2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 18课件

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2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 18课件

Unit 3 A travel Plan 冀教版 · 五年级上册 Lesson 18 Lead-in When you are sick, what will you do? You may… But when the queen bee is sick, what does she need? special honey Story time Read and answer Where is the special honey? Who can help the queen? May they go there by train? Why? Does they save the queen finally? Yes, they do. Where is the special honey? Who can help the queen? May they go there by train? Why? Do they save the queen finally? It’s in Honey Flower City. Billy Bee and Benny Bee. No, because there is no train. One day, the queen bee is very sick. She needs special honey to save her. But it’s in Honey Flower City. It’s far from here. Who can help her? 一天,蜂后病得很重。她需要特殊的蜂蜜来救她。但是它 ( 蜂蜜 ) 在蜜花城。离这儿好很远。谁能帮助她呢? This is Billy Bee. He is very kind. He wants to get the honey. He invites Benny Bee to go with him. Let’s help the queen. Okay. 这是蜜蜂比利。他非常善良。他想要去取蜂蜜。他邀请蜜蜂本尼和他一起去。 我们来帮助蜂王吧。 好。 They need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon, or the queen will die. How far is it? It is about 20 kilometres. 他们需要在下午两点之前把蜂蜜取回来,否则蜂皇后就会死掉。 那有多远? 大约有 20 千米。 They fly for fifteen minutes. Billy Bee is very fast, but Benny Bee is slow. Benny Bee feels tired. It’s too far! May we take a bus? No, the bus is slow. 他们飞了 15 分钟。蜜蜂比利非常快,但是蜜蜂本尼很慢。蜜蜂本尼感到很累。 太远了!我们可以乘公交车吗? 不行,公交车很慢。 They fly very, very high in the sky. They fly fast. Benny Bee feels very cold and tired. May we go there by train? No! There is no train. 我们可以乘火车去那儿吗? 不行!那儿没有火车。 他们在天空中飞得非常,非常高。他们飞得很快。蜜蜂本尼感到又冷又累。 Billy Bee flies in front of Benny Bee. He flies very hard. Finally they arrive in Honey Flower City. Come on, Benny. You can do it! Look! There it is! Hooray! 加油,本尼。你能行的。 看!它在哪儿!万岁! 蜜蜂比利飞在蜜蜂本尼前面。他飞得很努力。最后,他们到达了蜜花城。 They get the special honey and fly back home. They arrive at 1:55 — just in time! The queen eats the honey and feels better. Billy Bee and Benny Bee are very happy. Thank you, kids! You’re welcome. 谢谢你们,孩子们! 不客气。 他们得到了特殊的蜂蜜,然后就飞回家了。他们在 1:55 到达——正好赶上!蜂 后 吃了蜂蜜后感觉好多了。蜜蜂比利和蜜蜂本尼非常高兴。 Talk and act Do you like Billy Bee? Why? Act out the story. Yes, I do. Because Billy Bee is very kind. Language points 1. One day , the queen bee is very sick. 一天,蜂后病得很重。 ( 1 ) one day 表示过去、现在或者将来的某一天。 例句: 有一天,我想要成为一名老师。 I want to be a teacher one day. ( 2 ) very 作状语修饰 sick ,用来描述病 的 程度。 例句: 她非常高兴。 She is very happy. 这个女孩感觉病得很厉害。 The girl feels very sick. 2. She needs special honey to save her. 她需要特殊的蜂蜜来救她。 need 在此处用作实义动词, need sth./sb. to do sth. 意为“需要某物 / 人做某事”。 例句 : 她需要一些水来做 晚 饭。 She needs some water to cook supper. 拓展 : need 还可以作情态动词,常与 not 连用,后面接动词原形,表示“不需要做某事”。 例句 : 你不需要今天完成你的家庭作业。 You needn’t finish your homework today. ( be ) far from ... 离 …… 远。 例句 : 我的学校离我家很远。 My school is far from my home. 3. It ’s far from here. 它离这儿很远。 4. Who can help her? 谁能帮助她呢? who 意为“谁”,常用来对人进行提问。 例句 : 那边那个男人是谁? 那是我的父亲。 Who is the man over there? That’s my father. 5. They need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon, or the queen will die. ( 1 ) bring sth. back 把 …… 取回来。 当名词作宾语时,可以放在 bring 后面或者 back 的后 面,如果是 人称代词作宾语,则只能放在 bring 后面 。 例句 : 我要去教室把我的书取回来。 I will go to the classroom to bring back my book. 请为我把它取回来。 Please bring it back for me. ( 2 ) before 在 …… 之前,一般用来表示在时间上的先后关系 。 对应词 : after 在 …… 之后 in front of : 表示位置上的前后关系 。 对应词 : behind They need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon, or the queen will die. 例句 : 我经常在 6:30 之前起床。 I often get up before 6:30. 房子前面有一棵大树。 There is a tall tree in front of the house. ( 3 ) or 在本句中意为“否则”,表示转折关系。 例句 : 我必须动身,否则我就要上学迟到了。 I must go, or I will be late for school. They need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon, or the queen will die. 本句中 about 用作副词,意为“大约”,用来表示不确定的数量。 例句 : 我在十点左右上床睡觉。 I go to sleep at about 10: 00. 6. It is about 20 kilometres. 大约 20 千米。 7. They fly for fifteen minutes. 他们飞了 15 分钟。 for 后接一段时间,表示动作持续多久。 例句 : 他大约步行三十分钟到学校。 He walks for about 30 minutes to school. 8. Come on , Benny. You can do it! 加油,本尼。你能行的。 这两句都是用来对别人进行鼓励的用语。 come on 还可以表示催促,意为“快点”。 例句: 快点,麦克。要上课了。 Come on, Mike. It’s time for class.

