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小学英语三年级下册测试卷 姓名_____    分数_______‎ 一、找出每组单词中不属于同一类的那一项(8分)‎ ‎( )1、A.rice B.milk C.pop ‎( )2. A.noodles B.dumplings C. vegetable ‎( )3. A.chicken B.pepper C.fish ‎( )4. A.five B.finger C.leg ‎( )5. A.my B.it C. his ‎( )6. A.thirsty B.hungry C. eat ‎( )7. A.breakfast B.food C. lunch ‎( )8. A.red B.green C. banana 二、拼写单词并找出相应的中文意思(20分)‎ 蛋糕  西瓜  口渴  十五  汤  吃 果酱  十四 十一 喝 e_eve_( ) th_ _sty( ) f_ _ _teen ( ) c_k_( ) s_ _p( ) mel_ _( )  j_m( ) ‎ ‎_ _t( ) f_ fteen(   )   dr_ _k( )‎ 三.把A栏中与B栏相应的表达连起来(7分)‎ ‎       A B ‎1.What’s for breakfast one yuan ‎2.How many bottles of water Yes,I like it ‎3.How old are you five bottles ‎4.Thank you   you're welcome ‎5.Would you like some tea   Yes,please ‎6.Do you like pepper   nine years old ‎7.How much is this porridge 四.选择题(30分)‎ ‎1.______you like banana?‎ A.does    B.are    C.do ‎2.I'm thirsty,I want______ .‎ A.to eat a cake B.drink a cup of tea C.to drink a glass of juice ‎3.________sister is a teacher.‎ A.she      B.her     C.she's ‎4.-----_______is the cake?‎ ‎-------it's eight yuan.‎ A.How much     B.What     C.how many ‎5.----May I borrow your pen?‎ ‎-----___________ A.sure B.Thank you C.you're welcome ‎6.______evening,I eat supper. A.on B.in C.at ‎7.let's _______lunch.       A.eats B.has C.have ‎8.----thanks. ------_________.‎ A.OK      B.sorry   C.you're welcome ‎9.This is Kate,________is an English girl.‎ A.she     B.He   C.It ‎10.----Do you like hot dog? ----- __________.‎ A.Yes,I don't    B.No,I don't C.No,I do 五.选择括号内恰当的词填空(16分)‎ ‎1._____(do,are)you like apples?‎ ‎2._____(would,can) you like some tea?‎ ‎3.How many________(bottle,bottles) of pop?‎ ‎4.___________(let,Let's) drink some water.‎ ‎5.Seven and eight is________(fifteen,fourteen)‎ ‎6.What_______(colour,colours)is this?‎ ‎7._______(How many.How much) is for donut? -----two yuan.‎ ‎8.I_______(not don't) like porridge.‎ 六.连词成句(18分)‎ ‎1.food noodles my is favourite ‎ ‎--------------------------------‎ ‎2.name my is Kate ‎ ‎--------------------------‎ 3. don't I chicken like ‎ ‎___________________________________‎ 4. is for lunch what ‎ ‎____________________________________‎ 5. much one for how hot dog ‎-----------------------------------‎ 3. I borrow may pencil your ‎---------------------------------‎

