六年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 How do you feel-Part A 人教PEP(三起)(共25张PPT)

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六年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 How do you feel-Part A 人教PEP(三起)(共25张PPT)

Unit6 How do you feel? Part A Let ’s learn 新人教版六年级上册 How does Mr.Zhou feel? happy [hæpi] He is very happy. How does the baby feel? He is very happy. How does the dog feel? It is very happy. How do they feel? They are happy. Dad is angry, because I didn’ t do my homework . angry [ æŋgri ] angry hungry The boy is very angry. How does the boy feel? He is very angry. How does he feel? The boy is very angry. How does the boy feel? XiaoXin look s sad, because he failed the math test . sad [sæd] The boy is very sad. How does the boy feel? She is very sad. How does she feel? The man is very sad. How does the man feel? He is _______ _. worried [wʌrid] worry sorry He is very worried. How does he feel? The girl is very worried. How does the girl feel? [ ə’freɪd ] afraid She is afraid. How does she feel? They are afraid. How do they feel? 看图讲故事 Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid. The cat is ill. Sarah is sad. Sarah and the cat are worried. They are hapy. afraid worried angry sad happy Let’s chant sad, sad, you are very sad. angry, angry , I’m angry. worried, worried , Tom is worried. afraid, afraid , she’s afraid. happy, happy , happy every day! What's missing? happy afraid angry sad worried What's missing? 高兴 happy 喜洋洋 , afraid 害怕心理慌 难过 sad 很悲伤 , worried 担心和发愁 angry 生气发脾气,各种情绪影响你。 遇事莫慌莫着急,学会正确来处理。 sad 反义词 happy worried happy angry sad afraid 1. afraid feel do you ? _____________________ ? 2.how feel does Mike ______________________ ? 3.feels she happy . ________________ . 连词成句。 4.angry he very is . _______________________ . Do you feel afraid How does Mike feel She feels happy He is very angry 4.She feels sad . (对划线部分提问) ______ _____ she ____ ? 1.I am happy . ( 改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ happy? 2.I feel tired. (把I换成he) ____ _______ tired. 按要求改写句子。 3.He feels sad. ( 一般疑问句和否定句 ) _____ he _____ sad ? He _______ ______ sad. How does feel Are you He feel s does n't feel Does feel Try to write an English composition about you and your friends' mood. 试着写一篇关于你和你朋友们心情的英语小短文吧! Work hard for your dreams! 为你的梦想努力吧! Homework

