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My Family Part B Let’s learn Unit 2 f Family , family , this is my family . Father and mother, I love you a m i l y F a m l l y A B C A ______ is my family . A B C ugly duckling C ______ is my family . B C A C ______ is my family . He's my fa ther . fa ther 口语: dad Who's that man ? She's my mo ther . mo ther 口语:mum Who's that woman ? This is my sist er . sist er 姐,妹 This is my bro ther . bro ther 兄,弟 你发现了什么? fa ther 父亲,爸爸 mo ther 母亲,妈妈 bro ther 兄,弟 ther This is my father ’s mother. grand mother 口语: grand ma 祖母,奶奶 This is my mother ’s mother. grand mother 口语: grand ma 外祖母,外婆 grand mother ( grand ma ) 祖母,外祖母 奶奶,外婆 This is my father ’s father. grand father 口语: grand pa 祖父,爷爷 This is my mother ’s father. grand father 口语: grand pa 外祖父,外公 grand father ( grand pa ) 祖父,外祖父 爷爷,外公 你发现了什么? grand 祖辈 grand father ( grand pa ) grand mother ( grand ma ) 爸爸,爸爸 father, father , ↗ father 。 妈妈,妈妈 mother, mother, mother 。 姐姐,妹妹 sister, sister, ↗ sister 。 哥哥,弟弟 brother,brother,brother 。 奶奶,姥姥 grandmother,grandmother,grandmother 。 爷爷,姥爷 grand father ,grand father ,grand father 。 Let's chant! ↗ ↘ ↗ ↘ ↘ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↘ ↘ ↘ ↗ ↗ ↗ ↗ 火眼金睛 grandpa mother grandma father grandpa grandma father grandpa mother grandma father grandmother grandmother sister brother grandmother grandmother sister grandmother grandmother sister brother sister grandpa mother woman grandpa mother woman sister grandpa mother woman What’s missing?( 哪个不见了 ) sister brother grandpa father grandma mother grandfather grandmother What’s missing?( 哪个不见了 ) sister brother grandpa father grandma mother grandfather grandmother What’s missing?( 哪个不见了 ) sister brother grandpa father grandma mother grandfather grandmother Play a game 拍单词 每个小组派代表上台拍所听到的单词 , 并说出其中文意思,看谁动作快又准。 family tree Mike ’s family This is my family . Mike ’s family Hi, I’m Mike. This is my family. Look, this is my grandmother. This is my grandfather. This is my sister. This is my bro ther. This is my mo ther . This is my fa ther. Hi, I’m Mike. This is my family . Look, this is my grand mother. This is my grand father. This is me. My family Hi, I’m Liu Xing. This is my family. This is my ... mother father brother sister grandma grandpa Liu Xing ’s family This is Liu Xing. This is Liu Xing’s . s i ster br o th er mother father Pair work 仿照 Mike 的方式用 This is … 相互介绍自己的家庭成员。 如果带有照片的同学,可以利用自己家人的照片,用英语向小组成员介绍自己的家庭成员。 Goodbye !

