冀教一起五下Lesson At the Gym

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冀教一起五下Lesson At the Gym

Lesson 19: At the Gym Are you ready to learn basketball,Li Ming?‎ Yes! Are you ready to learn ping-pong?‎ I want to learn, too! Please teach me, too!‎ ‎1.Playing basketball ‎1) Here I go! I'm throwing the basketball!‎ ‎2) Danny! Catch the basketball!‎ ‎3) Ouch! That ball is heavy!‎ Li-Ming throws the basketball. Does Danny catch it? No!‎ What's going to happen next?‎ ‎4) Throw the baskrtball at the net, Danny!‎ ‎5) This is too hard! The ball is too heavy!‎ ‎6) There! This ball is light! I can throw it easily!‎ The basketball is heavy.‎ The ping-pong ball is light.‎ heavy light ‎2. Playing ping-pong ‎1) You hit the ping-pong ball with this paddle.‎ ‎2) I am hitting the ball to Jenny ‎3) Can you hit the ball to Jenny?‎ I think I can!‎ ‎4) Ouch! I hit my hand!‎ Li Ming hits the ball, but Danny hits his hand!‎ Poor Danny!‎

