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为了孩子们在家里能全方面地进行英语的学习,提高综合能力。以下为大家整理了译林英语4B每个单元的课文、单词、词组和重点句型。下面是关于每方面的建议。‎ 课文:课文本身必须流利背诵。可以让孩子照着英文翻译,写下中文。如果您有空,可以和孩子进行英语学习的互动,中英文互译。‎ 单词:附件的excel里(略有增加),单词有三个版本,中英文都有;看英文写中文;看中文写英文。单词的掌握作为英语学习的最小单位,直接影响孩子英语学习的听力,翻译,阅读等方面,必须熟练掌握。(若孩子单词基础较弱,建议多打印几份,经常复习默写)‎ 词组:牢记固定词组搭配并灵活运用。‎ 重点句子:句子中的固定问答一定要掌握,为什么答什么。但是也不能死记硬背。句子中划线部分可用同类单词来替换。如果时间允许,可以将句子里的单词打乱顺序,让孩子完成连词成句。‎ 所谓什么问什么答即:be问,be答; Can问,can答;Do 问,do答。‎ 问什么答什么即:where 问,地方答;who问,人答。How many 问,数量答;‎ ‎ How much问,金钱答;What day问,星期答;‎ ‎ When/what time问,时间答;Whose问,人的答。‎ ‎ 也可根据答句推问句,及答什么问什么。‎ Unit one Our school subjects Story time:‎ Welcome back to school, class. –Nice to see you, Miss Li. –Nice to see you too.‎ This is our new timetable. We have English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and Science.‎ What subjects do you like, Wang Bing? –I like Chinese and Maths. –Me too.‎ What about you, Yang Ling? –I like English. It’s fun.‎ Oh! It’s time for PE. –Let’s go to the playground.‎ Cartoon time:‎ Hi, Billy. What lessons do we have this morning?‎ Hi, Bobby. It’s Monday. We have Music and Maths. I like Music.‎ What lessons do we have this afternoon, Sam?‎ We have PE and Science. I like PE. It’s fun.‎ Ouch! But I don’t like that.‎ 总结:‎ 词组:welcome back to… what lessons ‎ ‎ What subject(s) what about you?‎ ‎ It’s time for… let’s go to…‎ 句子:What subject(s) do you like? I like…‎ ‎ Do you like PE? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.‎ ‎ What lessons do we have this morning/afternoon? I/We have…‎ ‎ How many subjects do you have? I/We have six.‎ ‎ How many lessons do you have this morning? I/We have three.‎ ‎ It’s time for PE. Let’ s go to the playground. (let’s…作为提出建议的句型)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Unit two After school Story time:‎ Hi, Mike. Let’s go and play table tennis. –What day is it today? –It’s Wednesday. –Sorry, I have a football match today.‎ Hi, Su Hai. Come and play table tennis.- Sorry, I have a swimming lesson.‎ What about Su Yang? –She has a swimming lesson too. –What a pity!‎ What about Saturday? We don’t have any lessons on Saturday. –All right.‎ Cartoon time:‎ Get up! Get up! ‎ Good morning. Bobby. When do you get up every day? –At six.‎ I get up at five.‎ What lessons do you have today? What day is it? It’s Saturday. Ah! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday.‎ 词组:play table tennis a swimming lesson an English lesson ‎ get up on Sunday ‎ ‎ at five a football match 句子:What day is it? It’s Monday.‎ ‎ When do you get up? At six.‎ ‎ I have a swimming lesson. I don’t have a swimming lesson. ‎ What about Su Yang? She has a swimming lesson.‎ ‎ I like English. I don’t like Music. ‎ What about Su Yang? She likes Chinese.‎ I don’t have any lessons on Sunday. (any用于否定句。)‎ Unit three My day Story time:‎ I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.‎ I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty.‎ I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.‎ Cartoon time:‎ I’m hungry, Sam. –When do you have dinner every day?-At six.‎ What time is it now? It’s seven o’clock.‎ What can you see over there, Bobby? –I can see a cake.‎ What a big cake!‎ I like cakes! This cake is nice! ‎ Get up! Get up!‎ 词组:go to school Have lunch Have dinner Play football ‎ Watch TV Go to bed over there ‎ in the morning in the afternoon at night at six ‎ It’s time for+名词 it’s time to +动词 句子:What time is it? It’s seven o’clock.‎ ‎ What can you see? I can see …‎ When(what time) do you get up? I get up at seven.‎ What a big cake! ‎ It’s time for bed=it’s time to go to bed.‎ It’s time for dinner=it’s time to have dinner.‎ ‎(主要是关于某人什么时间做什么事情的问答,可以用不同词组和时间来替换。)‎ Unit four Drawing in the park Story time:‎ Let’s draw some pictures here. –Good idea!‎ What can you see over there? -I can see a tree and some flowers.‎ Can you draw them? –Sure. It’s easy.‎ This is the tree and these are the flowers. –Well done.‎ Can you see the boat on the river? –Yes. –Can you draw it? –It’s difficult, but I can try.‎ Cartoon time:‎ What’s in this big box? –Have a look, Bobby. It’s great fun.‎ What can you see in it? –I can see a boat on the lake.‎ Try again. What can you see now? –It’s a tiger.‎ 词组:let’s… this is …‎ ‎ These are… on the river ‎ on the hill over there 句子: Let’s draw some pictures here. –Good idea! (如何提出建议以及如何回应别人的建议)‎ ‎ This is the tree. ‎ ‎ These are the flowers.‎ ‎ Can you see the boat on the river?‎ ‎ Can you draw it? Sure. It’s easy.‎ ‎ Can you draw them? It’s difficult, but I can try.‎ ‎(句子中名词的单复数要和be保持一致。方位位于句末)‎ Unit five Seasons ‎ Story time:‎ In spring, it is warm. We fly kites. We go boating. We like spring.‎ In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer.‎ In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn.‎ I winter, it is cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter.‎ Cartoon time:‎ Mum, it’s a fine day today! –Yes, it is.‎ It’s very cold. -Here’s your jacket.‎ Hey, is this your bag? -No, it isn’t.‎ Whose bag is this?-It’s my bag! –She has my bag!‎ 词组:in spring/summer/autumn/winter a fine day ‎ Eat ice creams have picnics ‎ Fly kites make snowmen ‎ Go boating go swimming ‎ Go climbing go skating 句子:It’s warm in spring. Is it warm in spring?‎ ‎ Is this your bag? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.‎ ‎ Whose bag is this? It’s my bag.‎ ‎ (主要是表达每个季节可以做的事情和一些固定词组的用法)‎ Unit six Whose dress is this?‎ Story time:‎ Look at my dress, Su Yang. It’s too short. –Yes. Try this, Su Hai. –OK.‎ Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these. –All right.‎ Now, let’s go to the party.‎ Look at Su Yang’s gloves, Helen. –They’re so big.‎ Whose gloves are these, Su Yang? –They’re my father’s.‎ Whose dress is this, Helen? –It’s my cousin’s. –It’s so beautiful. –Thank you.‎ Cartoon time:‎ What’s this? Look! It can move.‎ Is this a ball, Sam? –I think so. –Let’s play.‎ Ouch! –What’s the matter? –My hand hurts.‎ Hi! Nice to meet you. –Hi! Nice to meet you too.‎ 词组:look at… it’s too…‎ ‎ They’re too… ‎ 句子:Try this. Try it. Try these. Try them.‎ Whose dress is this? It’s my cousin’s.‎ ‎ Whose gloves are these? They’re my father’s.‎ ‎ What’s the matter?‎ ‎(进一步要求对单数复数的区分和表达以及名词所有格的用法即:某人的,如:my cousin’s)‎ Unit seven What’s the matter?‎ Story time:‎ Come and have a pie, Taotao. –Thanks, Dad, but I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty.‎ Can I have some water, Mum? –Here you are. –Thank you, Mum.‎ What’s the matter, Taotao? Are you ill? –No, but I’m tired. I want to go to bed.‎ Good night, dear. –Good night, Mum and Dad.‎ Cartoon time:‎ What’s the matter, Bobby?‎ Are you ill? –No, I’m not. Are you cold? –No.‎ Hello, Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs Fox speaking. ‎ Are you all right, Bobby? –I’m hungry, Mum.‎ Have a cake. –Thank you, Mum.‎ Ha! Ha! He’s happy now.‎ 词组:have a pie /have pies want to ‎ Go to bed ‎ 句子:I’m thirsty. I’m not thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m not hungry.‎ ‎ Are you ill? Are you cold? Are you hungry? Are you tired? Are you all right?‎ ‎ What’s the matter? ‎ ‎ This is … speaking. (电话用语)‎ ‎ Can I have a/an…? Can I have some…?‎ ‎ Would you like a/an…? Would you like some…?‎ ‎(本单元主要句型就身体状况进行问答)‎ Unit eight How are you?‎ Story time:‎ Yang Ling: Hello, this is Yang Ling speaking. May I speak to Miss Li?‎ Miss Li: Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li.‎ Yang Ling: Hello, Miss Li. I can’t come to school today. ‎ Miss Li: What’s the matter?‎ Yang Ling: I have a cold and a fever.‎ Miss Li: I’m sorry to hear that. Take care, Yang Ling.‎ Yang Ling: Thank you, Miss Li.‎ Miss Li: Hello, this is Miss Li speaking.‎ Yang Ling: Hello, Miss Li. This is Yang Ling.‎ Miss Li: How are you now?‎ Yang Ling: I’m fine, thank you.‎ Miss Li: Great. Can you come to school tomorrow?‎ Yang Ling: Yes, I can.‎ Miss Li: See you tomorrow, Yang Ling.‎ Yang Ling: See you, Miss Li.‎ Cartoon time:‎ Hello, this is Sam speaking. –Hello, Sam. This is Tina.‎ Hi, Tina. Is Bobby there? –No. He’s at school.‎ It’s Sunday today. We don’t have any lessons on Sunday. –This is Bobby. Ha! Ha!‎ 词组:speak to This is…‎ ‎ come to school I have a …‎ ‎ Take care at school 句子:This is ...speaking. May I speak to…?‎ ‎ Is … there? No. he’s at school. ‎ ‎ What’s the matter with you/him/her? I’m ill. He’s ill. She’s ill.‎ ‎ Here’s a …for you. Thank you.‎

