany Alaska Scotland [ˈmjuːnɪk] [ˈdʒɜːməni] [əˈlæskə] [ˈskɒtlənd] Can you read the words? Fill in the blanks! D i f f e r e n t ways to go to school. Munich, ______ ___________ ______, USA ___________ ___________, ________ ____________ ______, ______ by ferry Germany on foot Jiangxi China Alaska by sled Papa Westray Scotland by plane Step 2: Intensive reading Answer the questions. 1. How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? 2. Does everyone in the text go to school? Four. No, Robin doesn’t go to school. Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ferry every day. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. It’s fast. In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didn’t work. Robin: Grandpa, let me read this for you. Robin: I don’t go to school. I learn at home. Grandpa: Thanks, Robin. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. Different ways to go to school You must Choose some suggestions for the kids on page 18. Pay attention! Don’t On foot You must stop at a red light. By sled You must drive slowly. By ferry You must wear a life jacket. On foot Don’t go at a red light. By sled Don’t let the dogs run too fast. By ferry Don’t run on the ferry. Post-reading Tips for pronunciation come and have a look Pictures of Stop at a red light Look at the text on page 18. Find and say more like these. Listen, look and say. How many ways can you think of to go to school? In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. 感知英语句子中的连续现象 I learn at home. 一、选出不同类的一项。 Exercises ( )1. A. China B. Germany C. Munich ( )2. A. ferry B. sled C. foot ( )3. A. run B. work C. must C C C 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. Some kids go to school ________. It’s fast. A. on foot B. by plane C. by bike ( )2. Let me read this _________ you. A. of B. for C. to ( )3. You must drive _________. A. slowly B. slow C. near C A 二、单项选择。 B 1. Some children go to school by ferry.(汉译英) __________________________________________________________ 2. Let the dogs run too fast.(变否定句) ___________________________________________________________ 3. must, we, stop, red, a, light, at (.)(连词成句) __________________________________________________________ 4. You must wear a life jacket.(英译汉) 一些学生乘轮渡去上学。 Don’t let the dogs run too fast. We must stop at a red light. 三、按要求完成句子。 __________________________________________________________你必须穿救生衣。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词和词组: Germany Alaska Papa Westray Scotland by sled by ferry 2. 了解了不同国家学生上学的交通方式。 3. 学习了语音的连读。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 继续收集不同国家 和地区上学的交通 工具。 用英语给父母写一些上 下班路上的注意事项。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Let’s check—Story time Unit 2 Ways to go to school 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Part B & Part C S: I come to school on foot/by bike … T: How do you come to school? Warm up Ask and answer. Sing a song: How do you get there? 点击画面 播放视频 Lead in Now let’s look at some pictures. Let’s checkPresentation 1 23 4 Listen and number. Listen again and answer the questions. 1. How does Wu Yifan go to the park? He goes by . 2. How does the girl`s father go to work? He goes by . 3. How does Amy go home? She goes . 4. What will the woman do? She will and . bus train on foot stop wait 听力原文: 1. Wu Yifan: Police officer: Wu Yifan: Police officer: Excuse me. How can I get to the park? Take the number 25 bus. Can I go on foot? No. It’s too far. Go by bus. 2. Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: My father works near my home. It’s great! My father works in the city. How does he go to work? Usually, by train. 3. John: Amy: John: Hey, Amy. School is over. How do you go home? I usually go on foot. And you? By bus? No. I go on foot, too. 4. Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Don’t cross the street now! Why? There are no cars coming. It’s a red light. Cars are very fast! It’s dangerous. OK. Come or go? Where is Mike? Tick or cross. Let’s wrap it up Go to the cinema At the cinema Not at the cinema Come to the park and play with us In the park Not in the park How does Mrs Zhao come to school? At school Not at school How can I go to the museum? At the museum Not at the museum 用come和用go时,说话者地点的变化。 come A: How does Bob come to school? At school. B: He usually comes on foot. Not at school. come意思是“来”,说明说话者已经在学校。 go A: How do you go to the park? In the park. B: I usually go by car. Not in the park. go意思是“去”,说明说话者不在公园。 Language points Amy’s friend Annie comes to China. watch the video and answer the question. Story time Where is Annie from? Where are they? She is from UK. They are in China. 点击画面 播放视频 Read the story and answer the questions. 1. How do they go home? 2. Which side do the drivers drive in China? 3. What about the drivers in the UK? Take a bus. On the right side. On the left side. Fill in the blanks. In China, drivers drive on the _______ side of the road. In the UK, drivers drive on the _______ side of the road. In China, people must look _______ first, then look ______ before crossing the road. In the UK, people must look _______ before crossing the road. right left left right right Watch the video. 点击画面 播放视频 Read and act the story! 1. Amy: It’s so good to see you, Annie!  Annie: You too, Amy. I missed you. 2. Annie: Wow, Chinese food is so different from British food. Amy: Yes. Can you use chopsticks? Annie: No, I can’t. 3. Amy: Let’s take a bus home. We must cross the road. In the UK you drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side. 4. Annie: I see. We must look right before crossing the road. Amy: No, first left and then right! 5. Amy: Look, the bus is over there! Annie: Wow, it’s a double-decker! The same as in London. 6. Annie: Where is the door? Amy, there is no door on the bus! Amy: Haha, you’re looking at the wrong side again! 1.去上学 ________________ 2.take a bus __________ 3.减速 __________________ 4.乘轮船 ______________ 5.pay attention to __________ 一、英汉互译。 Exercises go to school 乘公交车 slow down by ship 注意 ( )1. — How _________ Amy go to the park? — On foot. A. do B. does C. is ( )2. In China, drivers drive on the _________ side of the road. A. left B. right C. front ( )3. _________ at a green light. A. Stop B. Go C. Slow ( )4. The girl’s father _________ by car. A. goes B. go C. going B B B 二、单项选择。 A 三、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Lisa: Hi, Bob. How can I get to the Huaxing Hospital? Bob: 1. ______________________ Lisa: Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes. Bob: 2. ______________________ Lisa: What’s this? Bob: A helmet. 3. _______________ A B C A. They are from my uncle in the USA. B. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. C. Take the No. 901 bus to over there. 1. 学习了come和go的用法。 2. 了解中英两国交通规则的不同。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 收集其他国家的交 通规则,用英语表 达给自己的同伴听。 one two Homework 仿写come和go的句子, 判断说话者的地点。 完成同步练习。 unit 3 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 My weekend plan. Let’s learn & Make a plan Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Guess, what is she doing? She is listening to music. Guess, what is he doing? He is drawing a picture. Guess, what is she doing? She is flying a kite. 太阳的位置 morning afternoon evening Lead in What are you going to do this afternoon? New wordsPresentation We are going to … this afternoon 今天下午 What are you going to do this morning? We are going to … this morning 今天上午 What are you going to do this evening? this evening 今天晚上 tonight 在今晚 表示将来时间的短语: this evening 今天晚上 tonight 在今晚 this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午 tomorrow 明天 next week 下周 Who is she? What is Chen Jie going to do this weekend? Chen Jie visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film visit my grandparents take a trip 旅游 go to the supermarket 去超市 see a film 拜访我的祖父母或外祖父母 看电影 (合成词) Listen to the tape and follow the tape. What are you going to do today? I am going to see a film. visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarketsee a film What are you going to do today? I am going to . visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarketsee a film When What Make a plan visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film this morning this evening this afternoon tomorrow next week clean the room What are you going to do ? I am going to . Practice What is she going to do ? She is going to . What is he going to do ? He is going to . 快速猜测短语并抢答。答对一个,给本组加一分。 visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film this morning this evening this afternoon tomorrow next week clean the room 遇到炸弹的地方就爆头,否则炸弹会爆炸。 visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film this morning this evening this afternoon tomorrow next week clean the room When What this morning this evening this afternoon tomorrow next week It’s Saturday morning now. Make a plan and share it with your partner. 一、找规律,写单词。 Exercises 1. morning evening _________ 2. hospital supermarket _________ 3. am are _________ 4. play take _________ afternoon room is see 二、将Ⅰ栏与Ⅱ栏连线,组成短语,并选择图片。 Ⅰ栏 Ⅱ栏 1. see A. a film _________ 2. visit B. grandparents _________ 3 take C. to the supermarket _________ 4. go D. a trip _________ a. b. c. d. a d c b 三、仿照例子写句子。 —What are you going to do this afternoon? —I’m going to read books this afternoon. 例:this afternoon 1. tonight 2. next week —What are you going to do tonight? —I’m going to the bookstore tonight. —What are you going to do next week? —I’m going to see a film next week. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了四个短语: visit my grandparents, see a film, take a trip, go to the supermarket 2. 学习表示将来时间的短语:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week 3. 学习了询问对方活动计划的句型及回答: What are you going to do ...? I’m going to ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let's learn 部分单词和对话。 one two Homework 用所学句型写三组 对话。 为自己的一天做一 个计划。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 T: How are you today? S: I am ... Warm up S: I am going to ... T: What are you going to do this afternoon? Ask and answer. Sing a song: What are you going to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Review some phrases. visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film wash clothes draw pictures go swimming do homework Review some phrases. The weekend is coming. What are you going to do? I’m going to … Lead in The weekend is coming. What am I going to do this weekend? Can you guess? Are you going to …? Yes, I’m going to … It’s Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike. Listen and circle. 1. Can Mike go swimming today? Presentation Let’s try A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. 2. Why or why not? A. He has homework to do. B. He is fishing now. 听力原文: Mike: Hi, Sarah. Sarah: Good morning, Mike. Today is so warm. Let’s go swimming. Mike: Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework now. Sarah: OK. What about this afternoon? Mike: No. I can’t. I’m going fishing. Today is Saturday. What day is it tomorrow? Let’s talk tomorrow What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow? have an art lesson wash clothes see a film do homework Sarah Mike √ √ Watch the video. Fill in the form. 点击画面 播放视频 课 What is she going to do tomorrow? She’s going to have an art lesson. What is he going to do tomorrow? He’s going to see a film. Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. What are you going to do in your lesson? We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin park. That sounds good! I’m going to see a film tomorrow. Have a good time. You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. OK. Bye. Read after the tape sentence by sentence. Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. What are you going to do in your lesson? We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin park. That sounds good! I’m going to see a film tomorrow. Have a good time. You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye. OK. Bye. Read the dialogue in pairs. Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: Mike: Sarah: What are you going to do …? I’m going to have … lesson. What are you going to do in your lesson? We’re going to … That sounds good! I’m going to … Have a good time. You too. I have to … now. Bye. OK. Bye. Act the dialogue. —What are you going to do ? —I am going to . be going to + 动词原形 将要做某事(主要用于将来时) Language points eg. Amy is going to wash clothes tomorrow. They are going to watch TV this afternoon. Play a game “Who is fast?” Make a sentence with “be going to”. play basketball draw cartoons make a snowman Talk about your and your friends’ weekend plan. What is … going to do? What are … going to do? He/She is going to … They are going to … go ice-skating  wash clothes draw pictures  make a snowman go for a picnic Practice 准备四个纸箱,其中分别装着写有人物、动作、时间和地点的纸条。 请学生分别从纸箱里抽出纸条,根据抽到的纸条造句,造出来的句子 如果符合逻辑就加分或奖励。 Making funny sentences. I We He She You amis are in the classroom this morning this afternoon this eveningin the hospitaldraw pictures wash clothes 1. I ________ going to take a trip tomorrow. 2. Mike ________ going to read books. 3. They ________ going to watch TV this evening. 4. She ________ going to draw pictures this weekend. 一、用am, is, are 填空。 am is are is Exercises 二、单项选择。 ( )1. We _______ going to the supermarket tonight. A. am B. is C. are ( )2. What are you going to do _______ tomorrow? A. in B. this C. / ( )3. He’s going to _______ his grandparents. A. visit B. visits C. visiting C C A Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了be going to 的用法。 2.学习了谈论周末活动计划的句型: What are/is ... going to do ...? I’m ... He/She is going to ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 写一写你明天将要 做什么。 完成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Role- play Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 T: How do you feel today? Happy or sad? Warm up T: What are you going to do this weekend? T: What is going to do this weekend? Ask and answer. Sing a song: What are you going to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Guess what place it is. hospital Lead in Guess what place it is. cinema Guess what place it is. museum Guess what place it is. post office Guess what place it is. bookstore Presentation What books can you buy in a bookstore? New words Chinese book English book maths book 漫画书 单词书 What’s this? 词典 复数:变y为i再加es What’re these? They are dictionaries. What’s this? 明信片 post office birthday card Listen to the tape and follow the tape. comic book word book dictionary postcard 1. Where are they going? 2. What are they going to buy? Listen the tape and answer the questions. They are going to the bookstore. They are going to buy a new comic book. Let’s learn Read with your partner. Where are we going? To the bookstore. I’m going to buy a new comic book. Jack: John: Make a new dialogue. A: Where ________? B: I’m going to the ________. A: What are you going to buy? B: I’m going to buy a/an new ________. Practice 快速猜测并读出单词。 Play a game. dictionary comic book word book postcard 单词接龙:教师说出某个单词的第一个字母,学生依次说出第二 个字母,第三个字母等。 Play a game. d i c t i o na r y p o s t c a rd Role-play Can I help you? Yes. Do you have comic books? Yes! Here they are! What are you going to buy, Sarah? I’m going to buy some word books. 四人一组,一名学生扮演书店店员,其余三人扮演顾客。 Can I help you? Do you have ...? Here they are. What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy ... A: B: A: C: D: For example: 一、看图写出单词和词组。 Exercises comic book word bookdictionary post card 二、单项选择。 ( )1. —________ are you going? —To the cinema. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )2. I’m going to buy a ________ in the bookstore. A. word book B. watermelon C. T-shirt ( )3. —________ you have story books? —Yes. Here they are. A. Do B. Are C. Can B A A 三、给下列句子排列。 ( )I’m going to the supermarket. ( )Where are you going this afternoon? ( )My mum. ( )I’m going to buy some fruit. ( )Who are you going with? ( )What are you going to buy? 2 1 6 4 5 3 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词和词组:dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard。 2.学习了就购买计划进行问答的句型: —Where are you going? —I’m going to …/I’m going to buy ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 抄写下列单词四遍: dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard 。 one two Homework 仿写Let’s learn部 分的对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: What are you going to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up Can you guess? Read the words and phrases. visit my grandparents play sports play basketball read books do homework watch TV make a snowman see a film take a trip ... cinema supermarket school park zoo bedroom kitchen ... this afternoon next week tomorrow this morning ... 动词 地点 时间 where what when ... 疑问词 Lead in Where are you going? What are you going to do? I’m going to ... I’m going to the ... When are you going? Next week/... visit my grandparents play sports play basketball read books ... cinema/supermarket school/park … this afternoon next week/tomorrow this morning ... Look at the pictures. Who’s he? Let’s try He’s John. Who’s she? She’s Amy. John is on his way home. He sees Amy. What is Amy going to do? Guess. She’s going to ... Presentation 1. What is Amy going to do? ________________________________ 2. Is the ice cream for John? _________________________________ She is going to buy some fruit. No, it isn’t. John is on his way home. He sees Amy. Listen and answer. 听力原文: John: Amy, where are you going? Amy: I'm going to buy some fruit. John: Nice. I'm going to buy some ice cream. Amy: Do you like ice cream? John: No. It's for my cousin, Jack. 1. What are John and Jack going to do? Let’s talk They’re going to see a film. 2. What film are they going to see? They’re going to see a film about space travel. Watch the video and answer the questions. 点击画面 播放视频 space travel 宇宙旅行 1. Where are Jack and John going? They’re going to the cinema. 2. When are they going? Next Tuesday. It’s half price. 3. Why? 2005年6月,中国电影发行放映协 会、中国城市影院发展协会、中 国电影制片人协会共同发布了 “全国影院实行电影票半价日” 的倡议。即将每周二定为电影院 票价半价日,观众观看当日影片 均享受该院票价50%的优惠待遇。 Read the text and answer the questions. 半价 Why not go on Tuesday? 句型结构:Why not + 动词原形 ...? (意为“为什么不……?”) eg. Why not go swimming? = Why don’t you go swimming? Why don't you + 动词原形? Language points I have lots of comic books about space. lots of = a lot of 后面加可数名词复数或不可数名词。 eg. lots of comic books lots of water My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. That’s nice. Where are you going? We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film about space travel! Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going? Next Wednesday. Why not go on Tuesday? It’s half price then! Really? Thank you! John: Amy: John: Amy: John: Amy: John: Listen and read after the tape. Let’s read the dialogue in roles. My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. That’s nice. Where are you going? We’re going to the cinema. We’re going to see a film about space travel! Cool! I have lots of comic books about space. When are you going? Next Wednesday. Why not go on Tuesday? It’s half price then! Really? Thank you! John: Amy: John: Amy: John: Amy: John: My cousin Jack is going to visit me ... That’s nice. Where …? We’re going to ... We’re going to … about space travel! Cool! I have lots of … about space. When are you going? ... Why not go on Tuesday? It’s … then! Really? Thank you! John: Amy: John: Amy: John: Amy: John: Let’s act the dialogue out. Make a dialogue in pairs. bookstore buy a word book Sunday morning park fly kites tomorrow Practice A: Hi, _____ Where are you going this weekend? B: I’m going to _________. A: What are you going to do? B: I’m going to _________. A: When are you going? B: _________. A: Can I go with you? B: _________. eg. Interview your classmate and give a report. Questions Answers 1. Where are you going this afternoon? 2. What are you going to do there? 3. When are you going? When What Where 一、翻译下列词组。 Exercises 1. lots of _______ 2. space travel _______ 3. half price _______ 4. next week _______ 大量的 宇宙旅行 下周半价 1. —______ is he going to do? 2. —______ are you going? —He’s going to play football. —Tomorrow. 3. —______ is Mike going? 4. —______ is that boy? —The U.K. —He’s my cousin. 二、给下列问句选择合适的疑问词。 what who where when What When Where Who 三、按要求写句子。 1. I’m going to the hospital. (就画线部分提问) ______ ______ ______ going? 2. cousin, is, visit, going, to, me, my, afternoon, this(.) (连词成句) ____________________________________. 3. Amy is going there by bus.(就画线部分提问) _______ is Amy going there? Where are you My cousin is going to visit me this afternoon. How Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了词组: lots of, half price, space travel。 2. 询问打算去哪,要说: Where are/is ... going? 询问打算什么时候去,要说: When are/is ... going? 询问打算做什么,要说: What are/is ... going to do? 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用以下句型造句: ① Where are/is ... going? ② I’m going .../He/She is going to ... ③ When are/is ... going? one two Homework 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 完成同步练习。 Read and write Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: What are you going to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up T: Where are you going this weekend? S: I’m going to ... S: I’m going to ... T: What are you going to do there? T: When are you going? Ask and answer. Here are some pictures for some holidays. What holidays are they? Do you know their English name? Women's DayChildren's DayMay Day Lead in What holidays are these? Do you know? China’s National Day Presentation Spring Festival Christmas Pre-reading China’s National Day What do we often to on these holidays? Spring Festival Christmas family get together 聚会 [tə'geðə] What holiday is this? Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. What are Wu Yifan’s family going to do? Let’s have a look. ['mɪd 'ɔːtəm ˈfestɪvl] While-reading Step 1: Skimming reading Read the diary of Wu Yifan quickly. Circle his family and underline their activities. (快速阅读吴一凡的日记,在文中用圆圈圈出他的 家人,用直线划出他们进行的活动。) Dear Diary, Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. Robin and I are going to read a poem. This is our poem: F is for family. We will all be together tonight. A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. I is for “I”. I am so happy today. L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! Let’s check. _____ ________ ____________________ _________ _______________________ ___ Read the diary and fill in the table. Who Be going to/will Wu Yifan’s family His family will/are going to get together. Wu Yifan and Robin Wu Yifan’s aunt She will/is going to make mooncakes. Wu Yifan’s grandma She will/is going to tell us a story. They will/are going to read a poem. Step 2: Intensive reading 诗 Read after the tape.Sunday Dear Diary, Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang’e. Robin and I are going to read a poem. This is our poem: F is for family. We will all be together tonight. A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. I is for “I”. I am so happy today. L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! Discuss with your partner. What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival? Write down your plan here. For Mid-Autumn Festival, I’m going to . My partner is going to . Post-reading have a big dinner visit his grandparents Listen, clap and repeat. lesson dinner tonight tomorrow Tips for pronunciation Find more polysyllabic words. family will together Autumn season Moon eat about happy today Read the poem in which the first characters of the lines form a sentence that expresses the intended idea. F is for family. We will all be together tonight. A is for autumn. It is the autumn season. M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. I is for “I”. I am so happy today. L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival. Y is for you. You can be together with your family too! 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises we 宾格 story 复数 poem 汉译英 get together 英译汉 us stories 诗 聚会 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. My family ________ going to have a big dinner. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. We eat ________ in Mid-Autumn Festival. A. mooncakes B. noodles C. dumplings ( )3. My grandma will ________ me a story about Chang’e. A. tells B. tell C. telling B B 二、单项选择。 A 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Do you know the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival? It’s a Chinese special holiday. It’s on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar(日 历). Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. I will be very happy. In the morning, I’m going shopping with my parents. We are going to buy some good food. Then we are going to watch dragon boat races. In the afternoon, my mom is going to make zongzi with my grandma. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner together. ( )1. The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar. ( )2. I like the Dragon Boat Festival. T 三、阅读短文,判断句子正“T”误“F”。 T Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词和词组:get together, mooncake, poem, Mid-Autumn Festival 2. 了解了中秋节的一些习俗。 3. 知道了藏头诗的特点。 4. 知道了语音中的重音。 5. 能够用be going to/will的句型描述节日的计划。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 继续练习多音节单词 的读法。 one two Homework 用英语写一份节日 计划。 完成同步练习。 Let’s check—Story time Unit 3 My weekend plan 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Part B & Part C Review some words. visit film see the film trip take a trip supermarket evening tonight tomorrow next week dictionary comic comic book word postcard Warm up Sing a song: What are you going to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Lead in How many sentences can you make? Let’s wrap it upPresentation going to / going do What Where When am is are I you we they he/she What ? When ? Where ? going to / going How many sentences can you make? do What Where When am is are I you we they he/she What are you going to do? When are you going? Where are you going? What is she going to do? When is she going ? Where is she going? … 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段 时间内经常发生的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语 连用。如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周 );this afternoon(今天下午)等。 —What are/is ... going to do tomorrow? —I’m ... /He/She is going to ... —Where are/is ... going next week? —I’m ... /He/She is going to ... —When are/is ... going? —I’m going ... /He/She is going ... Listen and tick. Let’s check √ √ √ √ Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1. John is going to tomorrow afternoon. 2. This evening the boy is going to . 3. The boy is . 4. The woman is going to . see a film read a comic book going to the bookstore buy a postcard 3. Boy: I’m going to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary. Girl: Oh. When are you going? Boy: This afternoon. The bookstore isn’t open this evening. Q: Where is the boy going? 听力原文: 1. Boy: Hi, John. What are you going to do tomorrow? John: Not much. I’m just going to do my homework and buy a postcard tomorrow morning. And you? Boy: I’m going to see a film tomorrow afternoon. John: Great! Can I go too? Q: What is John going to do tomorrow morning? 2. Boy: Amy, did you see my new comic book? I’m going to read it this evening. Amy: Oh. It looks good. Can I read it after you? Boy: Yes. I can give it to you tomorrow. Amy: OK. Thanks. Q: What is the boy going to do this evening? 4. Man: I’m going to buy some milk and a newspaper. Woman: Where are you going to buy them? Man: I’m going to buy them at the small shop near the post office. Woman: Really? I’m going to buy a postcard there. Can I go with you? Man: Sure. Let’s go together. Q: What is the woman going to buy? Story time Can you swim? How did you learn to swim? Can Zoom swim? What will happen? Let’s watch the video. 点击画面 播放视频 Watch the video again and answer the questions. How does Zoom learn to swim first? Where do they go later? Watch TV. Swimming pool. Can Zoom swim at last? Why? Yes. Learn by doing. 点击画面 播放视频 Read after the tape. 1. Zip: What are you going to do tomorrow? Zoom: I’m going to learn how to swim. Zip: OK. I’ll teach you. 2. Zoom: Please don’t disturb me. I’m learning to swim. Zip: How can you learn to swim without going to a pool? 3. Zip: Come on. Let’s go to the swimming pool. Zoom: No! I’m afraid of water. 4. Zip: Just jump in! Catch this. Practise and you will learn. Zoom: Help! Help! 5. Zip: Just try. This way … This way … OK, now can you do it? 6. Zoom: Oh, it’s easy. Zip: We should always remember: “Learn by doing.” 一、根据汉语提示完成句子。 Exercises 1. My brother wants to buy a _____ _______. 2. Let’s send some _____________ to our teachers. 3. I’m going to ____ ___ ___________ this afternoon. comic book postcards visit my grandparents ( )1. —_________ is Mike going to the park? —Tomorrow. A. Where B. What C. When ( )2. Zhang and I _________ going to see a film together. A. am B. is C. are ( )3. I’m going to learn _________. A. how to swim B. how swimming C. swim ( )4. I’m going to _________ some beautiful leaves. A. look at B. look for C. look C C A 二、单项选择。 B 三、问答对对碰。 1. What are you going to do? A. She is going to the bookstore. 2. Where is she going? B. Yes, please. 3. Can I help you? C. Next Friday. 4. When are you going? D. She is going to buy some mooncakes. 5. What is Ann going to buy? E. I’m going to take a trip. Ⅰ栏 Ⅱ栏 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1.复习了下列词汇: visit, film, trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week, dictionary, comic book, postcard, word book 2.复习了下列句子: —What are you going to do in your lesson? —Where are you going? — When are you going? —I have to do my homework now. —Why not go on Tuesday? 七彩课堂 伴你成长 介绍自己学习游泳的 经验,用英语表达给 自己的同伴听。 one two Homework 用将来时造五个句子。 完成同步练习。 Recycle 1 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 Recycle 1 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 第一课时 Sing a song: Where is the hospital? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up Can you read the words? hospital cinema post office bookstore Lead in Can you read the words? turn left turn rightgo straight crossing Wu Yifan is going to visit his grandparents. He is on the street. Where is Wu Yifan now? What can you see on the street? Presentation Listen and circle. First . Then . At the traffic lights . Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks. go straight turn left turn left Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Are they going by bus or on foot? 2. When are they going? On foot. At 9:00. 听力原文: Yi fan: Robin, how do we get to my grandparents’ new house from here? Can you use your GPS? Robin: Sure. First, go straight. Then turn left. At the traffic lights turn left and walk 100 meters. Then, finally, we can see the house. Yi fan: Good. What time are we leaving? Robin: 9 o’clock. Yifan and Robin see a little boy crying on the street. Guess what happened? Look at the picture 1. What happened? Wu Yifan: Stop! Don’t cross at a red light! We can go at a green light. When the light is yellow, slow down and stop. Stop! Don’t go at …! Let’s go to … Go … Turn … Look at the picture 2. What happened? Wu Yifan: Are you hungry? Let’s go to the restaurant to eat something. Liitle boy: I’d like some cookies and juice. Stop! Don’t go at …! Let’s go to … Go … Turn … Look at the picture 3. What happened? Little boy:How can I get to the police station? Wu Yifan: Go straight and then turn right at crossing. Stop! Don’t go at …! Let’s go to … Go … Turn … Now listen and tick or cross. 1. ( ) The boy can’t find his dog. 2. ( ) They are going to the police station. 3. ( ) They should turn right at the crossing. × × √ 听力原文: 1.Yifan: Hey! Stop! Don’t cross at a red light! Boy: Sorry! Yifan: You must be more careful. Boy: OK! I can’t find my mum. Yifan: Oh! Let me help you. 2.Yifan: Are you hungry? Boy: Yes, I am. Yifan: There is a restaurant over there. Let’s go and buy some food. Boy: Good idea! 3.Boy: Thank you for the food. I feel better now. Yifan: Let’s go to the police station. They can help you. Boy: Where is it? Robin: We go straight and then turn right at the crossing. After that, we’ll go straight again. The police station is next to the supermarket. You are at A. Go straight. Then turn left. At the traffic lights turn right. Where are you? A hospital Practice For example: Practice in pairs. 找位置 两人一组,每人画一幅地图,并用英语描述自己的 运动路径。两人交换地图,找出现在的位置。 一、根据图片写单词。 Exercises turn left turn rightgo straight crossing 二、单项选择。 ( )1. When ______ they going? A. do B. are C. does ( )2. I am going to school ______. A. happy B. sad C. by bus ( )3. The boy ______ crying, because he can’t find his dog. A. is B. are C. am B C A 三、看图补全句子。 1. Don’t go at _____ ____ ______.     2. I want to buy _____ ____ _______. the red light a comic book Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了建筑物和交通规则。 2.学习了在地图上找到自己的位置。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 绘制从家到学校的地 图,并用英语描述如 何去学校。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Recycle 1 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 第二课时 Sing a song: How do you get there? Warm up 点击画面 播放视频 on foot by bus by taxi by subway by plane by ship Can you read the words? visit my grandparents take a trip go to the supermarket see a film Can you read the phrases? wash clothes draw pictures go swimming do homework Can you read the phrases? evening tonight afternoon tomorrow Can you read the words? next week weekend Remember the traffic rules. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. The little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him. Lead in Watch and read the song aloud. Presentation Hush, little boy, don’t say a word. Papa’s going to buy you a little bird. And if that bird doesn’t sing, Papa’s going to buy you a big, big ring. And if that ring is lost in class. Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass. And if that looking glass falls down. Well, you’ll still be the sweetest boy in town. In the song, what is Papa going to do? 1. 2. 3. Papa’s going to buy the little boy a little bird. Papa’s going to buy the little boy a big, big ring. Papa’s going to buy the little boy a looking glass. Read and circle. 1. Who is the song for? A. For a sad kid. B. For a happy kid. 2. What is the meaning of “hush”? A. Be nice. B. Be quiet. The little boy’s mother is on the phone. Look at the map and fill in the blanks. get to the police station hospital go straight Turn left next to Ma’am, we have your son. Come to the police station, please. Thank you. Thank you! How can I ? Where are you now? I’m in front of the . Is it far? Should I go by bus? No, you can come on foot. at the hospital. Then . The police station is the supermarket. Read, answer and do. 1. How can the boy’s mother go to the police station? 2. Circle the words for transportation. What other kinds do you know? Write them down. On foot. On foot, by bus, by plane, by train, by ferry, by sled, by taxi, by ship, by subway … Zhang? am. Listen and read aloud. Man: Are you Mrs Woman: Yes, I Thank you so much. Your birthday is coming. What is your father going to buy? A: What is your father going to buy? Act in pairs. Practice B: He is going go to buy … If your dog lost, what will happened? A: Hi, we have your dog. Come to the police station, please. B: Thank you. Thank you! How can I ? A: Where are you now? B: I’m in front of the . Is it far? Should I go by bus? A: No, you can come on foot. at the hospital. Then . The police station is the supermarket. Act in pairs. 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises 1. transportation(复数形式) ____________            2. sweet(最高级) ____________ 3. one(序数词) ____________ 4. see(现在分词) ____________ 5. look(现在分词) ____________ sweetest first seeing looking transportation 二、单项选择。 ( )1. Where ______ you now? A. do B. are C. does ( )2. Papa’s going to ______ you a little bird. A. do B. like C. buy ( )3. How ______ the boy’s mother go to the police station. A. is B. can C. am B C B 三、按要求完成句子。 1. The new supermarket is next to the bank.(对画线部分提问)  ______ ______ the new supermarket?  2. Stop reading now.(变为否定祈使句) __________________________________________ 3. going, a, picnic, I, to, have, am (.)(连词成句) __________________________________________ 4. We are going to go ice-skating this weekend.(对画线部分提问)  __________________________________________ 5. She is going to Hangzhou by plane. (对画线部分提问)  ______ ______ she ______ to Hangzhou?  Where is Don’t read now. I am going to have a picnic. What are you going to do this weekend? How is going Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了将来时态。 2.学习了如何步行去某地。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 复习Unit 1-Unit 3学 过的单词。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 unit 4 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 I have a pen pal. Let’s learn & Do a survey Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 What is she doing? She is doing morning exercises. Warm up What is she doing? She is reading books. What is she doing? She is listening to music. What is she doing? She is sleeping. Read the words quickly! sing danceplay football read booksdo kung fu Lead in New wordsPresentation sing 唱歌(动词) singing 唱歌(现在分词) I like . What’s his hobby? read 读(动词) reading 读(现在分词) Tip: story以y结尾,复数变y 为i再加es :stories He likes . play 玩(动词) playing 玩(现在分词) My hobby is . What’s her hobby? do 做(动词) doing 做(现在分词) She likes . What’s her hobby? dance 跳舞(动词) dancing 跳舞(现在分词) Tip: 以e结尾,去e加-ing,例: make-making take- taking have-having She likes . Read after the tape. singingdancing playing footballreading stories doing kung fu 现在分词的变化规则: 1. 一般情况直接加-ing; 2. 以不发音的e结尾的动词去e, 加-ing Let’s learn I like ... What are your hobbies? hobby hobbies 习惯 习惯(复数) What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies? Listen to the tape and answer the question. He likes reading stories. Listen to the tape and follow the tape. Hey, Zhang Peng, what are your hobbies? I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu. Peter: Zhang Peng: Read in role and make a dialogue in pairs. Hey, , what are your hobbies? I like . I also like and . A: B: What’s the missing? singingdancing playing footballreading stories doing kung fu Practice Interview your classmates and then give a report. Sue Martin dancing √ √ singing √ reading stories playing football √ doing kiung fu √ Do a survey 一、写出动词的-ing形式。 Exercises _________ _________ __________ ________ 故事 singing playing football reading stories doing kung fu 二、单项选择。 ( )1. What are ________ hobbies? A. you B. your C. he ( )2. She likes ________. A. dance B. dancing C. dancing ( )3. I like playing ________ football. My brother likes playing ________ pipa. A. /, the B. the, the C. /, / B B A 1. _________ and _________ like flying kites. 2. Bill ______________________ music. 3. Bob likes _________________. 4. Lily, Bob and Bill _______________ playing basketball. 三、看表格,补全句子。 Lily √ Mary √ √ √ √ Bob √ Bill √ Lily Mary likes listening to playing football don’t like Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1.学习了单词和词组:singing, dancing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu 2.学习了动词现在分词的变化规则。 3.学习了询问对方爱好的句型及回答: What are your hobbies? I like ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s learn 部分单词和对话 。 one two Homework 用所学句型写三组 对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Sing a song: My new pen pal. 点击画面 播放视频 Let’s review some verbs’ –ing form. sing danceplay football read storiesdo kung fu singing dancingplaying football reading storiesdoing kung fu Ask and answer. T: What are your hobbies? S1: I like ... What are your hobbies? S2: I like ... In our daily life, we have many friends. How do we make friends? Sometimes we make friends online. For example, we can make friends through emails or letters. We don’t have to meet them in person. We call them pen pals. pen pal 笔友 Lead in Zhang Peng is talking with Oliver about his pen pal. Listen and then write T(true) or F(false). 1. ( ) Peter likes basketball. Presentation Let’s try 2. ( ) Peter isn’t tall. T F 听力原文: Zhang Peng: Look! I have a new pen pal. He’s from New Zealand. Oliver: That’s good. What’s his name? Zhang Peng: His name is Peter. He likes playing basketball. Oliver: Oh, is he very tall? Zhang Peng: Yes, he is! Do you want to know more about Peter? Look at the picture. Let’s talk What is he doing? He’s reading a book. 点击画面 播放视频 Let’s watch the video and answer the questions. 1. Where does Peter live? 2. What are Peter’s hobbies? 3. What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies? Let’s check the answers. 1. Where does Peter live? 2. What are Peter’s hobbies? He lives on a farm. So sometimes he reads to the cows. He likes reading stories. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. He also likes singing. 3. What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies? He likes singing. Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! 茉莉 动词原形 动词的第三人称单数 1. He likes reading stories. 2. He lives on the farm. 3. So sometimes he reads to the cows. like live read likes lives reads Language points Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: What are Peter’s hobbies? He likes reading stories. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes doing kung fu and swimming. Really? Me too! He also likes singing. Oh, you like singing, too. Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! Good idea! Read after the tape. Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: What are Peter’s hobbies? He ... He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows! That’s interesting. He likes ... Really? Me too! He also likes ... Oh, you like singing, too. Yes, I’m going to teach him the Chinese song “Jasmine Flower”! Good idea! Read the text by role. 两名同学上台,一名学生根据教师的纸条提示表演动作, 其他学生提问:What are her/his hobbies? 另一名学 生回答:He/She likes ... 进行男女生对抗赛,看哪一 组在规定时间内猜出的最多。 Play a game “心有灵犀". Practice Do a survey. Who is your best friend? Talk about his or her hobbies. My best friend is . What are his hobbies? He likes . playing sports climbing mountains listening to music watching TV playing the pipa drawing cartoons 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises hobbies 原形 swim 现在分词 like 三单形式 to 同音词 hobby swimming likes too ( )1. What are ________ hobbies? A. Peter’s B. Peters C. Peter ( )2. I’m going to teach ________ an English song. A. he B. him C. his ( )3. He ________ drawing cartoons. A. likes B. liking C. like ( )4. —________ is your best friend? —Zhang Peng. A. Where B. What C. Who 二、单项选择。 A B A C 三、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Lisa: 1.___________________ Li Mei: 2.___________________ She lives on a farm, so sometimes she dances to the animals. Lisa: 3.___________________ Li Mei: She likes listening to music and playing ping-pong. Lisa: Really? Me too. Li Mei: 4.____________________ B D A A. That’s interesting. B. What are Anna’s hobbies? C. She also likes singing. D. She likes dancing. C Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了like后面动词加-ing形式的用法。 2.学习了兴趣爱好的句型: What are ...’s hobbies? He/She likes ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音,跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 调查自己父母的爱 好是什么。 完成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Listen, match and say Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 What is his hobby? Warm up He likes doing kung fu. What is her hobby? She likes singing. What is his hobby? He likes playing football. What is her hobby? She likes dancing. This is my pen pal. What do you want to know about him? Lead in Presentation What does my pen pal often do? New words 做饭 中国食物 学习中文 He often cooks Chinese food and studies Chinese. My pen pal likes cooking Chinese food, studying Chinese and … and . Read after the tape. does word puzzles cooks Chinese food studies Chinese goes hiking The boy often cooks noodles. He usually goes to school on foot. 动词第三人称单数形式的词尾变化规则: 1.一般动词在词尾加“s”。 2.以字母s, x, ch, sh结尾的动词加“es”。 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加“es”。 4.以辅音字母+o结尾的动词应加“es”。 Language points Does he/she do word puzzles? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesn’t. Does he/she …? Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1. What’s his name? 2. Where does he live? 3. Does he study Chinese? His name is John. He lives in Australia. Yes, he does. Let’s learn Listen to the tape again and follow the tape. Come and see my new pen pal. His name is John, too! Really? Does he live in China, too? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Australia, but he studies Chinese. John: Brother: John: Read in pairs. Come and see my new pen pal. His name is John, too! Really? Does he …, too? No, ... He …, but he studies Chinese. John: Brother: John: Listen, match and say. Practice A: Does Oliver do word puzzles every day? B: Yes, he does. 听力原文: 1. Woman: Oliver likes word puzzles. He does them every day. 2. Man: Miss Green studies Chinese. She writes Chinese characters every week. 3. Woman: John is tall and strong. He goes hiking every Saturday. 4. Man: Mr Jones lives in China and he often teaches his son to cook Chinese food. Do a survey and finish the table. ①What’s your good friend’s/pen pal’s name? ②Where does he/she live? ③What’s her/his name? ④What are her/his hobbies? ⑤What does he/she often do? Name: _____________________ Lives in: ____________________ Age: ______________________ Hobbies: ___________________ Habit: _____________________ 1. cook ________ 2. study ________ 3. go ________ 4. do________ 5. live ________ 6. have________ 一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数。 Exercises studies goescooks does lives has 二、根据汉语意思,补全句子。 1. 来见见我的新笔友。 _______ and _______ my new pen pal. 2. 迈克住在中国吗?不,没有。 —_______ Mike _______ in China? —No, he _______. 3. 约翰每天学习中文。 John _______ _______ every day. Come see Does live doesn’t studies Chinese 三、按要求完成句子。 1. Amy often goes hiking.(变一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) —_______ Amy often _______ hiking? —_______, _______ _______. 2. I do word puzzles every evening.(用第三人称he改写) _______ _______ word puzzles every evening. 3. I like watching TV and reading stories.(就画线部分提问) ____________________? Does go Yes he does He does What are your hobbies Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了四个词组: cooks Chinese food, studies Chinese, does word puzzles, goes hiking 2. 学习了确认他人日常活动的句型及回答: Does he/she/xxx ...? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn’t. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 抄写下列词汇四遍: cooks Chinese food, studies Chinese, does word puzzles, goes hiking 。 one two Homework 仿写Let’s learn部 分的对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Review some phrases. Warm up does word puzzles cooks Chinese food studies Chinese goes hiking Yes, he does. This is my pen pal. Ask and answer. No, he doesn’t. He does word puzzles. Yes, she does. Yes, he does. What’s this? Let’s try http://www.friend.com It’s a website. What are they talking about? Lead in Hi! My name’s ! I’m very interested in Australia, and I’m learning English. Write to me or chat with me. Let’s be friends. MY HOBBIES ___________ I CAN SPEAK _______, Chinese MY FAVOURITES animal:___________ sport:____________ subject:__________ School is over. Miss White is talking to Wu Yifan. Read the questions, then listen and circle. 1. What are they talking about? A. A computer. B. A pen pal. 2. How old is the student from Australia? A. He is 11 years old. B. He is 12 years old. 听力原文: Miss White: On our pen pal website we have a student from Australia. Wu Yifan, would you like to be his pen pal? Wu Yifan: Sure. Does he study in primary school, too? Miss White: Yes. He’s 11 years old. Wu Yifan: Great. I’ll write an email to him today. Miss White: Good. Thank you. Presentation What is Wu Yifan doing? Let’s talk Who are John and Wu Yifan talking about? He’s writing an e-mail to his pen pal. Wu Yifan’s pen pal. Guess 1. Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. 2. Where does he live? Yes, he does. 3. Does he like doing word puzzles? Watch the video and answer the questions. 点击画面 播放视频 He lives in Canberra. 悉尼是澳大利亚的金融、交通和旅游中心,也是大洋洲最大的城市和港口、 世界著名的国际大都市。悉尼是多项重要国际体育赛事的举办城市,2000年悉 尼奥运会及2003年世界杯橄榄球赛等都在悉尼举行。作为国际著名的旅游胜地, 悉尼以海滩、歌剧院和港湾大桥等标志性建筑而闻名遐迩。 悉尼(Sydney) 堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都,位于澳大利亚东南部。面积2395平方公里,人 口36.8万,海拔760米。作为澳大利亚政治中心,堪培拉城内建有澳大利亚国会 大厦、澳大利亚高等法院和众多其他政府部门与外交机关。它也是许多全国性 社会和文化机构的所在地,例如澳大利亚战争纪念馆、澳大利亚国立大学、澳 大利亚体育学会、澳大利亚国立美术馆、澳大利亚国立博物馆及澳大利亚国家 图书馆。市区西南还有宇宙航行跟踪站。 堪培拉(Canberra) Hey, Yifan. What are you doing? I’m writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Canberra. His name is John, too. Really? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he does. Amazing! I like those too! Can I also be his pen pal? Sure. Why not? Cool! John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Read after the tape. Hey, Yifan. What are you doing? I’m writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. Does he live in Sydney? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Canberra. His name is John, too. Really? Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he does. Amazing! I like those too! Can I also be his pen pal? Sure. Why not? Cool! John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Let’s read the dialogue in roles. Hey, Yifan. What are you doing? I’m writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia. Does …? No, … He lives in Canberra. His name is John, too. Really? Does … and going hiking? Yes, ... Amazing! I like those too! Can I also be his pen pal? Sure. Why not? Cool! John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Wu Yifan: John: Let’s act the dialogue out. 快速抢答,判断句子语法是否正确。 Does she likes reading books? Do he often go hiking? Does your grandpa live in the city? Does you do word puzzles every day? √ × × × Practice 采访你的同桌,询问对方父母的信息,完成表格。 hospital school by car by bike go hiking watch TV sing father mother Does your father/mother work in a ...? Does your father/mother go to work ...? Does your father/mother often ...? Does your father/mother like ...? 一、单项选择。 Exercises ( )1. Does Mike ________ in Sydney? A. lives B. live C. living ( )2. I’m writing ________ email ________ my friend. A. an, to B. a, to C. an, in ( )3. Wu Yifan likes ________ hiking. A. going B. goes C. go ( )4. —Can I also ________ his pen pal? —Sure. A. be B. is C. am B A A A 1. you, what, doing, are (?) ____________________________________ 2. does, he, doing, puzzles, word, like (?) ____________________________________ 3. is, his, name, John (.) ____________________________________ 二、连词成句。 What are you doing? Does he like doing word puzzles? His name is John. 三、按要求写句子。 1. I’m going to the hospital. (就画线部分提问) ______ ______ ______ going? 2. cousin, is, visit, going, to, me, my, afternoon, this (.)(连词成句) ________________________________________ 3. Amy is going there by bus.(就画线部分提问) _______ is Amy going there? Where are you My cousin is going to visit me this afternoon. How Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 了解了澳大利亚首都堪培拉和著名城市悉尼。 2. 学习了谈论他人信息的句型: —Does + he/she + 动词原形 + 其他? —Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesn’t. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用以下句型造句子: —Does he ...? —Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesn’t. one two Homework 读Let’s talk部分对话。 完成同步练习。 Read and write Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Sing a song: My new pen pal. 点击画面 播放视频 T: What are your hobbies? S: I like ... I also like ... T: What are their hobbies? S: She/He likes… Ask and answer. Let’s chant. Tell me about your pen pal. What’s his hobby? He likes reading, and that’s my hobby, too. Oh, oh. Does he like doing word puzzles? Yes, he does word puzzles every day. Lead in Finish this table with your partner. Presentation What’s your hobby? What’s your partner’s hobby? partner 同伴 ['pɑːtnə] Your hobbies Your partner’s hobbies Pre-reading play football listen to music do kung fu read stories dance sing Which one do you like? I like football club. Because I like playing football. I like art club. Because I like drawing pictures. Look at the pictures. In our school, we have many clubs. club 俱乐部[klʌb] Run your eyes over the text. Underline the writers. Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy: 334 5567 Goal! Goal! Goal! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club! See you on the playground! john@pep.com.cn Let’s read together! What is your bobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share! Call Mike: 443 5678 Science club, YOUR club! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. robin@pep.com.cn While-reading Step 1: Skimming reading Read the text again and write their hobbies. Step 2: Intensive reading Amy likes _____________. John likes _____________. Mike ____________. Robin _______________________________. dancing playing football likes reading likes teaching students to make robots Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy: 334 5567 Goal! Goal! Goal! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club! See you on the playground! john@pep.com.cn Let’s read together! What is your bobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share! Call Mike: 443 5678 Science club, YOUR club! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. robin@pep.com.cn NOTICE BOARD 分享 表示征求意见 加入 射门 Read after the tape. Shall we dance? There is a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. I like dancing, and I need a partner. Call Amy: 334 5567 Goal! Goal! Goal! What do you do on Sundays? Join our football club! See you on the playground! john@pep.com.cn Let’s read together! What is your bobby? Do you like reading? I have great books. We can share! Call Mike: 443 5678 Science club, YOUR club! Do you want to learn about robots? Come to the science room! Meet Robin. He teaches students to make robots. robin@pep.com.cn Finish this ad for a cooking club. Do you like food? Do you want to cook? Join us! Different people in our club teach different things. Mandy (talk/talks) about chocolates. Wang Tong (cook/cooks) rice and noodles. Cao Jia (make/makes)salad. Who (do/does) the dishes? Don’t worry. We all do them together. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the dining hall. See you there! talks cooks makes does Post-reading Listen to the tape and follow the tape. 1. We can share. 2. I like dancing. 3. He lives on a farm. 4. What are Peter’s bobbies? Tips for pronunciation 仿照下面的形式,写一篇自己的征笔友广告,然后互相交流。 Dear _____, I am looking for a pen pal. My name is _______. I live in ________. I am ________ years old. I am __________. I like _______________. I often __________ on the weekend. What are your hobbies? Do you want to be my pen pal? Write to me, please. Yours, _____ Practice 一、英汉互译。 Exercises 1. football club __________ 2. 猜字谜 ____________ 3. share __________ 4. join __________ 5. make salad __________ 足球俱乐部 do word puzzle 分享 加入 制作沙拉 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. Do you want ________ about robots? A. to learn B. learn C. learning ( )2. What ________ your hobby? A. are B. is C. do ( )3. Who ________ the dishes in the evening? A. do B. does C. doing ( )4. Tim likes ________ kung fu. A. doing B. does C. do A B 二、单项选择。 B A 1. Li Ming ________(cook) rice and noodles for his mother every weekend. 2. There ________(be) a dance class on Sunday at 1 p.m. 3. I like________(read) stories. 4. Look, the girl ________(dance) in the music room. She often ________(dance) in it 5. He ________(teach) students to make robots. cooks reading 三、用单词的适当形式填空。 is is dancing dances teaches Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词: shall, partner, goal, share, club 2. 知道了动词、名词读重音。 3. 一般现在时态主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词 词尾加+s或+es。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 继续练习句子中动词 和名词的重读。 one two Homework 用英语写一份广告。 完成同步练习。 Let’s check—Story time Unit 4 I have a pen pal 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Part B & Part C Warm up Sing a song: My new pen pal. 点击画面 播放视频 Can you guess? play football do kung fu Lead in Can you guess? sing danceread books Listen and tick. Let’s checkPresentation √ √ √ √ Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1. Andy likes . 2. Mike by bike. 3. Amy loves to . 4. John’s mother likes in the morning. playing football goes to school read stories watching TV 2. Girl: Does Mike go to school by bike? Boy: Yes, he does. Girl: No. He likes playing football. 1. Boy: Who is that? Girl: That's Andy. Boy: Does he like playing basketball? Girl: No. He likes playing football. 3. Girl 1: Does Amy read the newspaper everyday? Girl 2: No. She doesn’t. But, she loves to read stories. 听力原文: 4. Boy: Does your mother like watching TV at night, John? John: No. She likes watching TV in the morning. Underline the verbs. Let’s wrap it up Jane has a cat. The cat loves to sleep. Every afternoon Jane studies Chinese and does her homework. After that, Jane teaches her sister to draw. The cat just sleeps. playing football loves love have has Fill in the blanks. Jane has a cat. The cat loves to sleep. Every afternoon Jane studies Chinese and does her homework. After that, Jane teaches her sister to draw. The cat just sleeps. playing football loves love have has studies study does do teaches teach sleeps sleep 一般现在时态动词第三人称单数形式的词尾变化: 1.一般情况下,动词后直接加s。 2.以s,x,ch,sh或o结尾的动词,在后面加es。 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变为i,再加es。 4.动词have遇在主语是第三人称单数时,have改为has。 Story time What’s this? It’s a squirrel. It has a bushy tail. Do you know why? 浓密的,灌木似的 1. What are Zac’s hobbies? 2. What are the monkey’s hobbies? Watch the video and answer the questions. He likes singing and dancing. He likes reading books. 点击画面 播放视频 1. Why was the monkey so angry? 2. What did the monkey do? 3. Is it true? Watch the video again and answer the questions. He doesn’t like Zac’s music. He threw Zac out of the tree. No, it isn’t. 点击画面 播放视频 Read after the tape. 1. Zac lives in a forest. He likes singing and dancing very much. 2. Every day the squirrels have to give the Monkey King gifts. Then the Monkey King lets them get food from his forest. 3. Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king. The Monkey King likes reading books, so he doesn’t like Zac’s music. 4. One day, Zac sang for the king. The king was very angry and shouted, “Go away!” Then he threw Zac out of the tree. 6. What a great story! Is it true? 5. Zac got up and looked at his tail. It was really bushy! Zac liked his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels. So from that day on all squirrels’ tails were bushy. Read and act the story. 1. Zac lives in a forest. He likes … 2. Every day the squirrels have to give the Monkey King gifts. Then the Monkey King lets them … 3. Zac sometimes … in front of the king. The Monkey King likes …, so he doesn’t like Zac’s music. 4. One day, Zac sang for the king. The king was …, “Go away!” Then he threw Zac out of the tree. 6. …! Is it true? 5. Zac got up and looked at his tail. It was really bushy! Zac liked his new tail, and so did all the other squirrels. So from that day on all squirrels’ tails were bushy. like 同义词 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises love sing 现在分词 形容词性 物主代词sleep 三单形式 he singing sleeps his ( )1. Every afternoon Jane study Chinese with her sister. _______ A B C ( )2. I likes playing the piano. ________ A B C ( )3. Zac lives on the forest. ________ A B C B A B 二、改错。 studies like in 三、看图补全句子。 1. Wang Lin likes ______ ______ ______. 2. —_______ Betty _____ _____ _____ on foot? —Yes, she does. 3. My brother _______ ______ ______ every day. doing kung fu Does go to school does word puzzles Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 总结了一般现在时态动词第三人称 单数形式的词尾变化。 2. 学习了Zac的尾巴变蓬松的故事。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用一般现在时态造五 个句子。 one two Homework 将所学故事复数给 同伴听。 完成同步练习。 unit 5 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 What does he do? Let’s learn & Listen, match and say Unit 5 What does he do? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Let’s chant together. What’s your father’s job? What’s your father’s job? He’s a doctor. He’s a great doctor. What’s your mother’s job? What’s your mother’s job? She’s a teacher. She’s a super teacher. Lead in Guess. What does he/she do? doctor teacher farmer driver Guess. What does he/she do? nurse football player Guess. What does he/she do? What does she do? New wordsPresentation She’s a factory worker. 工厂['fæktri] 工人 ['wɜːkə] What does he do? He’s a postman. 邮递员 ['pəʊstmən] What does he do? He’s a businessman. 商人 ['bɪznəsmæn] What does the woman do? She’s a police officer. 警察 [pə'liːs 'ɒfɪsə] Read after the tape. factory worker postman businessman police officer Let’s learn No, he isn’t. 1. Is your father a postman? 2. What does he do? He’s a businessman. Listen and answer. Listen and follow the tape. Zhang Peng: Oliver: Zhang Peng: Oliver: No, he isn’t. Is your father a postman? What does he do? He’s a businessman. No, . Is your ? What does do? . Do practice. 炸弹游戏 学生读单词和词组,遇到炸弹的地方就抱头,否则炸弹会爆炸。 factory worker postman police officerbusinessman Practice Listen, match and say. Jiao Jie’s mother Ge Nan’s father Zhou Jia’s mother Liu Qian’s father police officer postman factory worker businesswoman What does Jiao Jie’s mother do? She’s a businesswoman. 2.Boy: Hi, Ge Nan. Today is Career Day. What do you want to do? Ge Nan: I want to be a police officer, just like my father. Boy: Cool! 听力原文: 1.Girl: What does your mother do, Jiao Jie? Jiao Jie: My mother is a businesswoman. 3.Boy: Hi, Zhou Jia. Is you mother coming today? Zhou Jia: No. She’s too busy. Boy: What does she do? Zhou Jia: She’s a factory worker. 4.Girl: My father is a doctor. What about you, Liu Qian? Liu Qian: My father is a postman. 一、看图写单词。 Exercises _________ _________ __________ ________ worker postman businessman police officer 二、单项选择。 ( )1. My father is a _________. A. postman B. postwoman C. businesswoman ( )2. —Is Mr Wang a factory worker? —_________ A. Yes, she is. B. No, he is. C. Yes, he is. ( )3. —What _____ he do? —He’s a businessman. A. do B. does C. is A C C 三、根据单词的首字母补全单词。 1. This man is a f_______ w________. 2. My mother is a s_____. actory orker inger Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词和词汇: factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer 2. 学习了询问他人工作的句型及回答: —What does he/she do? —He’s/She’s ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s learn 部分对话。 one two Homework 用所学句型造三组 对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 5 What does he do? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Guess some words. Warm up coach fisherman pilot scientist Guess some phrases. by train on foot by bus by plane Ask and answer. T: How do you come to school? S1: I come to school ... T: How do you go to the park? S2: I go to the park ... T: How does S2 go to the park? S2: He/She goes to the park ... ... by bus by subway by car by bike on foot Sing a song: How do you get there? Lead in 点击画面 播放视频 Xiao Yu and Mike are on their way home. They are talking about Xiao Yu’s uncle. What’s he like? What does he do? Is he ...? He is … Guess. Mike and Xiao Yu are going home now. Mike sees a man coming towards them. Listen and circle. 1. What does Xiao Yu’s uncle look like? A. Big and tall. B. Thin and short. 2. Does Xiao Yu’s uncle often take him to school? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. Let’s try 听力原文: Mike: Hi, Xiao Yu. Who’s that tall man? XiaoYu: My uncle. Mike: He’s so big. What does he do? XiaoYu: He’s a police officer. Mike: Cool! How does he get to work? On foot? XiaoYu: No. He goes by car. He often takes me to school on his way to work. take sb to sp为固定结构 :带某人去某地。take me to school意为“带我去学校”。 Guess. Who’s this man? Let’s talk He is a fisherman. He works at sea. By bike. Presentation 1. What does he do? 2. Where does he work? 3. How does he go to work? Watch the video and answer the questions. 点击画面 播放视频 大海 My uncle is a fisherman. Where does he work? He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day! I see. How does he go to work? By boat? No. He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike. He has a very healthy life. Yes, he works very hard and stays healthy. We should study hard and stay healthy, too. Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: What else do you know about Mike’s uncle? Read the text. 保持健康 Yes, he works very hard and stays healthy. We should study hard and stay healthy, too. stay healthy 努力学习 Language points 一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词用三单形式。 情态动词should后动词用原形。 My uncle is a fisherman. Where does he work? He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day! I see. How does he go to work? By boat? No. He works on a boat. He goes to work by bike. He has a very healthy life. Yes, he works very hard and stays healthy. We should study hard and stay healthy, too. Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Read after the tape. My uncle is … Where does he work? He ... He sees lots of fish every day! I see. How …? By boat? No. He works ... He goes to work by bike. He has a very healthy life. Yes, he … and ... We should study hard and stay healthy, too. Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Mike: Xiao Yu: Read the dialogue in roles and act the dialogue out. 疑问词大汇总 我们常见的疑问词有what, where, how, who。 (1)what是对 “什么”提问。 eg. —What’s this? —It’s a car. —What does your father do? —He’s a doctor. (2)where是对 “地点”提问。 eg. —Where is the cinema? —Near the zoo. —Where does he work? —He works in a school. Language points (3)how 对 “交通方式”提问。 (4)who 对“人物”提问。 eg. —How does he go to work? —By bus. eg. —Who is he? —He’s Mike. 学生两人一组,从下面的表格中任选一组创编对话。 Name What Where How Mr Li coach gym by bike Mrs Zhao head teacher school by car Practice Make a dialogue. 采访自己的同桌,询问对方亲属职业的相关问题并记录 在自制的表格内,然后根据采访内容作汇报。 For example: xxx’s aunt is a police officer. She works in a police station. She goes to work by subway. My partner’s parents His/Her _____ is a/an __________. She/He works in a ___________. She/He goes to work __________. Do a survey. 一、找规律,写单词。 Exercises 1. bus bike ________ 2. how who ________ 3. pilot worker ________ 4. father uncle ________ boat what coach mother ( )1. He _______ a life healthy. A. have B. has C. is ( )2. My aunt is a ______. A. fisherman B. fisherwoman C. businessman ( )3. Li Ming works _______ a boat. A. by B. on C. in 二、单项选择。 B B B 三、按要求完成句子。 1. My uncle is a coach.(就画线部分提问) ______ ______ your uncle ______? 2. He works at sea. (就画线部分提问) ______ ______ he ______? 3. Mike goes to school by bus. (就画线部分提问) ______ ______ Mike ______ to school? 4. Tim is a postman.(变一般疑问句) ______ ______ a postman? 5. should, we, and, hard, study, healthy, stay (.)(连词成句) ___________________________________ What does do Where does work How does go Is Tim We should study hard and stay healthy. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词组: stay healthy, work hard, study hard 2.学习了询问他人工作地点和交通工具的句型及回答: —Where does she/he work? —She/He works ... —How does she/he go to work? —She/He goes to work ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用以下句型造句: Where does he work? He works … How does he go to work? He goes to work ... one two Homework 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Write and discuss Unit 5 What does he do? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: What do you want to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up What does he/she do? He’s/She’s ... Lead in Presentation Look at the man. What does he do? New words He’s a fisherman. ['fɪʃəmən] 男渔民 What does she do? She’s a fisherwoman. More words like this: fisherman fisherwoman policeman policewoman postman postwoman businessman businesswoman What does he do? He’s a scientist. science去掉ce,加tist。 ['saɪəntɪst] 科学家 What does he do? He’s a pilot. 飞行员['paɪlət] What does she do? She’s a coach. 教练 [kəʊtʃ] Listen to the tape and follow the tape. fisherman scientist pilot coach Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1. What does Oliver’s aunt do? She’s a scientist. 2. Where does she work? She works in a university. Let’s learn 询问他人的工作地点,可以说: eg. Where does his uncle work? He works in a hospital. 句型结构:Where does + 主语(第三人称单数) + work? 回答:He/She + works + 介词 + 地点. Language points Read the dialogue in role. My aunt is a scientist. Where does she work? She works at a university. Oliver: Wu Yifan: Oliver: Make a dialogue in pairs. A: What does ____ do? B: She’s/He’s _______. A: Where does she/he work? B: She/He works _______. What does Amy’s father do? He’s a pilot. Where does he work? He works near the sea. 英国救援飞机是橘色白色相间,多写有rescue的字样。橘 色作为亮色系经常出现在各国紧急救援的衣服和设备上,如: 救生衣、救生艇、消防员的衣服、工程抢险车等。 英国救援飞机 Write and discuss. What does ... do? Where does ... work? Lee is a doctor, and he works in a pet hospital. university gym sea plane Ann is a , and she works in a . Tim is a , and he works at . Zhou Jing is a , and she works in a . Guo Wei is a , and he works on a rescue . scientist university fisherman sea coach gym pilot plane Practice 一、看图,写单词。 Exercises fisherman coach scientist pilot 二、选词填空。 1. Guo Wei is a _______, and he works on a rescue plane. 2. Tom is a fisherman. He works at________. 3. Ann’s mother is a scientist. She works in a __________. 4. Ed is a _______, and he works in a gym. pilot coach, gym, university, pilot sea university coach 三、补全对话。 Lisa: 1.______ is that man? Tim: 2.______ my uncle. Lisa: What 3.______ he 4.______? Tim: He is a basketball coach. Lisa: 5.______ does he 6.______? Tim: He 7.______ 8.______ a big gym. Lisa: Cool! Who He’s does do Where work works in Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1.学习了四个表示职业的单词: fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach 2.学习了询问对方工作地点的句型及回答: Where does he/she work? He/She works ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 将下列单词抄写四遍: fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach。 one two Homework 仿写let’s learn 部 分内容。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 5 What does he do? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: What do you want to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up factory worker postman Guess. What does he/she do? businessman police officer Guess. What does he/she do? What does Sarah’s father do? Who will come on Parents’ Day? Listen and circle. 1. Sarah’s mother can/can’t come today. Let’s try 2. Her father is a doctor/teacher/taxi driver. Lead in Oliver: Sarah, today is Parents' Day. Sarah: Yes. My mother is coming, but my father is too busy. Oliver: I see. What does your father do? Sarah: He's a doctor. 听力原文: On Parents’ Day, both Sarah’s and Oliver’s fathers can’t come. Presentation Let’s talk Look at the picture. Have a guess: What does Oliver’s father do? Let’s watch the video. 点击画面 播放视频 He is a businessman. Watch the video again and answer the questions. 1. Where is Oliver’s father today? 2. What does his mother do? His mother is a head teacher. He is in Australia. 点击画面 播放视频 Oliver’s father is a businessman. He often goes to other countries. His mother is a head teacher. countries 复数变y为i再加es。 country 国家 ['kʌntri] head teacher 校长 Language points Read the text and answer the questions. 1. Does Oliver want to be a head teacher? No, he doesn’t. 2. What does he want to be? He want to be a businessman. 3. What do you want to be one day? I want to be ... one day. I want to be a businessman. want to be 意思是“想要成为”, to后面跟be动词 的原形be。 eg. I want to be a police officer in the future. Lily wants to be an actress. Language points Read after the tape. Is your father here today? No. He’s in Australia. What does he do? He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries. And what does your mother do? She’s a head teacher. That’s nice. Yeah. She’ll be here today! Do you want to be a head teacher, too? No, I want to be a businessman. Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Read the text by role. Is your father here today? No. He’s in Australia. What does he do? He’s a businessman. He often goes to other countries. And what does your mother do? She’s a head teacher. That’s nice. Yeah. She’ll be here today! Do you want to be a head teacher, too? No, I want to be a businessman. Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Sarah: Oliver: Make a dialogue in pairs. Is … here today? No. He’s ... What does he do? He’s ... He often goes to other countries. And what does … do? She’s a ... That’s nice. Yeah. She’ll be here today! Do you want to be a …, too? No, I want to be a … A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: cleaner writer singer dancer football player Do a survey. What does your … do? He’s /She’s … name mother father brother sister Practice ( )1. He often ______ to other countries. A. going B. go C. goes ( )2. I want to ______ a doctor one day. A. am B. is C. be ( )3. —______ your mother a police officer? —No, she isn’t. A. Is B. Are C. Does 一、单项选择。 C C A Exercises 二、判断下列句子与图片是“T”否“F”相符。 ( )1. My sister is a dancer.     ( )2. The woman is a head teacher. T F 三、给下列句子排序。 ( ) What does she do? ( ) No, she isn’t. ( ) Is she a police officer? ( ) She’s a doctor. ( ) She’s my aunt. ( ) Who’s she? 5 4 3 6 2 1 四、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Lily: Hi, Bob. 1._____________ Bob: No. She’s in Beijing. Lily: 2.______________ Bob: She’s a businesswoman. 3.______________ Lily: What does your father do? Bob: 4.______________ Lily: That’s nice. Bob: Yeah. 5.______________ C E A A. She often flies to other cities. B. He’s a doctor. C. Is your mother here today? D. He’ll be here today. E. What does she do? B D Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词:country, head teacher 2. 巩固了询问他人职业的句型及回答: What does your … do? He’s /She’s … 3. 学习了表达自己愿望的句型: I want to be ... one day. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 调查同伴父母的工 作是什么。 完成同步练习。 Read and write Unit 5 What does he do? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: What do you want to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up Ask and answer. T: What are your hobbies? S1: I like ... S2: I like ... T: What do you want to be? Why? S3: I want to be a music teacher. I like music. ... Lead in Presentation Guess. They are Hu Bin, Sarah and Robin. What are their hobbies? What do they want to be? Pre-reading Read the text quickly and choose a title for the text. People and their jobs Hobbies and jobs√ Step 1: Skimming reading While-reading Read the text carefully and fill in the table. What does he/she like? Step 2: Intensive reading What does he/she want to be? Where is he/she going to work? Hu Bin Sarah Robin coach university What does Hu Bin like? Where is he going to work? What does he want to be? Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym. Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. reporter 记者 What does Sarah like? Where is she going to work? What does she want to be? Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office. Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary. type quickly 迅速地打字 secretary 秘书 What does Robin like? Where is he going to work? What does he want to be? If you like science, you can be a scientist. Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan’s grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university. Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist. Check the answers. What does he/she like? What does he/she want to be? Where is he/she going to work? Hu Bin Sarah Robin coach university sports gym using computers secretary office scientist science Read after the tape. Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym. Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office. Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary. Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifan’s grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university. Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist. At the Real Word Camp, children can do different jobs. Do you want to go there? Fill in the form. Which job do you want to do? Parents’ information: What does your father/mother do? Where does he/she work? What is his/her phone number? “I allow my child to go to the camp.” Parent’s signature: He is a doctor. He works in a hospital. 56873408 policeman/worker/… Post-reading Listen and repeat. He is good at football//, ping-pong//and basketball. If you like sports//, you can be a coach//, a sports reporter//, or a PE teacher. Tips for pronunciation //=pause 1. If you like science//, you can be a scientist. 2. If you can type quickly//, you can be a secretary. 感知英语语句中的意群现象 List jobs. Compare with your partner. singer, writer, worker, businessman, fisherwoman, cleaner, farmer, dancer, policeman, driver, football player, artist a.有些词尾加-er: Practice b.有些词尾加-r: c.有些词尾加-ist: d.有些词尾加man或woman: singer writer worker cleaner farmer football player dancer driver artist businessman fisherwoman policeman 两人一组互相谈论各自的爱好和梦想职业,然后写成文段,互相交流。 What are your hobbies? What can you do? What job do you want to do? I like _______________. I can ___________. I want to ____________________________. Work in pairs. 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises use 现在分词 like 三单形式 want to be 英译汉 work 名词 using likes 想成为 worker 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. She can type _____. A. quick B. quickly C. slow ( )2. —What does he like? —_____. A. He’s tall. B. He goes there by bus. C. He likes sports. ( )3. Sarah likes _____ computer. A. use B. using C. uses ( )4. If you like science, you can be a ______. A. music teacher B. TV reporter C. scientist B B 二、单项选择。 C C 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Hi, I’m Zhao Yang. I’m a pupil. My father is a fisherman. He works at sea. He goes to work by car. My mother is a worker. She works in a big factory. She goes to work by bike. I like drawing pictures. I can draw well. I want to work in a school. 1. What does Zhao Yang’s father do? _______________________________________ 2. What are Zhao Yang’s hobbies? _______________________________________ 3. How does Zhao Yang’s mother go to work? _______________________________________ 三、阅读短文,回答问题。 He is a fisherman. She goes to work by bike. He likes drawing pictures. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了词汇: gym, if, reporter, use, type, quickly, secretary 2.知道了逗号是英语句子中停顿的标志。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 继续练习句子中的 停顿。 one two Homework 用所学句型写两组 对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s check—Story time Unit 5 What does he do? 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Part B & Part C Sing a song: What do you want to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up Who can remember the words? Lead in Listen and match. Let’s checkPresentation Wei Fang’s father Xiao Yu’s father Wei Fang’s uncle Listen again and answer the questions. police officer1. What does Wei Fang’s uncle do? He is a . 2. Will the children go home together? . 3. Write three other jobs: . No coach scientist postman 听力原文: Xiao Yu: Hi, Wei Fang. Let's go home. Wei Fang: Sorry, Xiao Yu. My father will come to get me. Xiao Yu: OK. What does your father do? Wei Fang: My father is a police officer. What about your father? Xiao Yu: My father is a coach. My grandfather is a scientist. Wei Fang: cool! My uncle is a postman, but he wants to be a scientist. Mary has a cat. What Mary ? He goes to school by bus. How he to school? My aunt works in a gym. Where your aunt ? Fill in the blanks. Then play the game “I didn’t hear you”. does have does go does work Let’s wrap it up 两人一组,A对B说:Mary has a cat. B做出假装听不见的动作,并说: I didn’t hear you. What does Mary have? A再说一次句子。 Sorry, I didn't hear you. What does Mary have? Mary has a cat. Mary has a cat. He goes to school by bus. How_____ he ____ to school?does go He goes to school by bus. He goes to school by bus. Sorry, I didn't hear you. How does he go to school? My aunt works in a gym. My aunt works in a gym. Sorry, I didn't hear you. Where does your aunt work? My aunt works in a gym. Where _____ your aunt _____?does work lion tamer unusual jobs magician magician’s assistant New words tester bee farmer unusual jobs 1. How many unusual jobs does Zoom think of? 2. What are they? 3. What does Zip want to be? Story time Watch the video and answer the questions. Four. Lion tamer, bee farmer, computer game tester and magician’s assistant. He wants to be a nut cracker. 点击画面 播放视频 Read after the tape. 1. Zoom: Wow! What a great job! Zip: Yes. What other unusual job can you think of? 2. Zoom: How about a lion tamer? Zip: Oh, no. Too dangerous! 3. Zoom: What about a bee farmer? I love honey. Zip: Hmm. Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. That’s not for me. 6. Zip: I want to be a nut cracker. Yum! I like eating nuts. Zoom: Haha! You’re nuts! 4. Zoom: Maybe you can be a computer game tester. You can play games and work at home. Zip: I like to study. I don’t like computer games. 5. Zoom: What about a magician’s assistant? That would be cool. Zip: Oh, no. I don’t like that. Zoom: Well, what do you want to be? 危险的 Read and act the story. 1. Zoom: Wow! …! Zip: Yes. What other unusual job can you think of? 2. Zoom: How about …? Zip: Oh, no. Too dangerous! 3. Zoom: What about …? I love honey. Zip: Hmm. Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. That’s not for me. 6. Zip: I want to be ... Yum! I like eating nuts. Zoom: Haha! You’re nuts! 4. Zoom: Maybe you can be … You can ... Zip: I like to study. I don’t like computer games. 5. Zoom: What about …? That would be cool. Zip: Oh, no. I don’t like that. Zoom: Well, what do you want to be? have 三单形式 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises has job 复数 三单形式校长 汉译英 work jobs head teacher works 1. Linda has a dog.(就画线部分提问) What _______ Linda _______? 2. She goes to school on foot. (就画线部分提问) How _______ she _______ to school? 3. mother, Wei Fang’s, is, worker, a, factory (.)(连词成句) _______________________________________ 4. didn’t, I , you, hear (.)(连词成句) _______________________________________ does have 二、按要求完成句子。 does go Wang Fang’s mother is a factory worker. I didn’t hear you. 三、小练笔。 请介绍你自己,包括兴趣爱好、梦想职业等,不少于30 个单词。 ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习和巩固了本单元的核心词汇和句型。 2. 了解了unusual job的概念。 3. 归纳了本单元的主要句型的句法。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 调查同伴父母的职业 并写下来。 one two Homework 将学的故事用英语 复述给同伴听。 完成同步练习。 unit 6 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 How do you feel? Let’s learn & Write and say Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Sing a song: If you’re happy, clap your hands 点击画面 播放视频 How does she/he feel? Lead in 觉得,感到feel [fiːl] happy tired What’s this? It’s a cat. Who is she? She’s Sarah. What are they doing? How does Sarah feel? The cat broke the cup. Let’s learnPresentation She is angry. How does the cat feel? The cat is afraid. How does Sarah feel now? If you were Sarah, what will you say to the cat? 短语: be angry with 对……生气 eg. He is angry with his mother. 短语: be afraid of 对……感到害怕 eg. I'm afraid of dark. What about the cat? The cat is ill. So Sarah is sad. If you were Sarah, what will you do? 近义词: sick eg. The baby is ill. ill 反义词: happy eg. He looks very sad. Where is the cat? The cat is in the tree. So Sarah is worried. If you were Sarah, what will you say to the cat? 短语: be worried about 为……担心 eg. I'm worried about my friend. 拓展:worry v. 担心 Where is the cat? The cat is in Sarah’s hug. So Sarah is happy. If you were Sarah, what will you say to the cat? eg. They all have a happy day. 反义词:unhappy sad Read after the tape. angry ill worried happy Read after the tape. Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. Sarah and the cat are worried. They are happy. 主语 + be动词 + 表示情绪的形容词. 表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态。 be动词随着主语而发生变化,用儿歌表示: 我用am,你用are,is 跟着他、她、它,单数is,复数 are,千万不要忘记了。 eg. I am happy. Sarah and Mike are sad. Language points Write and say He is . They are . He is . She is . I am . worried happy angry sad afraid Practice 翻卡片,说句子。 请一名学生随意翻开其中一张,全体学生问:How do you feel? 如果翻开的是sad,该生说Sad, sad, I’m sad. angry ill worried happy “变脸”活动。 请一名学生到讲台前,面向全体学生,呈现不同的 表情,其他学生用句子描述。如做出生气的表情, 其他学生说:xxx is angry. 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises worry 形容词 happy 反义词 her 主格 feel 英译汉 worried sad she 感觉 二、单项选择。 ( )1. How ______ you feel? A. do B. are C. does ( )2. Sarah’s father is ill. She is ______. A. happy B. sad C. angry ( )3. I ______ happy, because my mom is going to Beijing with me. A. is B. are C. am A B C 三、看图补全句子。 1. They _________ _________.     2. The boy _________ _________. are happy is afraid Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了表示情绪和心理状态的单词: angry, afraid, sad, happy, worried 2.学习了表达人物或动物的情绪和心理状态的句型: 主语 + be + 表示情绪、心理状态的形容词. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s learn 部分单词和对话。 one two Homework 用英语描述同伴的 心情。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Review some words. afraid a-f-r-a-i-d sad s-a-d happy h-a-p-p-y angry a-n-g-r-y worried w-o-r-r-i-e-d Warm up 教师请几名学生到讲台前,其他学生说句子, 这几名学生根据学生说的句子做出表情。如: xxx is sad. xxx这名学生听到后作出伤心的表情。 Play a game. Who are they? Sarah and Sam. What’s the weather like? It’s cold/windy. Where are they? Guess? If they are at home, what will they do? Lead in Listen to the tape and answer questions. Where are they? A. At home. B. At school. What will they do? A. Eat some fruit. B. Watch films. √ √ 听力原文: Sam: Phew! It's so cold in January. Sarah: Yes, but we can stay inside and watch films. Sam: Great. I like cartoons. Sarah: Yes, me too. They make me feel happy. stay inside: 待在里面 What film do they watch? Presentation Let’s talk A cartoon about a cat. Let’s watch the video and answer the question. 点击画面 播放视频 1. What does the cat do? He chases the mice. 2. Why does he do that? Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. 点击画面 播放视频 Let’s watch the video again and answer these questions. 追赶 mouse mice 复数 邪恶的,坏的 (使)受伤 —How does the cat feel? —He is angry with them. be angry with后面跟人,是对某人生气,生某人的气。 eg. Are you angry with him? He is angry with me. —How does the mice feel? —They are afraid of him. be afraid of +人/物,指害怕…… eg. I am afraid of the dog. What’s this cartoon about? It’s about a cat. The cat is a police officer. Cool! He chases the mice. They’re afraid of him. Why? Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. The cat is angry with them. Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! Sam: Sarah: Sam: Sarah: Sam: Sarah: Sam: Read after the tape. What’s this cartoon about? It’s about ... The cat is ... Cool! He chases the mice. They’re … him. Why? Because ... They hurt people. The cat is … them. Maybe our cat is … a mouse now! Sam: Sarah: Sam: Sarah: Sam: Sarah: Sam: Read the dialogue in roles. Look and tell your partner. How do these pictures make you feel? Practice A: How does picture one make you feel?eg. B: It makes me feel afraid. 手指游戏 用彩笔在自己的手指上画上不同的表情,然后与 自己的同桌互相用下列句型交流: How does he/she feel? He/She is angry/sad ... ( )1. —What’s this cartoon _________? —It’s about a cat. A. in B. about C. at ( )2. The _________ are bad. A. mouse B. mice C. cats ( )3. Your cat is _________ a mouse now. A. chase B. chasing C. chases ( )4. Amy is afraid _________ the dog. A. of B. to C. for 一、单项选择。 B B B A Exercises 二、给下列句子中的画线部分选择正确的汉语。 ( )1. The cat is a police officer. A. 警局 B. 警察 C. 邮递员 ( )2. They hurt people. A.(使)受伤 B. 痛苦 C. 抓住 B A 三、连词成句。 1. do, feel, how, you (?) _______________________________________ 2. is, Tom, with, them, angry (.) _______________________________________ 3. happy, are, her , and, Sarah, cat (.) _______________________________________ How do you feel? Tom is angry with them. Sarah and her cat are happy. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词及词组: chase, mice, bad, hurt, be afraid of, be angry with 2. 学习了运用句型“主语 + be + 表示情绪的形容 词”,表达心情和感受。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Let’s learn & Play card games Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Sing a song: If you’re happy, clap your hands 点击画面 播放视频 Ask and answer. I’m ... Lead in How do you feel now? Presentation Who are they? New words Chen Jie Wu Yifan OliverMike How does Chen Jie feel? She is ill. What should she do? 看病 She should . What is Wu Yifan doing? He can’t run fast. What should he do? He’s running. 多锻炼 He should . What is the weather like? What should he do? It’s cold outside. 穿暖和的衣服 He should . John is helping his friend. What should Oliver do? 深呼吸 数到十 He should and . Read the words. see a doctor do more exercise wear warm clothes take a deep breath and count to ten Listen to the tape and follow the tape. You should see a doctor. You should do more exercise. You should wear warm clothes. You should take a deep breath and count to ten. 我们学的情态动词有can, may, must, should,用在行为动 词前,表示说话人对这一动作或状态的看法或主观设想。后面 跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。 eg. He is ill. He should go to the hospital to see a doctor. Mary must study hard. 情态动词 Play card games. What should I do? You should wear warm clothes. cold cold angry ill worried Practice Practice in pairs. 两人一组,拿出自制卡片cold, ill, angry, worried等, 然后轮流抽取卡片和给出建议。 A: What should I do? B: You should see a doctor. cold angry ill worriedFor example: Express yourself. 教师将学生分成几组,每组选择一张表示情绪的图片。教师 请一名学生戴上帽子,扮演心理医生提问:angry, angry, who is angry? 选中angry的图片的小组说:Angry, angry, I’m angry. 扮 演心理医生的学生回应相应的疏导情绪的句子。 ( )1. A. doctor B. coach C. mother ( )2. A. can B. give C. should ( )3. A. clothes B. worried C. happy ( )4. A. do B. breath C. see 一、选出不是同类的一项单词。 Exercises C B A B 二、单项选择。 ( )1. Mike is ill. He should ________ a doctor. A. see B. sees C. look ( )2. I’m ________. I should wear warm clothes. A. hot B. cold C. angry ( )3. You’re too fat. You should do ________ exercise. A. many B. much C. more A B C 三、连词成句。 1. I, what, do, should(?) _____________________________________ 2. a, you, take, deep, should, breath(.) _____________________________________ 3. does, how, feel, Sarah(?) _____________________________________ What should I do? You should take a deep breath. How does Sarah feel? Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词组: see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten 2. 学习了寻求解决问题的方法及提出建议、疏导情绪的 句型: —What should I do? —You should ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 抄写下列短语四遍: see a doctor, do more exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten one two Homework 仿写Let’s learn部 分的对话。 完成同步练习。 Let’s try & Let’s talk Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Warm up Play a game “What should I do?” Choose one of the cards and ask your partner, what should you do? cold worried angry ill A:I'm angry. What should I do? B:You should take a deep breath and count to ten. A:I'm ______.What should I do? B:You should _________. Read the phrases. wear warm clothessee a doctor do more exercise take a deep breath count to ten It’s seven o’clock in the morning, and it’s time to get up. Listen and circle. 1. Who is talking? A. Doctors. B. Parents. 2. What are they talking about? A. Going to the zoo. B. Going to school. Lead in Let’s try 听力原文: Dad: Ah-choo! ( sneeze ) Mum: Bless you! Oh, no! You have a fever. You should see a doctor. Dad: OK. But what about the zoo? Mum: It’s OK. I will tell the kids. have a fever:发烧 see a doctor:看病 Presentation Let’s talk What’s wrong(怎么了) with them? Guess! Sarah, Sam and their mum. Look at the picture. Who are they? 1. What's wrong with Sam's father? He is ill. Watch the video and answer these questions: 2. Can they go to the zoo today? No, they can’t. 点击画面 播放视频 He feels sad. How does Sam feel? What should Sam’s father do? He should see a doctor. If you were Sarah and Sam, what should you do? Caring for others, thinking for others. 关心他人,为他人着想。 Watch the video again and answer these questions: 点击画面 播放视频 What’s wrong? 意思是“怎么了?”后面常跟with you。 eg. —What’s wrong? —I have a fever. 同义句:What’ s the matter with you? Language points Don’t be + 形容词. 意为“不要……”。 eg. Don’t be sad. Don’t be angry. Don’t + 动词原形. 意为“不要……”。 eg. Don’t run. Sarah, Sam, come here, please. What’s wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo today. Oh, no! Don’t be sad. We can go next time. How does Dad feel now? Not well! Let’s go to the hospital. Mum: Sarah: Mum: Sam: Mum: Sam: Mum: Read after the tape. Sarah, Sam, come here, please. What’s wrong? ... He should see a doctor this morning, so we can’t go to the zoo today. Oh, no! ... We can go next time. …? Not well! Let’s go to the hospital. Mum: Sarah: Mum: Sam: Mum: Sam: Mum: Let’s read the dialogue in roles, then act it out. Act with your friends. Your friends need some help. Call them and give your suggestions. Don’t be angry. You should take a deep breath. Practice I’m angry. 四人一组,根据提供的文本,模拟情景进行表演。 Act in groups. A: What’s wrong? B: I’m ... A: How do you feel? B: ... What should I do? A: You should ... A: What’s wrong? B: I’m ... A: How do you feel? B: ... What should I do? A: You should ... “我是小帮手”游戏。 每个学生写一张小纸条,如:I’m very sad. What should I do? 放进教师提前备好的纸箱里。请几名学生 轮流抽取纸条,并读出纸条的内容,小组讨论,用... Should ... Don’t ... 提出建议。 Play a game. 一、用单词的适当形式填空。 Exercises 1. Don’t _______(be) angry. 2. How _______(do) Lisa feel? 3. We should do more _______(exercise). Keep our body healthy. 4. _______(you) father is ill. be does exercise Your 1. What’s wrong? A. They will go to the park. 2. How do you feel, Amy? B. I’m ill. 3. What should Mike do? C. I’m happy. 4. What will they do? D. He should take a deep breath. 二、问答连线。 三、选择合适的句子补全对话。 Mom: It’s seven o’clock. 1.________ Ann: Ok, mum. Mom: 2.____________________ Ann: I have a headache. 3.______ Mom: Oh. How do you feel now? Ann: 4.____________________ Mom: 5.________ Let’s go to the hospital now. B A. Not well. B. It’s time to get up. C. You should see a doctor. D. What’s wrong? E. I think I can’t go to school. D E A C Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了提出建议的句型: Don’t ... Should ... 2. 学习了询问他人状况的句型: What’s wrong? 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用以下句型造句: What’s wrong? Don’t ... Should ... one two Homework 读Let’s talk部分 的对话。 完成同步练习。 Read and write Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Sing a song: The way I feel. Warm up 点击画面 播放视频 Read the words. afraid happy angry sad Lead in Draw faces for each word. Presentation Pre-reading What is it? It’s an ant. What’s this? Robin. What happened to Robin and the ant? Today we’ll learn a story about Robin and the ant. Read the story quickly and circle the words about feelings. Step 1: Skimming reading While-reading It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “wait!” It is a little ant. He is afraid. “please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you.” “Don’t worry, little ant. I won’t sit on you,” says Robin. The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends. They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy! Check the answer. 1. Read the story carefully and answer the question. What does the story tell us? A. We should always be nice to each other. B. We shouldn’t hurt ants. Step 2: Intensive reading 2. Read the text carefully and number the pictures. 134 2 It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “wait!” It is a little ant. He is afraid. “please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you.” “Don’t worry, little ant. I won’t sit on you,” says Robin. The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends. They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy! 坐 草坪听见 蚂蚁 担心,担忧 陷住,无法移动泥 拉,拽 每人 What do the underlined words mean? Guess! Everyone is happy! eg. Everyone likes to get birthday cards. everyone 是不定代词,表示第三人称单数。后面的谓语 动词必须是单数形式。 Language points Read after the tape. It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “wait!” It is a little ant. He is afraid. “please don’t sit on me. One day I can help you.” “Don’t worry, little ant. I won’t sit on you,” says Robin. The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends. They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy! Robin and the Ant 1. It’s a ______ morning. Robin is going to _____ on the grass when he hears, “Wait!” 2. The ant is ________. 3. It’s ______. Robin is stuck in the _______________ and ____________________. 4. The ants are strong. They _________________________. 5. Now everyone _________________________. afraid he is worried pull Robin out of the mud is happy Fill in the blanks and retell the story. Post-reading sunny sit raining mud Listen and repeat. next day can’t go count to don’t be Look at the text on page 62. Find and say more like these. Tips for pronunciation 单词之间失去爆破的现象 失去爆破,又叫“不完全爆破”,在某些情况下, 只做出发音的准备,但并不发音。稍作停顿后,发后 面的音。 失去爆破现象多发生在两个相邻的单词之间。 eg. good day big garden 一、按要求写单词。 Exercises Let’s 完全形式 hear 同音词 say 单三形式 will not 缩写形式 let us here ant 英译汉 says won’t 蚂蚁 七彩课堂 伴你成长 ( )1. They pull him out _______ the water. A. for B. of C. on ( )2. Everyone _______ happy. A. is B. are C. am ( )3. It’s a _______ day. A. sunny B. sun C. rain ( )4. 当你想要安慰你的朋友,可以说:_______ A. Don’t worry. B. Don’t worried. C. Not well. B A 二、单项选择。 A A 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. Robin, in, is, the, mud, stuck (.) _______________________________________ 2. going, to, he, is, on, sit, grass, the (.) _______________________________________ 3. are, strong, they (.) _______________________________________ Robin is stuck in the mud. 三、连词成句。 He is going to sit on the grass. They are strong. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词和词组: sit, grass, hear, ant, stuck, worry, mud, pull ... out of, everyone 2. 学习了Robin和蚂蚁的故事,明白了一个道理: We should always be nice to each other. 3. 知道英语中单词之间失去爆破的现象。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 继续练习Tip for pronunciation。 one two Homework 把学的故事用英语 讲给自己的父母听。 完成同步练习。 Let’s check—Story time Unit 6 How do you feel? 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Part B & Part C Sing a song: The way I feel. Warm up 点击画面 播放视频 Ask and answer. I’m ... Lead in How do you feel now? Read the words and add more words. Let’s wrap it upPresentation angry happy worried afraid FEEL 给词汇分类 表示情感的词汇 表示感受的词汇 sorry, worried, bad sad, happy, angry, ... ill, hungry, cold warm, hot, ... 句子接龙。四人一组,每名学生依次说一句话。 For example: Play a game. S1:I feel hungry. S2:You feel hungry and I feel happy. … (1)作连系动词用: feel的用法 (2)作实义动词用: a.表示某人的感觉 eg. I feel well today. b.表示某物摸起来给人的感觉 eg. Ice feels cold. 表示“觉得;认为” eg. I felt that he was right. Listen and match. Let’s check is ill. is happy. should wear warm clothes. should count to ten. Listen again and circle the right answers. 1. How does cold weather make John feel? A. Sad. B. Worried. 2. Who should Wu Yifan see? A. Robin. B. A doctor. 3. How does Oliver feel now? A. He feels happy. B. He feels angry. 4. What should Zhang Peng do? A. Wear warm clothes. B. Do more exercise. ②Robin: Are you OK, Yifan? Wu Yifan: No, I feel ill. Robin: On dear! Do you have a headache? Wu Yifan: Yes, I do. Robin: Hmm. You shouold see a doctor. 听力原文: ①John: Mike, it’s snowing outside. Mike: That’s great, John! John: Really?The cold weather makes me feel sad. Mike: Why? Look at the snow. It’s so beautiful! John: Yes. I guess so. Mike: It makes me feel so happy! ④Zhang Peng: Ah-choo! Amy: Are you OK, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: Yes. I’m fine. Amy: Wear warm clothes. It’s cold outside. Zhang Peng: I will, thanks. 听力原文: ③Chen Jie: Oliver, what’s wrong? Oliver: I’m so angry. Chen Jie: Oh, you should count to ten. Why are you angry? Oliver: Someone took my sunglasses. Chen Jie: No, they are on your head. Oliver: Oh, yes. Haha! Story time What is this? Popcorn. Where are Zoom and Zip? At home. What are they doing? They’re watching TV. Look at the picture. How does Zip feel? He feels happy and worried. Watch the video and answer the questions. What is Zoom doing? He is making popcorn. 点击画面 播放视频 Read after the tape. Zip: Zoom: Zip: Zoom: Zip: Zoom: Zip: My favourite TV show is on soon. Let’s watch it. Do you have any popcorn? I’ll go and make some. I can’t wait. I love popcorn. I’m so happy! He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum! Where is he? I’m a little worried now. I’ll and check. Oh! Zoom, what are you doing here? I’m making popcorn. What? Oh, don’t be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath. Well, I planted the popcorn seeds. But they take a long time to grow. I’m still waiting. Oooooh noooo! 一、看图,选择与图片相符的选项。 Exercises ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. angry B. happy C. sad D. afraid B A D C ( ) 1. If I am ill, I should _______. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. listen to music ( )2. _______ does Oliver feel? A. What B. How C. Where ( )3. —Do you have _______ popcorn? —Yes, I do. A. some B. a C. any ( )4. 当你想表达“不要生气”时,可以说:_______ A. Don’t worry. B. Don’t angry. C. Don’t be angry. 二、单项选择。 A B C C 1. I feel warm.(用Amy改写) _______ _______ warm. 2. should, Betty, more, do, exercise (.)(连词成句) ______________________________ 3. I am sad.(就画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______? 4. He’s making popcorn.(就画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______? 三、按要求完成句子。 Amy feels Betty should do more exercise. How do you feel What is he doing Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习和巩固了单元的核心词汇:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy, wear, more, see a doctor, take a deep breath, count to ten 2. 复习和巩固了单元的核心句型: a. —What's wrong? —Your father is ill. b. He should see a doctor this morning. c. Don’t be sad. d. They’re afraid of him. e. The cat is angry with them. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 用feel编三组对话。 one two Homework 把学的故事用英语 复述给自己的同伴 听。 完成同步练习。 Recycle 2 人教版六年级英语上册优质课件 Recycle 2 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 第一课时 Sing a song: What do you want to do? 点击画面 播放视频 Warm up Can you read the words? factory worker postman businessman police officer Lead in Can you read the words? coachfisherman pilot scientist Presentation Visiting an old friend Peter’s family are going to visit Ken’s family in another town. Peter’s father is taking about them. Listen and fill in the blanks. father’s job ____________ mother’s job ___________ brother’s job ____________ sister’s job ____________ aunt’s job _____________ uncle’s job _____________ coach farmer police officer factory worker fisherman postman Listen again. Write down the hobbies for the people. He likes ______. She likes ______. singing reading He likes fishing She likes doing kung fu She likes watching football matches He likes hiking ____________. ____________.__________________.__________________. 听力原文: My friend Kevin is a farmer. He has two boys and one girl. His little boy is called Ken. He is 11 years old. He likes singing. Ken’s mother is a worker in a milk factory. She likes reading. Ken’s brother is a fisherman. He likes fishing. His sister is a police officer. She likes doing Kungfu. She is really cool. Ken’s aunt teaches football. She likes watching football matches, too. His uncle is a postman. He likes going hiking every week. Peter’s family are on the bus. What are they doing on the bus? aunt cousin mother brother father uncle Peter Stop running! Sit down! sister Peter’s father is talking. He’s happy. happy sad worried angry talking singing reading a book playing computer games running doing word puzzles Make sentences like this: This is Peter’s puzzle. Do you know the answers? ACROSS 2. You go there to see the doctor. 4. They catch bad men. DOWN 1. You are afraid and not happy because something bad might happen. 3. You are not feeling well. w o r r i e d h s p i t a l p o i c i l l 1 2 3 4 Practice Make a survey. 分组调查同学的喜好和他们将来想从事的工作。 Name Hobby Job reading, singingXXX teacher … 一、根据图片写单词。 Exercises pilot police officerpostman scientist 二、单项选择。 ( )1. He likes ______. A. singing B. read books C. play football ( )2. My uncle is ______. A. a mother B. running C. a fisherman ( )3. The boy has a cake. He is ______. A. happy B. sad C. angry A C A 三、看图补全句子。 1. She likes ________________.     2. His is a _______________. dancing fisherman Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了表示职业和爱好的单词和词组。 2.练习了表达心情的句子。 3.学习了如何解决puzzle。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 小练笔:写一写家人 的爱好和职业。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 Recycle 2 人教PEP版英语六年级上册 第二课时 Warm up Sing a song: My new pen pal. 点击画面 播放视频 sing danceplay football read storiesdo kung fu Review some phrases. Review some phrases. does word puzzles cooks Chinese food studies Chinese goes hiking At Ken’s house, his father tells a story. Step 1: Skimming reading Run your eyes over the story. Underline the characters in the story. Presentation Check the answer. One day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and says, “Bring me the flower in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower can have my money!” After three months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fisherman brings nothing. He is very sad. “I don’t know why!” he says, ”I watered it everyday.” “You are honest!” The businessman says. ”The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The money is yours.” The fisherman is very happy. The other two men feel ashamed and sad. 1. How does the fisherman feel after three months? 2. How does he feel at the end? Why? He is very sad. He is very happy. Because he gets the money. Step 2: Intensive reading Read the story carefully, and answer the questions. Check the answer. One day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and says, “Bring me the flower in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower can have my money!” After three months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fisherman brings nothing. He is very sad. “I don’t know why!” he says, ”I watered it everyday.” “You are honest!” The businessman says. ”The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The money is yours.” The fisherman is very happy. The other two men feel ashamed and sad. What does the story tell us? Tick what you agree with. People should work hard. People should be honest. People sometimes do not tell the truth. √ Peter likes the story very much. He is going to tell it to his best friend. A story often has a setting (when and where), characters (who) and a plot (what happens). Fill in the blanks for this story. When: One day Who: Where: A small town A businessman A factory worker A coach A fisherman What happened: moneyThe businessman is old. He has lots of . The businessman meets three men. He gives . . The factory worker . The coach . The fisherman . can have his money because he is honest. the factory worker, the coach, the fisherman three seeds brings a big red flower brings a small purple flower brings nothing The fisherman ● ● ● ● ● ● Now you are Peter. Call your friend and tell the story. There’s a rich old businessman in a small town. One day, he meets three men. He gives … these three men three seeds. Three weeks later, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the fisherman brings nothing. Finally the honest fisherman gets the money, because the seeds are bad. Practice A: If you are the businessman, what will you do? B: I will give the money to the honest man. Act in pairs. 同桌两个相互提问。 一、根据图片写单词。 Exercises coach businessmanfactory worker fisherman 二、单项选择。 ( )1. What ______ the story tell us? A. do B. are C. does ( )2. The businessman ______ old. A. do B. is C. are ( )3. He ______ them three seeds. A. give B. can C. gives C B C Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 复习了各种职业单词。 2.学习了故事的写法。 Sincerity is the life of the highest virtue. 真诚才是人生最高的美德。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 把所学的故事用英语 讲给自己的父母听。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。

