2016 年上学期小学四年级上册英语期中考试试卷

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2016 年上学期小学四年级上册英语期中考试试卷

‎…………○…………密…………封…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题…………○…………‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2016年上学期小学四年级上册英语期中考试试卷 ‎ 时量:60分钟 分值:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 听力部分(30分)‎ 一.听录音,选择你所听到的单词.(5分)‎ ‎( )1. A. play B. fly C. pay ‎( )2. A should B. shoe C. food ‎( )3. A. reading B. sweeping C. sleeping ‎( )4. A. milk B. bike C. write ‎( )5. A. mess B. lose C. books 二.听录音,选出正确的答语(10分)‎ ‎( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I’m not. C. Fine.‎ ‎( )2. A I’m a boy. B. I’m playing games. C. I have a dog.‎ ‎( )3. A. Oh,thanks. B. I’m in the school. C.It’s on the chair ‎( )4. A. No,I can’t. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, you are.‎ ‎( )5. A. No,I can’t. B. Yes, you can. C. No,I’m not.‎ 三.听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)‎ ‎1( ) 2( ) 3( ) 4( ) 5( )‎ 四.听录音,给图片重新排序。(5分)‎ ‎ 1 2 3 4 5 ‎ ‎( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ 笔试部分(70分)‎ 五.写出下列字母的左邻右舍(注意区分大小写)。(10分)‎ ‎_____f______ ______G_____ ______q _______ _____J_____ ___R____‎ 六.选择填空(20分)‎ ‎( )1. Where_______my brown shoes ?‎ ‎ A. is B . am C. are ‎ ( )2. Can you write ______English?‎ ‎ A. on B. in C. of ‎ ( )3. What ______I doing ?‎ ‎ A.am B. is C.are ‎( )4. I am _______yo—yo.‎ ‎ A. play B. playing C.plays ‎( )5. She is_______.‎ ‎ A. hop B.skiping C.skipping ‎( )6. He is________ a pie ‎ A. make B. making C. makeing ‎ ( )7._____are you going?‎ ‎ A. What B. Where C. How ‎( )8.Where’s my new cap?‎ ‎ A .It’s on your head. B.It can fly. C. It is going to the kitchen.‎ ‎ ( )9.What are you making?‎ A.She is painting. B.I’m making a kite. C.You are making a boat.‎ ‎( )10.Are you baking a cake?‎ A.Yes, I am. B.Yes , I can. C. Yes, I do.‎ ‎ 第3页,共4页 =======※ ※ ※ ※ ※ “七乡八校 协考联盟”制卷 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※======= 第4页,共4页 ‎…………○…………密…………封…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题…………○…………‎ ‎ ‎ 七.选出不同类的单词。(10分)‎ ‎ ( )1、A、spring B、warm C、autumn ‎( )2、A、behind B、under C、tree ‎( )3、A、cap B、shoes C、cat ‎( )4、A、car B、zoo C、train ‎( )5、A、swim B、jump C、apple 八、选择正确的单词填空。(8分)‎ in on under behind ‎1、The shirt is the cupboard(衣柜). ‎ ‎2、They are the chair. ‎ ‎3、The books is the desk. ‎ ‎4、He is the tree.‎ 九.阅读判断正误。正(T)误(F).(10分)‎ Today is a holiday! Anne and Tim are going to the zoo. Lingling is going to the post office. I’m going to the market. Where are you going,Dino?‎ I’m going to the swimming pool.‎ ‎1. Today is not a holiday!( )‎ ‎2. Lingling is going to the post office.( )‎ ‎3.Dino is going to the swimming pool.( )‎ ‎4. Anne and Tim are going to the market.( )‎ ‎5. Miss Li is going to the zoo.( )‎ 十.连词成句。(12分)‎ ‎ 1. you see can what (?)‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 2. writing Peter is (.)‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. hot summer is (.)‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ 第3页,共4页 =======※ ※ ※ ※ ※ “七乡八校 协考联盟”制卷 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※======= 第4页,共4页

