冀教一起五上Lesson Danny Goes to School

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冀教一起五上Lesson Danny Goes to School

Lesson 27: Danny Goes to School ‎ 一、学习目标:‎ ‎1、知识目标:掌握重点句子 What happened?并能够对此问句进行回答。‎ ‎2、能力目标:了解hurt fall break的过去式为hurt fell broke ‎3、情感目标:培养学生遇到挫折仍保持良好心态的心理。‎ 二、教学重难点:‎ 学生能回答What happened?这个问句来讲述已发生过的事情。‎ 三、学习过程:‎ Step 1 我能自己读课文,了解大意,找出我不认识的单词写到黑板上,并能通过听录音试读这些单词。‎ Step 2 我能和老师、同学进行对话和练习 利用有关Danny的图片进行What happened?的对话 Teacher: I have some pictures of Danny.(对手偶说)Danny, can you talk about your pictures?‎ Danny: OK.‎ Teacher: (拿出一张照片)Oh! What happened, Danny?‎ Danny: I hurt my nose!‎ Teacher: (拿出二张照片) What happened?‎ Danny: I fell!‎ Teacher: (拿出三张照片) What happened?‎ Danny: I broke my tail!‎ Teacher: Oh, poor Danny!‎ ‎(面向学生)Can you talk about Danny’s pictures, what happened?‎ ‎(将学生分成若干组,给他们一定的时间进行练习并找几组表演) ‎ Step 3:我能读记住这三个不规则动词 hurt fall break ‎ ‎ 过去式为 hurt fell broke Step 4:我能听录音,阅读 Danny’s story,并回答问题。‎ What does Danny talk with Mr. Wood?‎ Where did Danny hurt?‎ Did Danny have fun in Beijing?‎ Step 5:编排对话 将全班学生分成若干组,就自己准备的照片进行讲述,并编一段与照片有关的对话,要求学生在对话中用到句子:What happened?‎ 让自告奋勇者到前面表演对话。‎ Step 6:课堂检测 选词填空 ‎1、What ___, Danny?‎ ‎2、I ___ my nose!‎ ‎3、I ___ .‎ ‎4、I ___ my tail!‎ fell happened broke hurt

