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1 六年级英语上册阅读写作期末复习题 班级 考号 姓名 总分 阅 读 部 分 一、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。(10 分) Tomorrow is Sunday. I ____1____ up at 7:00 and ____2____ breakfast at 7:45. I ____3____ a film in the ____4____ with my friends. Then I am going to have ____5____ with them. In the afternoon, I am going to ____6____ my grandparents. Their house is ____7____ the cinema. I am going there ____8____ bus. I"m going to go home at 5:00 in the afternoon. In the ____9____, I"m going to read a book after dinner. ____10____ are you going to do tomorrow? ( )1. A. get B. gets C. am going to get ( )2. A. have B. has C. having ( )3. A. see B. am going to see C. am going to look ( )4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( )5. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )6. A. look B. watch C. visit ( )7. A. near B. far from C. next to ( )8. A. take B. with C. by ( )9. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ( )10. A. Where B. What C. When 二、仔细观察下面的图片,获取相应信息,选择正确的一项。(10 分) ( ) 1. What are we going to do? A. We are going to the park. B. We are going to see a film. C. We are going to take a trip. 2 ( ) 2. What is the name of the film? A. Harry Potter. B. Cinderella. C. Snow White. ( ) 3. When is it? A. It"s on the morning of Friday. B. It"s on the afternoon of Saturday. C. It"s on the afternoon of Friday. ( ) 4. How much is the ticket? A. It"s six dollars. B. It"s seven dollars. C. It"s six yuan. ( ) 5. Lynn is six. Can she see it? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she can"t. C. Yes, she can. 三、阅读短文,选择正确选项。(10 分) Li Yao is ten years old. He is a ____1____. He ____2____ in a school in Beijing. His father is a ____3____. He works in a factory. His mother is a ____4____. She teaches Chinese in their school. His uncle is a ____5____ on a big farm. Li Yao often ____6____ up at 6:30 and ____7____ to school at 7:00. He likes school very much. He ____8____ Chinese and ____9____. He has a lot of friends at school. He is ____10____ at school. ( )1. A. teacher B. student C. doctor ( )2. A. teaches B. studies C. plays ( )3. A. worker B. reporter C. postman ( )4. A. coach B. scientist C. teacher ( )5. A. farmer B. pilot C. fisherman ( )6. A. get B. gets C. getting ( )7. A. go B. goes C. going ( )8. A. like B. like to C. likes ( )9. A. English B. read stories C. sing songs ( )10. A. afraid B. happy C. worried 3 四、观察下面的图片,判断以下句子正误,正确的写 Yes,不正确的写 No。(10 分) 1. The picture is about the traffic lights. ________ 2. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. ________ 3. When it"s red, the car can go straight, but the people who are walking should stop. ________ 4. When it"s yellow, everyone must stop. ________ 5. The people who are walking can"t go on the street. ________ 五、阅读短文,根据短文内容写出单词,补全句子。(10 分) One day, it was very hot. A bird was standing in the tree. There were many green leaves on the tree. He felt cool in the tree. A cat was hot and hungry. He saw the bird and wanted to eat him. He climbed the tree quickly to catch the bird. The bird saw him and flew in the sky. The cat said, “Hello, beautiful bird. I"m your good friend. Come down and play with me. ” The bird didn"t fly down. He said, “Sorry. You can"t fly. You can"t play with me. ”Then the bird flew away. 1. The weather was very _____________________,but the bird felt ___________________ in the tree. 2. The cat felt ____________________ and ____________________. 3. The cat wanted to ____________________ the ____________________. 4. The cat can ____________________ the tree, but he can"t ___________________. 5. The cat should feel ____________________at last(最后). 六、阅读短文,回答问题。(20 分) Zhang Hong is a girl. She is twelve. She lives in a small city with her parents. She often visits her grandparents by bus on Saturday evening. They 4 often have a big dinner together. Zhang Hong likes to be with her grandparents. One day, she went to her grandparents" house. Her grandpa wasn"t at home. Her grandma was ill. She was worried. She called her parents. But they couldn"t come. Then she asked her grandma"s neighbor to help them. They went to the hospital to see a doctor. Her grandma felt well at night. Zhang Hong stayed at the hospital with her grandma and she went home on Sunday evening. 1. Does Zhang Hong live with her grandparents? _____________________________________________ 2. How does Zhang Hong feel when she goes to her grandparents" house? _____________________________________________ 3. How does Zhang Hong go to her grandparents" house? _____________________________________________ 4. What"s wrong with her grandma? _____________________________________________ 5. When did Zhang Hong go home? _____________________________________________ 写 作 部 分 七、写作练习。(30 分) 1. 请你根据以下图片信息,写出 Linda 的习惯出行方式。要求表达准确,书写 工整,适当使用 often, sometimes 等词,不少于 5 句话。(10 分) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5 2. 寒假快要来了,你喜欢过寒假吗?你准备怎样度过一个快乐、安全、有意义 的寒假呢?请写出你的寒假计划和大家分享。(10 分) Tips: the Spring Festival make jiaozi set off fireworks(放烟花) 要求:1. 可使用提示,也可以按自己的想法写。 2. 注意时态,语句通顺,书写工整。 3. 不得少于 50 个词。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. 根据下面的图表,介绍自己的 pen pal。注意:开头已给出,但不计入总词 数。(10 分) 要求:1. 信息使用准确,不得出现自己的真实姓名。 2. 语句通顺,书写正确、工整。 3. 题目自拟,不得少于 50 个单词。 Anna is my new pen pal. _____________________________________________ 6 附:参考答案 一、 1. C 分析:因时间为明天,所以应用一般将来时态。 2. A 3.B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 分析:由后面乘公交车去祖父母家可知距离比较远,故选 B 项。 8. C 9. C 10. B 二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 三、1. B 2. B 分析:在学校里应该是学习,He 为单数第三人称,study 变为单三形式。 3. A 分析:由工作地点可以推断出职业为工人。 4. C 5.A 6. B 分析:由 often 可知句子为一般现在时,Li Yao 为单数第三人称。 7. B 8. C 分析:He 为单数第三人称,动词需加-s。 9. A 分析:其余两项不能用在 like 之后。 10. B 四、1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No 五、1. hot; cool 2. hot; hungry 3. eat; bird 4. climb; fly 5. sad 六、1. No, she doesn"t. 分析:通过短文第四句 She often visits her grandparents by bus on Saturday evening.可以看出,她和自己的祖父母没有住在一起。 2. She feels happy. 分析:由 Zhang Hong likes to be with her grandparents.可看出 她很喜欢和她的祖父母待在一起,她应该感到很开心。 3. She often goes there by bus. 分析:关键信息同第 1 小题。 4. Her grandma was ill. 5. She went home on Sunday evening. 七、范文: 1. Linda is a girl. She lives near the school. She often walks to school. She likes going to the park with her friends. They often go there by bike. Sometimes Linda goes to the bookstore. She likes to read books. The bookstore is far from her house. So she goes there by bus. She is a happy girl. 2. My Winter Holiday The winter holiday is coming. I like it very much. This winter holiday, I"m going to take a trip to Sanya with my parents. It"s warm in Sanya. We are going to have a good time. The Spring Festival is in the winter holiday. I"m going to visit my grandparents. I"m going to make jiaozi with my parents. We are going to set off fireworks. That will be fun. And I"m going to read some interesting books. I will have a happy holiday. 3. My New Pen Pal Anna is my new pen pal. She is a happy girl. She likes dancing and singing. She likes drawing pictures, too. I like watching TV and reading books. And I like seeing a film. Anna and I like cooking. That is fun. And we like doing word puzzles. That is interesting. We like going hiking, too. That is good for us. We often write emails. We are good friends.

