冀教五年级下unitLesson Writing the address

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冀教五年级下unitLesson Writing the address

Lesson 21 Writing the address 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1.知识与能力 ‎(1)词汇:stamp ‎(2)学生学会如何在明信片上用英语写地址。‎ ‎(3)掌握课文内容,并能模仿进行交际。‎ ‎2.过程与方法 ‎(1)教师借助图片和实物进行教学,帮助学生理解和掌握。‎ ‎(2)教师让学生亲自操练,让学生在实践中加深对知识的理解并进行运用。‎ ‎3.情感态度与价值观 学会通过用明信片的形式主动与人交流,建议更广泛的交往空间;通过地址写法的对比,了解中英语言的差异,激发爱国主义情感。‎ 二、教学重点:‎ 词汇:stamp 三、教学难点:地址的正确书写。‎ 四、教学媒体:‎ 教具:卡片,录音机 五、教学过程:‎ Step one: Class opening ‎1. Greeting ‎2. Review T:(利用单词卡复习本单元的单词)letter, postcard, computer, stamp, envelope, post office Do a dialogue of L20.‎ Chant: top, right, left, bottom的歌谣 Step two: Learn a new lesson T: We have known how to write a letter and a postcard in English. What ‎ differences between them?‎ Ss: (Say sth about it)‎ T: Right! (Show an envelope) Look! It’s an envelope. If I want to send a letter to my friends. I must write his address on it. How can we write?‎ ‎(师边讲边写)‎ Pair work: 讨论中英文写法的不同。‎ T: If we finish the address, we shouldn’t forget the stamp. Where can we put it?‎ Ss:(帮助生回答)It’s in the top, right corner.‎ Group work: Learn the text.‎ Listen to the tape and read the text.‎ Step three: Language expanding ‎ Group work: (生自由组合进行课文对话)‎ Step four: Activity book Step five: Homework

