人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学-Unit6 Shopping复习课件

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人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学-Unit6 Shopping复习课件

考考你的记忆力 用最短的时间记住以下商品的价格。 考考你的记忆力 ¥90 ¥80 ¥ 38 ¥16 考考你的记忆力 ¥80 考考你的记忆力 ¥10 ¥75 ¥86 ¥95 考考你的记忆力 ¥86 考考你的记忆力 ¥45 ¥78 ¥5 ¥65 考考你的记忆力 ¥78 做任务,得奖金 ¥5 ¥10 ¥15 Task 1 拼单词竞赛 比一比哪组拼出的正确单词最多。 昂贵的 便宜的 精致的,美观的 好的 gloves scarf sunglasses umbrella expensive cheap pretty nice 做任务,得奖金 ¥5 ¥10 ¥15 Task 2 找不同,说对错 找两组对话的不同,说一说哪个是正确的。 Can I help you? Yes. Can I try it on? Sure. Can I help you? Yes. Can I try them on? Sure. Can I help you? Yes. This cucumber is nice. How much is it? Can I help you? Yes. This cucumber is nice. How much are they? Can I help you? Yes. I want some potatoes. How much are they? Can I help you? Yes. I want some potatoes. How much is it? 做任务,得奖金 ¥5 ¥10 ¥15 Task 3 说句子比赛 看图,说句子。看看哪组说出的句子最多。 pretty ¥500 nice ¥10 进商店,买东西 用你的代金券来 购买你想要的文 具吧! Complete the sentences. ① This dress is_______(漂亮的). ② I have a nice _______(丝巾). ③ Look at that _________ (雨伞). ④ My ____are______. ⑤ Those ______ are ______. Homework (1)Copy some words and sentences of three skills. (2)Finish all the exercises.

