2020人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 5 第六课时 精品课件

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2020人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 5 第六课时 精品课件

人教版(三年级起点 ) 五年级下册 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part B Read and write Let's check Let's wrap it up Read and write 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Read and write ● Let’s check Let’s check 视频 ● Let’s wrap it up Warm-up/Revision Play a game 最佳解说员 请几名学生上台戴 动物头饰并做动作。 其他学生抢答。如 : The bird is flying . 选出最佳解 说员。 问题导引 Sarah 和 Robin 在 zoo 里玩。 Robin 可兴奋 ( excited ) 了,他看到了许多 animals 。 Robin 可以模仿很多小动物,你知道他都模仿了哪些动物吗?让我们来看一看。 Presentation What can you see in the picture? Robin Bear Tiger Rabbit Elephant Monkey Bird Fish Watch and say Robin is looking at a bear. He is dancing like a bear. like /la ɪ k/ ( 介词 ) 像 …… 那样 Ask and answer What is Robin looking at? He is looking at some rabbits. I am eating like a rabbit. Watch and say Robin is looking at a tiger. He is running like a tiger. Ask and answer What is Robin looking at? He is looking at an elephant. I am walking like an elephant. Watch and say He is looking at a monkey. What is he doing? I am climbing like a monkey. Ask and answer What is Robin doing? What does he want to be? I want to be a bird. Ask and answer Do you want to be a fish? …. Read and write 点击 “ Read and write ”, 跟我一起练吧! 视 频 Read and write Robin is excited . He is looking at a bear. He is dancing like a bear. excited / ɪ k ˈ sa ɪ t ɪ d/ ( 形容词 ) 兴奋的 ; 激动的 Answer the questions 1. Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at______________. 2. What are the animals doing in the story? The bear is______________. The rabbits are___________. The tiger is ______________. The elephant is____________. the zoo dancing eating running walking Let’s check 点击 “ Let’s check ”, 跟我一起练吧! 视 频 Let’s check Listen and number 2 3 1 4 1. What is Amy doing? 2. Whose bike is it? A. She is shopping. B. She is eating lunch. A . It is his. B. It is hers. 3. What is the cat doing? 4. What is Wu Yifan doing now? A. It is climbing. B. It is sleeping. A. He is playing. B. He is eating. Listen again and choose the right answer. √ √ √ √ Let’s wrap it up Complete the sentences. his her my their our your his hers mine theirs ours yours 2. Wu Yifan: Where is my pen? I can't find it. Sarah: Here's one. Is this_____ pen? Wu Yifan: Yes, it’s____ _ . Thank you. 1. Amy: Whose English book is that? John: It's Miss White’s book. It’s____. Amy: Whose storybook is this? John: It’s Mr. Zhang’s. It's ____. hers mine your his Complete the sentences. 3. Grandpa: Whose rabbits are these? Robin: These are Yifan's . Grandpa: Oh, these are_____ rabbits. Robin: Look! The rabbits are eating_____ carrots now. 4. Mike: Mum, my dog is so cute. I love him so much. Mum: My dear, it's not only ______dog. It's also mine. Mike: Yes, Mum. He's___ dog. his their your our Robin is excited! 罗宾非常兴奋 ! 重点句型一 【 辨析 】 excite, excited, exciting excite 动词 , 意思是 “( 使 ) 兴奋 ; 激发 ; 唤起 ” 。 excited 形容词 , 多来指 人 感到兴奋。 exciting 形容词 , 多来指某 物 / 事 让人兴奋。 I like flying. 我喜欢飞。 重点句 型二 句型结构 : 主语 + like(s) doing sth. Test ( )1. Look! He is jumping ___ a rabbit. A. like B. / C. of ( )2. The tiger is_______in the park. A. run B. runs C. running ( )3. I don't want to _____ a fish. A. am B. be C. is 一、单项选择。 A C B 1. I want to be a bird. ( 改为否定句 ) __________________________ 2. rabbits, are, playing, the (.) ( 连词成句 ) __________________________________ 3. I'm looking at a fish . ( 对画线部分提问 ) __________________________________ 二、按要求完成句子。 I don’t want to be a bird. The rabbits are playing. What are you doing? 重点句型 Sum-up Robin is excited! 罗宾非常兴奋 ! I like flying. 我喜欢飞。 想一想,把 Robin 去动物园看到的动物和做的事情写下来。 Homework Thank you!

