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PEP四年级下册英语课文及翻译 Unit 1   Our school A Let’s learn playground 操场 library 图书馆 teacher’s office 教师办公室  garden花园  canteen 食堂 Where is the canteen?食堂在哪里?‎ It’s on the first floor.它在一楼。‎ Let’s do Go to the garden. Water the flowers.‎ Go to the library. Read a story-book.‎ Go to the cinema. Eat some noodles.‎ Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in your homework.‎ Go to the playground. Play football.‎ Let’s talk Chen: Welcome to our school!    欢迎来我们的学校。‎ This is the teacher’s office.    这是教室办公室。‎ That is my classroom.       那是我的教室。‎ Visitor: How many students are there in your class?‎ 你们班有多少个学生?‎ Chen: Forty-five.       四十五。‎ Visitor: Do you have a library?   你们有图书馆吗?‎ Chen: Yes.‎ Visitor: Do you have lunch at school? 你们在学校吃午饭吗?‎ Chen: Yes! The canteen is on the first floor. This way , please.‎ ‎ 是的。食堂在一楼。这边请。‎ Look! This is our playground.  看!这是我们的操场。‎ Visitor: Oh! Your school is beautiful.  哦!你们的学校很漂亮。‎ Read and write We have a new computer room.我们有一个新电脑教室。‎ Oh! Let’s go there.哦!让我们去那儿吧!‎ Look, one board, two fans, four lights…‎ 看,一块写字板,两个风扇,四盏灯……‎ And ten new computers.和十台新电脑。‎ I like this one.我喜欢这个。‎ Sorry. This is my computer!对不起,这是我的计算机。‎ That is your computer.那是你的计算机。‎ 四会单词:‎ computer 计算机 board 写字板  fan风扇 light灯,管灯 四会句子:‎ This is my computer.   这是我的计算机。‎ That is your computer.   那是你的计算机。‎ B Let’s learn art room 绘画教室   computer room 电脑教室 washroom 卫生间    music room 音乐教室 gym 体育馆      TV room 电视机房 Where is the art room?绘画教室在哪儿?‎ It’s on the second floor.它在二楼。‎ Let’s talk Look, this is my school.   看,这是我的学校。‎ Great! Is this the library?  太棒了。这是图书馆吗?‎ Yes, it is.         是的,它是。‎ Is that the art room?    那是绘画教室吗?‎ No, it isn’t. it’s the music room. The art room is on the first floor.‎ 不,它不是。它是音乐教室。绘画教室在一楼。‎ Is that the TV room?    那是电视机房吗?‎ No, it isn’t. It’s the computer room.  不,它不是。它是计算机房。‎ Wow! Your school is cool!   哇!你们的学校好酷。‎ Thank you.     谢谢你 Read and write Is this a teacher’s desk?  这是一个讲台吗?‎ Yes , it is.        是的,它是。‎ What’s on it?      上面有什么?‎ Let’s go and have a look.  让我们去看看吧!‎ Is this a TV?      这是一台电视机吗?‎ No, it’s a computer.   不是,它是一台电脑。‎ Is that a picture?    那是一幅画吗/‎ No, it’s a map.     不,它是一幅地图。‎ This is the floor. That is the wall.   这是地板。那是墙壁。‎ Yes, you’re right.    是的,你说对了。‎ 四会单词:‎ teacher's desk 讲台       picture 图画 floor 地板        wall 墙 四会句子:‎ Is this a teacher’s desk?这是一个讲台吗?‎ Yes , it is.是的,它是。‎ Unit 2 What time is it?‎ A Let’s learn breakfast 早饭,早餐   lunch 午饭   dinner 晚饭 English class 英语课  music class 音乐课   P.E. 体育课 What time is it?现在几点了?‎ It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for English class.‎ 现在是九点。现在是英语课时间。‎ ‎ ‎ Let’s do Time for breakfast.‎ Drink some milk.‎ Time for lunch.‎ Have some chicken.‎ Time for dinner.‎ Eat some rice.‎ Time for P.E.‎ Jump and run.‎ Time for English.‎ Read and write.‎ Time for music.‎ Sing and dance!‎ Let’s talk School is over. Let’s go to the playground.‎ 放学了。我们一起去操场吧!‎ OK。           好吧。‎ Let’s go home, John.   让我们回家吧。‎ What time is it now?   现在几点了?‎ It’s 5:00.       五点。‎ Just a minute.      再等一会。‎ Go home, kids.     该回家了,孩子们。‎ What time is it ?     几点了?‎ It’s 6:00. It’s time for dinner.  六点了,是吃晚饭的时间了。‎ Oh! Let’s run.      哦!快跑吧!‎ Read and write Look! One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ten clocks!‎ 看!一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十。十个钟表。‎ What time is it?几点了?‎ It’s two o’clock. That one is correct.2点了。那个是正确的。‎ 四会单词:‎ one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四  five五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八nine 九  ten 十 What time is it?几点了?‎ It’s two o’clock.  2点了。‎ B Let’s learn get up  起床   go to school 上学 go home 回家   go to bed 睡觉 It’s 7:05. It’s time to go to school 现在是7点零5分。该去上学了。‎ Let’s talk Oh! It’s 6:30. It’s time to get up.  噢!六点半了,该起床了。‎ Breakfast is ready!      早饭准备好了。‎ Hurry! It’s 7:05. It’s time to go to school.‎ 快点!七点零五分了,该去上学了。‎ Oops!          糟糕!‎ What time is it?      现在几点了?‎ It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for English.   8点了。是英语课的时间。‎ I’m ready!        我准备好了。‎ Read and write Look at my clock. What time is it?  看我的表。几点了?‎ It’s 8:30. It’s time for music class.  8点半了。是音乐课时间。‎ Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.  钟表说:‎ It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class.  九点45分。是数学课时间。‎ It’s 2:50. It’s time for Chinese class. 2点50分。是语文课时间。‎ It’s 11:05. It’s time for English class. 11点05分。是英语课时间。‎ It’s 4:20. It’s time for P.E. class.   4点20分。是体育课时间。‎ Oh, it’s nice. Can I have a try? Oops! Where is the short hand?‎ 噢!太好了。我能试一试吗?糟糕!短针在哪儿?‎ 四会单词:‎ math 数学  Chinese 语文 English 英语  P.E. 体育 It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class.‎ ‎9点45分。是数学课时间。‎ Unit 3 Is this your skirt?‎ A Let’s learn brown jacket 棕色的夹克衫  white sweater 白色的毛衣 green skirt 绿色的裙子    blue dress 蓝色的连衣裙 red shirt 红色的衬衣    yellow T-shirt 黄色的T裇衫 I like the white sweater with the green skirt.‎ 我喜欢白色的毛衣和绿色的裙子。‎ I like the blue dress.  我喜欢蓝色的连衣裙。‎ Let’s do Put on your T-shirt.‎ Hang up your skirt.‎ Take off our jacket.‎ Fold your dress.‎ Wash your shirt.‎ Put away your sweater.‎ Let’s talk Where is my skirt?   我的裙子在哪里?‎ What colour is it?   它是什么颜色的?‎ Blue.        蓝色。‎ Is this your skirt , Alice?   这是你的裙子吗?‎ Yes, it is. Thank you.    是的,它是。谢谢你!‎ Where is my T-shirt?    我的T裇衫在哪里?‎ Is that your T-shirt, Dad?  这是你的T裇衫吗?爸爸?‎ No, it’s not.       不是,它不是。‎ Whose is it?      它是谁的?‎ It’s my T-shirt.     它是我的T裇衫。‎ Whose is this?     这是谁的?‎ Oh! It’s your baby brother’s.  那是你小弟弟的。‎ Read and write Red , blue, yellow, green and white. Oh, so many colours.‎ 红色,蓝色,黄色,绿色和白色。噢,太多种颜色了。‎ Please pass me my T-shirt. 请把我的T裇衫递给我。‎ Is this your T-shirt? 这是你的T裇衫吗?‎ No, it’s not. My T-shirt is red.  不,它不是。我的T裇是红色的。‎ This small one? 这个小的吗?‎ Yes, thank you. 是的,谢谢你。‎ My T-shirt is yellow. 我的T裇是黄色的。‎ My T-shirt is white. 我的T裇是白色的。‎ 四会单词:‎ red  红色   blue 蓝色   yellow 黄色 ‎ green 绿色  white 白色 四会句子:‎ Is this your T-shirt?这是你的T裇衫吗?‎ No, it’s not.不,它不是。 ‎ B Let’s learn jeans 牛仔裤  pants 长裤   short 短裤 ‎ shoes 鞋子   socks 袜子   ‎ where are my socks?我的袜子在哪里?‎ What colour?什么颜色的?‎ White.白色。‎ Let’s talk Look at these , John.    看这些。John.‎ What are they?      它们是什么?‎ These are your baby pants. 这些是你小弟弟的长裤。‎ Wow! They’re so small. And those are my shoes?‎ 哇!它们太小了。那些是我的鞋子吗?‎ Yes.      是的。‎ But what for?  但是它们做什么?‎ Our neighbor has a new baby.  我们的邻居有一个新宝宝。‎ Read and write Hurry up. It’s 5 o’clock now.快点。现在5点了。‎ Just a minute. Blue skirt? Yellow shirt? Green jacket? Oh, yes. I have a new dress for my birthday pary.‎ 等一会。蓝色的裙子?黄色的衬衣?绿色的夹克衫?噢,对了。我有一个生日联欢会的新连衣裙。‎ What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?‎ It’s white. 它是白色的。‎ This red T-shirt is pretty. 这个红色的T裇衫很漂亮。‎ 四会单词:‎ skirt 裙子  shirt 衬衣  jacket 夹克衫  dress连衣裙 四会句子:‎ What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?‎ It’s white.它是白色的。‎ Unit 4 it’s warm today A  Let’s learn weather 天气  cold 寒冷的 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的   hot 炎热的 Good morning. This is the weather report. it’s cool in Lhasa。‎ ‎ 早上好!这里是天气预报。拉萨的天气很凉爽。‎ Let’s talk Mom, can I wear my new shirt today?‎ 妈妈,我今天可以穿我的新衬衣吗?‎ No, you can’t. it’s cold today.   不,你不能。今天太冷了。‎ It’s warm today.  You can wear your new shirt.‎ 今天暖和了。   你可以穿你的衬衣了。‎ It’s hot today.  Can I wear my T-shirt?‎ 今天炎热。 我可以穿我的T裇衫吗?‎ Yes, you can.   是的,你可以。‎ Read and write It’s warm today. Let’s play football.‎ 今天天气暖和,我们踢足球吧。‎ Great!   太好了!‎ Where are my shoes?  我的鞋子呢?‎ Johnny’s jeans. Tommy’s pants. Teddy’s socks, Jacky’s shoes.‎ Come on, Zoom. It’s time to go.‎ 快点,Zoom. 该走了。‎ Wait, Johnny. Those are my shoes。等一等,Johnny.那是我的鞋子。‎ Oh, where are they?  哦,它们在哪儿?‎ They are on your feet.  它们在你的脚上。‎ Oh, sorry.      哦,抱歉!‎ 四会单词:‎ jeans 牛仔裤    pants 长裤 socks 袜子   shoes 鞋子 四会句子:‎ It’s warm today.今天天气暖和。‎ Let’s play football.让我们踢足球吧。‎ B Let’s learn rainy 下雨的  snowy下雪的 windy有风的 sunny晴朗的   cloudy 有云的 Here’s the world weather. It is rainy in London。 ‎ 这里是世界天气预报。伦敦下雨。‎ Let’s talk Hello!          你好!‎ Hi, Amy. What are you doing?   你好,Amy.你在干什么?‎ Not much.          没什么。‎ What’s the weather like in Beijing?   北京的天气怎么样?‎ It’s rainy today. How about New York?‎ 今天下雨。纽约怎么样?‎ It’s sunny.    晴朗的。‎ Oh, no! My pictures.   噢!不!我的画。‎ What’s the matter? Amy?  发生什么事了?Amy?‎ It’s windy now. I have to close the window.‎ 起风了,我不得不关上窗户。‎ OK,Bye.    好的,再见!‎ Read and write Hi, Mr Dog. What’s the weather like there?‎ 你好, Mr Dog. 那边的天气怎么样?‎ It’s cool。 很凉爽。‎ My Monkey. Is it cold? My Monkey.  冷吗?‎ No, it’s not. It’s sunny and warm.不,不冷。天气晴朗而暖和。‎ My Elephant, help! It’s cold and snowy here.‎ My Elephant, 帮帮忙。这儿很冷又下着雪。‎ Here’s your coat, Zoom.    你的大衣,Zoom.‎ Thank you. 谢谢你。‎ 四会单词:‎ sunny 晴朗的   warm暖和的 cold 寒冷的   snowy下雪的 It’s cool。天很凉爽。‎ Is it cold? 天气寒冷吗?‎ ‎ ‎ Unit 5 How much is it?‎ A Let’s learn colourful 色彩丰富的 pretty 漂亮的 cheap便宜的   expensive 昂贵的 Look at that dress. It’s pretty.‎ 看那个连衣裙。它很漂亮。‎ Yes, it is.是的。‎ Let’s talk Amy, look at that dress. It’s colourful。‎ Amy,看那个连衣裙,它很鲜艳。‎ Yes, it is. It’s very pretty.    是的,它是,它很漂亮。‎ Can I help you?        你想买什么?‎ Yes, How much is this dress?  是的。这个连衣裙多少钱?‎ It’s ninety-nine yuan.      九十九元。‎ Oh ,that’s expensive.      噢!太贵了。‎ I like it , Mom.        我喜欢它,妈妈。‎ Sorry, Amy. It’s too expensive.  抱歉,Amy.它太贵了。‎ Read and write This shirt is colourful, but it’s too big.‎ 这件衬衣色彩鲜艳,但是它太大了。‎ This shirt is good, but it’s too small.‎ 这件衬衣很好,但是它太小了。‎ This shirt is pretty, but it’s too long.‎ 这件衬衣很漂亮,但是它太长了。‎ This shirt is OK, but it’s too short.‎ 这件衬衣还可以,但是它太短了。‎ This shirt is nice. It fits me well. How much is it?‎ 这件衬衣很好。我穿正合适。它多少钱?‎ It’s ten yuan.   十元。‎ I’ll talk it. 我要买下它。‎ ‎ ‎ 四会单词:‎ big大的。 small小的 long长的  short短的  nice好的 四会句子:‎ How much is it? 它多少钱?‎ It’s ten yuan。它十元。‎ B Let’s learn boots 靴子 slippers 托鞋 sandals 凉鞋 sneakers 网球鞋 Can I help you?  你想买点什么?‎ Yes, I want a pair of sneakers. 是的,我想买一双球鞋。‎ Let’s talk Can I help you?  你想买点什么?‎ Yes, please. A pair of sneakers for my son。‎ 是的。给我的儿子买一双球鞋。‎ What size?   什么尺码?‎ Size five。   五英寸。‎ How about this pair?    这双怎么样?‎ Are they nice? John?    它们好吗?John.‎ Yes, Mom. I like them.   是的,妈妈。我喜欢它们。‎ Are they all right?     他们都合适吗?‎ Yes, they are.       是的。‎ How much are they?    它们多少钱?‎ They are thirty-five yuan.  它们35元.‎ OK, we’ll take them。   好吧,我们买下它。‎ Read and write Can I help you?    你想买点什么?‎ Yes, I want five apples. How much are they?‎ 我买5个苹果,它们多少钱?‎ They are three yuan。  它们3元。‎ Oh, I also want ten bananas. Ten oranges, five pears and two big watermelons.‎ 哦!我还想要10个香蕉,10个桔子, 5个梨子和两个大西瓜。‎ That’s fifteen yuan.   他们15元。 ‎ 四会单词:‎ apple 苹果 banana香蕉  orange 桔子 pear 梨 watermelon 西瓜 四会句子:‎ How much are they? 它们多少钱?‎ They are three yuan。它们3元.‎ Unit 6 At the farm A Let’s learn sheep 绵羊 horse 马   hen 母鸡 ‎ cow 奶牛   lamb 羊羔 goat 山羊 What are they? 它们是什么?‎ They are goats.它们是山羊。‎ ‎ ‎ Let’s talk Oh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep?‎ 噢,这个农场好大呀!它们是绵羊吗?‎ No, they aren’t. They are goats.   不,它们不是。它们是山羊。‎ Are they horses?       它们是马吗?‎ No, they aren’t. They are donkeys.  不,它们不是。它们是驴。‎ Look at the hens. They are fat.   看那些母鸡。它们很肥。‎ Yes, they are.          是的, 它们是。‎ How many cows do you have?   你有多少只奶牛?‎ One hundred.         一百。‎ Wow!             哇!‎ Read and write What do you see in the picture?  你在画中看到了什么?‎ I see five cats, eight rabbits and two pigs. What are those? Are they ducks?‎ 我看到了五只小猫,8只兔子和两只猪。那些是什么?它们是鸭子吗?‎ No, they aren’t. they are geese.  不, 它们不是,它们是鹅。‎ How many geese can you see?  你能看见多少只鹅?‎ Let me see…Three.     让我想一想…三只。‎ What are these? Are they dogs?  这些是什么?它们是狗吗?‎ Yes, they are.        是的,它们是。‎ 四会单词:‎ cat 猫 rabbit 兔子 pig 猪 duck 鸭子   dog狗 四会句子 Are they ducks?  它们是鸭子吗?‎ No, they aren’t.  不,它们不是。‎ B Let’s learn tomato 西红柿 cucumber黄瓜 potato 土豆 onion洋葱    carrot 胡萝卜 Look at the cucumbers. They are fresh。‎ 看这些黄瓜,它们很新鲜。‎ Yes, and the potatoes are big.‎ 是的,这些土豆也很大。‎ Let’s talk Are these tomatoes?   这些是西红柿吗?‎ Yes, they are.      是的,它们是。‎ What are these?     这些是什么?‎ They are carrots.     它们是胡萝卜。‎ Look! Are they potatoes?  看!它们是土豆吗?‎ No, they aren’t.      不,它们不是。‎ What are these?      这些是什么?‎ They’re onions.      它们是洋葱。‎ Are those cucumbers?    那些是黄瓜吗?‎ Yes, they are.       是的,它们是。‎ Read and write One, two, three… Eleven lambs.  一,二,三…十一只小羊羔。‎ How many horses are there?    那儿有多少匹马?‎ Twelve.         十二匹。‎ How many sheep are there?   那儿有多少只绵羊?‎ Fifteen.           十五只。‎ How many cows are there?    那儿有多少只奶牛?‎ Thirteen.           十三只。‎ How many goats are there?   那儿有多少只山羊?‎ Twenty –one. How many bears are there?‎ 二十一只。有多少只狗熊 呢?‎ None.          一只也没有。‎ Yes! There is one. You!是的。  这儿有一只。你!‎ ‎ ‎ 四会单词:‎ eleven 十一 twelve 十二 fifteen 十五 thirteen 十三    twenty 二十 四会句子:‎ How many horses are there?  那儿有多少匹马?‎ Twelve.    十二匹。‎

