小学英语六年级上册Lesson 5 In the Living Room课件2

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小学英语六年级上册Lesson 5 In the Living Room课件2

Lesson 5 In the Living Room 学习目标: 1. 我能听、说、读、写单词: card, chair, me, him, them. 2. 我能听、说、认读短语: watch TV, read newspapers, play cards, write a letter, sit in a chair, sit at a small table. 1.Where is Jenny / Danny? 2.Where are Lynn and Bob ? 3.Where is Li Ming? Listen and read 听读感知 1.Listen to the tape carefully. ( 听录音,整体感知 ) 2. Read the text and answer the questions. ( 自读课文,回答问题) 闯关一: 1.Where is Jenny / Danny? 2.Where are Lynn and Bob ? 3.Where is Li Ming? sit in a chair 坐在椅子上 sit beside her/him 坐在 他/她 旁边 sit in front of them 坐在 他们 的前面 sit at a small table 坐在小桌子旁边 人称代词: 为了 避免重复 而用来 代替名词 的词 . 人称代词主格和宾格的区别: 人称代词 主格 在句子中做 主语 ,位于动词 前 。 人称代词 宾格 在句子中做 宾语 ,位于动词 后 。 (介词后) likes to watch TV. I can’t see . ( he, him) He him 闯关二: 精读解疑 跟读模仿 2. 朗读课文划出答案 3 小组内交流答案 What are Jenny and Danny doing ? What are Mr. and Mrs.Smith doing ? What are Bob and Lynn doing? What is Li Ming doing ? phrase : watch TV   phrase : read newspapers phrase : play cards phrase : write a letter Which group is the wi nner ? 闯关三:赛读提升 学路导航: 自读 — 对读 --- 组内预展 拾贝园 一路走来,你一定有不少收获吧,谈一谈吧! 比一比 看谁多 Thank you

