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1 六年级英语上册《句型专项》期末复习题 班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、给下列句子选出合适的答句。(10 分) 1. How was your summer holiday? A. It is fun B. It was great. 2. What did yon have for lunch yesterday? A. I have some rice and meat. B. I had some fish and chips. 3. Did you buy anything at the car museum? A. Yes, I bought a model car. B. No, I bought a model car. 4. Would you like to have an e-fiend? A. No, I’d like to have one. B. Yes, I"d like to. 5. Shall we go and see a film this weekend? A. Sure. B. I love films. 二、连词成句。(10 分) 1. football, hours, takes, it, two, to, play (. ) ____________________________________________________ 2. paper, wood, make, people, use, to (. ) ____________________________________________________ 3. South China tigers, were, past, there, the, a, in, lot, of(. ) (,) ____________________________________________________ 4. high, sky, keeps, it, the, them, in ( . ) ____________________________________________________ 5. down, we, trees, should, cutting, so, many, stop ( . ) ____________________________________________________ 三、按要求改写下列句子。(40 分) 1. She goes to the post office on foo every day. (用 yesterday 改写句 子) ____________________________________________________ 2. Mike watched TV yesterday. (对画线部分提问) ____________________________________________________ 3. There are some fish in the river. (改为否定句) ____________________________________________________ 4. Peter doesn"t eat any ice cream. (用 never 改写句子) ____________________________________________________ 2 5. This animal is in danger. (改成复数句) ____________________________________________________ 6. Don’t feed the tigers. (用 mustn"t 改写句子) ____________________________________________________ 7. Do you want to have some tea with me this afternoon? (用 would like 改写句子) ____________________________________________________ 8. People in Beijing love eating dumplings too. (改为同义句) ____________________________________________________ 9.I like English. My sister likes English too. ( 合并为一句) ____________________________________________________ 10. They plant trees and flowers every spring, (用 next spring 改写句 于) ____________________________________________________ 四、根据实际情况, 回答下列问题。(40 分) 1. Which city is the capital of the UK? ____________________________________________________ 2. How did you come to school yesterday? ____________________________________________________ 3. How long does it take to get to school from your home? ____________________________________________________ 4. Where does the smoke come from in your city? ____________________________________________________ 5. What can workers use wood to make? ____________________________________________________ 6. When were you born? ____________________________________________________ 7. What is the story Snow White about? ____________________________________________________ 8. What should we do to save the Earth? ____________________________________________________ 9. How do trees help us? ____________________________________________________ 10. What makes the air dirty? ____________________________________________________ 3 附:参考答案

