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2021 年河北省邯郸市小升初英语猜题卷(五) I.选出各组单词中不同类的一项。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. A. doctor B. actor C. teacher D. taller 2. A. bread B. cake C. food D. noodles 3. A. Monday B. July C. Saturday D. Tuesday 4. A. ear B. nose C. mouth D. month 5. A. pen B. pencil C. ruler D. desk II.单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1. There ____ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow afternoon, A. is B. are C. will has D. is going to be 2. This ____ a monkey. It ____ a long tail A. has, is B. is, has C. is, have D. have. 3.-- ____ do you do sports? --Once a day. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 4.____ you and your cousin in the same school? -No, we aren't. A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were 5.--____ doesn't she like lions? -Because they're kind of scary. A. Where B. What C. How D. Why 6.-Are there any lakes on the mountain? --Yes, ____ some. A. they are B. there is C. there are D. these are 7. ____, what time is it now? A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. You're welcome 8. --Is there ____ beef in the fridge? ---No, there isn't. There is ____ pork. A. some, any B. any, any C. some, some D. any, some 9. I always go to school ____ foot. A. on B. in C. to D. by 10. All of the teachers love Robin ____ he is very polite and hard-working. A. so B. but C. because D. and III.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) My twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four __1__ younger than me. Our birthdays are __2__ on the 5th January. We have the same eyes and noses. Most people say we __3__ the same, but Daniel looks a little __4__ than me. We aren't in the same class at school, __5__ my parents want us to be a bit different. We often __6__ the same way, but we choose different __7__. I like red and he likes blue. I think we are very __8__. He is really, really active, and he __9__ every day. He also plays computer games a lot but I don't. At school I always come top, but he hardly ever does well __10__ the exams. So teachers often say we are very different. 1. A. years B. weeks C. minutes D. hours 2. A. all B. both C. also D. either 3. A. look B. think C. sound D. see 4. A. taller B. hotter C. smarter D. short 5. A. because B. if C. though D. but 6. A. study B. play C. wear D. put on 7. A. colors B. kinds C. prices D. style 8. A. serious B. quiet C. different D. athletic 9. A. sleeps B. exercises C. studies D. smiles 10. A. in B. at C. for D. on IV.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A Earth Day(地球日) is always on April 22nd. Earth Day is one of the largest holidays of the year. Earth Day is about protecting our world(保护我们的世界). On Earth Day. you might clean up your neighborhood(附近,街坊). Maybe you ride a bike or take a bus instead of taking a car. You can take a shorter shower to save water. You could recycle(重复利用) instead of throwing things into the trash(垃圾). And do you know Earth Hour? Many people turn off the lights for an hour. Instead, they enjoy the moon and the stars, or they chat with their families. 判断正误(正确的打 T,错误的打 F). 1. Earth Day is a special holiday in April. 2. We clean our neighborhood and drive a car out of our neighborhood on that day. 3. We shouldn't take a bus then. 4. We turn off the light, but we can watch TV for an hour. 5. It's a holiday when we should protect our world B Father's Day is the 3rd Sunday in June. It is a day to celebrate fathers and all that they do for us. Today, over 50 countries(国家) celebrate Father's Day. It is important to look at what fathers bring to their families. Every father is different. Does he teach you how to play games? Does he help with your homework? Does he read you bedtime stories? Thank him for all that he does! Father's Day isn't just for fathers, either. It's also for grandfathers and great-grandfathers! Your parents probably even call their fathers, which are your grandfathers! 1. Father's Day is the ____ Sunday in June. A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. 4th 2. Who does Father's Day celebrate? A. Mums B. Dads C. Uncles D. Kids 3. About how many countries celebrate Father's Day? A. 10 B. 20 C. 40 D. 50 4. Should you be nice to your dad on Father's Day? A. Yes B. No C.I don't know 5. Is it a holiday for your grandfather? A. Yes B. No C.I don't know V.阅读短文,选出正确的单词写在横线上(每空 1 分,共 5 分) have in speak are visit Hello! I'm Laura. I live 1 London. I like China. I want to __2__ China next year. There __3__ lots of beautiful places to go in China. I __4__ got some books about China. They are very interesting. I can __5__ some Chinese. This is my friend Lili. She's from China. We are good pen friends. 1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ V.句型转换(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. We can see some birds over there. (对画线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? 2. My cousin went to Xi’an last weekend. (对画线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? ____ ____ your cousin ____ last weekend? 3. Remember to put on more clothes. (写出同义句) Don't _____________________________________________. 4. There was some orange juice in the cup. (改成一般疑问句) ____ there ____ orange juice in the cup? 5. Did Mary's classmates sing in the music room? (做肯定回答) ___________________________________________________. VII.请根据汉语提示补全句子,每空填一个单词。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. Close the two ____(窗户), please! Let's go to sleep. 2. --What does your brother do? -He is a ____(学生). 3. My birthday is in ____(十二月). 4. I'm standing ____(在....下面) the big tree. 5. She looks ____(难过的) because she failed the English test. VIII.改错题(选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正)(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. On my way to home I met an old friend of mine. A B C D 2. I often go for a walk and my parents- A B C D 3. These are your books. please put they there. A B C D 4. The stars can't see in the daytime. A B C D 5. I like drinking tea. I drinked some tea last night. A B C D IX.连词成句(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. friend. my. from, new. Londay, comes(.) _______________________________________________. 2. has, got, he, stomachache, a(.) _______________________________________________. 3. time, what, school, does, start(?) _______________________________________________. 4. you, do, to, go, want, to, Chinatown(?) _______________________________________________. 5. color, what, shirt, is, your(?) _______________________________________________. 参考答案: I.1-5DCBDD II.1-5 DBBCD 6-10CBDAC III.1-5 CBAAA 6-10 CACBA IV.A) 1-5 TFFFT B)1-5 CBDAA V.1.in 2.visit 3.are 4.have 5.speak VI.1. What can you see over there? 2. Where did go 3. forget to put on more clothes. 4.Was any 5. Yes, they did. VIl.1. windows 2. student 3. December 4. under 5. sad VIII.1.B home 2.D with 3.D them 4.B can't be seen 5. B drank IX.1. My new friend comes from London. 2. He has got a stomachache. 3. What time does school start? 4. Do you want to go to Chinatown? 5. What color is your shirt?

