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小学五年级英语(下)测试卷 UNIT4 What Are You Doing 一、辨音,判断划线部分发音是否相同,同“√”,异“×”。(5 分) 1.doing writing ( ) 2.book room ( ) 3.dinner letter ( ) 4.just study ( ) 5.call ball ( ) 二、英汉互译。(16 分) 1.cook dinner 2.Children's Center 3.see you later4.写信 5.接电话 6.听音乐 7.speak to 8.hold on 三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(14 分) 1.read 2.do 3.make 4.swim 5.get 6.write 7.answer 四、选择填空。(10 分) ( )1.She ____ doing the dishes.I ____ doing the dishes,too. A.is,is B.is,am C.are,is ( )2.Amy ____ a picture now. A.is drawing B.draws C.draw ( )3.He is sending ____ e-mail to his friend. A.a B.the C.an ( )4.Please ____ the weather report. A.listen to B.listen C.listens to ( )5.Mom,there is a call ____ you. A.for B.on C.from ( )6.Do you want ____ the phone now? A.answer B.to answer C.answering ( )7.Who ____dinner? Mom is. A.is cooking B.cooks C.are cooking ( )8.What is she doing? She ____ Jane. A.talks to B.talk to C.is talking to ( )9.She ____ clothes on the weekends. A.washes B.washs C.is washing ( )10.This is Nina.Who’s ____? A.it B.that C.the child 五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10 分) 1、is grandpa a letter writing 2、there for you a is call 3、speak I can mom your to 4、cooking dad in dinner kitchen is the 5、how everybody now is doing 六、补全对话,从方框内选择正确的句子,将序号填在横线上。(10 分) A: Hello! B: Hello!_______ ________ A: Sure. ________ He’s writing an e-mail in the study. ________ C: I’m coming. ________ A: Uncle Larry. C: Thank you. A.Hold on,please. B.Can I speak to your dad? C.Who’s that? D.Dad,there is a call for you. E.This is Uncle Larry. 七、找出下列错误项并改正。 ( 15 分 ) ( ) 1、Can I speak for your mom,please? ( )2、I'm writinga letter of you. ( )3、Whatareyour father doing? ( )4、Hello! I'm Amy. Who'sthat? ( )5、The boys areplay football on the playground. 八、阅读短文,回答问题。(10 分) It’s a sunny day.Some birds are singing in the tree.My father is washing his face in the bathroom.My mother is cleaning the room.My cat is sleeping now.The clock is new.It’s singing happily, tick,tock, tick,tock.Oh,it’s eight o’clock.I’m late for school again. 1.What’s the weather like today? 2.What is your father doing? 3.What is your cat doing? 4.Where are any birds? 5.Is the clock old? 九、假如你是 Mike,根据下列图片内容编写对话。(10 分)

