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Unit 7 I Have a Headache Sing a song: How are you? Do you often go to see a doctor? Yes No 2. When do you go to see a doctor? have a cold cough c ou gh have a have a fever f e ver headache head ache have a 一、说教材 本课是陕旅版五年级下册 Unit 7 I Have a Headache 的第一课时。本课以 What ’ s wrong with you? 为中心话题学习讨论健康状况。 toothache tooth ache have a stomachache have a stomach ache see a doctor Group work 1.I say you point( 我说你指 ) 2.I do you say.( 我做你说 ) Key structures: ---What’s wrong with you? ---I have a… ---What’s wrong with ____? him ---He ____ a cough. has --- What’s wrong with ____? her ---She ____ a headache . has ---What’s wrong with____? him ---He_____ a toothache. has Name Peter Alice kitty Rob A:Peter looks ill. What's wrong with him ? B:He has a cough . Ask and answer Let’s chant Summary: What we have learned today? Do exercises 1. 补全单词 h___ ____dache( 头疼 ) c____ld( 感冒) t ____ ____thache( 牙痛) f___v_____r (发烧) c___ ____gh( 咳嗽) e a o o o e e o u ( ) 1.___ is wrong with you? ( )2.She___ a headache 二 . 选择最佳答案 A.What B.Where C.When A.have B.has C.is A B Homework ①.Copy the new words three times. ②.Recite the key sentences.

