人教PEP版五年级下册 Unit 1 单元测试卷

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人教PEP版五年级下册 Unit 1 单元测试卷

Unit 1Myday 满分:100 分时间:60 分钟得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,连线。(10 分) 1. A.7:30a.m. 2. B.10:00a.m. 3. C.5:30p.m. 4. D.3:00p.m. 5. E.6:50a.m. 二、听录音,给下列句子选择合适的答语。(10 分) ()1.WhendoesMikegetup? A.At6:30a.m.B.At6:50a.m.C.At7:10a.m. ()2.Whatdayisthenextday? A.Thursday.B.Friday.C.Saturday. ()3.WhendoesMissWhitegohome? A.At6:30a.m.B.At5:40p.m.C.At7:20p.m. ()4.WhatdoesZipdoontheweekend? A.Hedoeshishomework.B.Heplaysfootball.C.HewatchesTV. ()5.IsSarahgoingtovisithergrandparentsthisweekend? A.Yes,sheis.B.No,sheisn’t.C.Wedon’tknow. 三、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) ()1.IusuallygetupatsixfromMondaytoFriday. ()2.Ieatbreakfastathome. ()3.ThenIdomorningexercisesathome. ()4.Ontheweekend,Ioftenclimbmountains. ()5.SometimesIvisitmygrandparentsandeatdinnerwiththem. 笔试部分 四、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10 分) ()1.A.schoolB.lunchC.breakfast ()2.A.policemanB.teacherC.English ()3.A.visitB.playC.weekend ()4.A.TuesdayB.FridayC.football ()5.A.shoppingB.workC.hiking 五、给下列图片选择对应的短语。(10 分) A.playfootballB.watchTVC.eatdinner D.climbmountainsE.playthepiano 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、选择正确的答案。(20 分) ()1.—doyouusuallygotoschool? —At7:00. A.WhatB.WhereC.When ()2.Iusuallygetup6:30. A.onB.atC.in ()3.Look!Manyboyslikeplayingafterclass. A.abasketballB.thebasketballC.basketball ()4.IgofishingonSundays. A.sometimesB.sometimesC.sometime ()5.Studentslikeplaying. A.sportsB.thesportC.asport ()6.Ioftengoswimmingontheweekend.Whatyou? A.areB.aboutC.do ()7.Let’sgotogethernextSunday. A.shopingB.shopC.shopping ()8.—DoyoulikegoingshoppingonSundays? — A.Yes,Iam.B.Yes,Ido.C.Yes,Idon’t. ()9.—WhatdoyouhaveonMondays? — A.Ihaveabook.B.IhaveChinese.C.Ireadbooks. ()10.—Whatyou? —Icancleantheroom. A.do;doB.are;doC.can;do 七、给下列句子选择相符的图片。(10 分) A. B. C. D. E. ()1.Idomyhomeworkeveryevening. ()2.Shevisitshergrandmotherontheweekend. ()3.Ioftenplayfootballontheweekend. ()4.Theyusuallyeatbreakfastat8:00a.m. ()5.Weoftenplaysportsafterclass. 八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) I’mWangGang.I’manEnglishteacher.IgotoworkfromMondaytoFriday.Iusuallygetupat6: 00inthemorning.ThenIdomorningexercises.Ieatbreakfastat7:00.AfterbreakfastIgotowork.Iu suallyhavetwoclassesinthemorningandoneintheafternoon.Iusuallyplaysportsat4:00p.m.Igoh omeat5:30p.m.AfterdinnerIusuallywatchTVandreadbooks.ThenIgotobedat10:00p.m.Whata boutyou? ()1.WangGangisapoliceman. ()2.Heeatsbreakfastat7:00. ()3.Hehasthreeclassesinthemorning. ()4.Heusuallyplayssportsat3:00intheafternoon. ()5.Hegoestobedat10:00intheevening. 九、写作。(10 分) 以 Thisismyday 为题,写一写你一天的安排。 要求:1.条理清楚,语法正确; 2.书写规范,认真; 3.不少于五句话。 参考答案 Unit 1 听力部分 一、听力材料 1.A: Hi,John.When do you eat breakfast? B: I usually eat breakfast at 6:50. 2.A:Good morning! Sarah,when do you have English class? B: I usually have English class at 10:00. 3.A:Hi,Zhang Lei, when do you play sports? B: I usually play sports at 3:00 p.m. 4.A: Hi, Chen Hong. When do you eat dinner? B: I usually eat dinner at 5:30 p.m. 5.A: Hello, Mike.When do you do morning exercises? B: I usually do morning exercises at 7:30. 答案:1—E2—B3—D4—C5—A 二、听力材料 1.Woman: Hello,Mike.It’s a sunny day.When do you get up? Mike: I get up at 6:50 a.m. 2.Mother: Tomorrow is Amy’s birthday. Tom: Really? What day is it today? Mother: It’s Friday. 3.Mother: Who is your English teacher? Jenny: Miss White. She is a good teacher. She goes to work at 7:20 a.m., and goes home at 5:40 p.m. 4.Zoom: Hi, Zip.What do you do on the weekend? Zip: I often do my homework. How about you? Zoom: I often play football. 5.Mary: Hi, Sarah.What do you do on the weekend? Sarah: I often play computer games on the weekend. But this weekend I am going to visit my grandparents. 答案:1.B 2.C3.B 4.A 5.A 三、听力材料 I usually get up at six thirty from Monday to Friday.I eat breakfast at home.Then I do morning exercises at school.On the weekend, I often climb mountains.Sometimes I visit my grandparents and eat dinner with them. 答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T5.T 笔试部分 四、1.A2.C3.C4.C5.B 五、1.B2.E3.C4.A5.D 六、1.C2.B3.C4.B5.A6.B 7.C8.B9.B10.C 七、1.B2.D3.C4.A5.E 八、1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T 九、例文:This is my day Today is Saturday. I get up at 8 o’clock. Then I eat breakfast at home. I often do my homework first. Then I wash my clothes and clean the room. In the afternoon I go shopping with my father. In the evening I watch TV with my family. It is a busy but happy day.

