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[ 冀教版 ] 四年级上册英语全套优质课件 [ 教育部审定教材 ] JJB· 英语 Unit 3 Let’s go! Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 目 录 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Again, Please! Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 13 Lead-in School New words school 学校;上课(或上学)时间 教室 classroom 图书馆 library 操场;游乐场 playground 在哪里;到哪里 where My school Look, this is my school! Your school is great. school classroom library playground Play roles Look, this is my classroom! Your classroom is great. Look, this is my library! Your library is great. Look, this is my playground! Your playground is great. Where’s the computer room? Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Where’s the computer room? I can show you. Here it is. Thanks! Language points 1. Excuse me , Miss Zhang. 打扰一下,张老师。 “Excuse me.” 用于 事情未发生之前引起他人注意 ,意为“对不起;打扰一下”,常用于 问路、插话、离开一会儿 等场合。 例句:打扰一下。图书馆在哪里? Excuse me. Where’s the library? 2. Where’s the computer room? 微机室在哪里? 此句型用于 询问某人、物或地点在哪里 。 where 意为“在哪里”,是特殊疑问词,和 is 连用时,可以缩写为 where’s 。 句型结构: Where + be 动词 + 人 / 物 / 地点 ? 答语: It’s in/on/under/beside…(+ 其他 ). 例句:你的家在哪里? 它在公园附近。 Where is your home? It’s near the park. 3. I can show you. 我可以给你指路。 ( 1 )句中的 can 是情态动词,意思是“能;会;可以”, 没有人称和数量的变化,后面接动词原形 。 例句:他会踢足球。 He can play football. ( 2 )① show 可以作动词,意为 “出示;给 …… 看” 。 常用短语 : show sth. to sb./show sb. sth. 给某人看某物 例句:请把你的书给我看看。 Please show your book to me. =Please show me your book. 3. I can show you. 我可以给你指路。 ② show 还可以作名词,意为“表演”。 例句:这个表演很精彩。 This show is very good. Let’s do it! Draw and talk. My school Where is your classroom? I can show you. Play roles My school Where is your playground? I can show you. My school I can show you. Where is your library? Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 14 Lead-in Where’s the school? I can show you. Where’s the classroom? I can show you. Where’s the library? I can show you. Where’s the playground? I can show you. New words 在 …… 附近 near 远的;遥远的 far 从 …… 来;离 …… from 离 …… 远 far from 这(那)个;这(那)些 the Near or far? far near Li Ming is near the school. Now Li Ming is far from the school. Activity The apple is ________ the desk. near The apple is ________ the desk. far from Language points 1. Li Ming is near the school. 李明在学校附近。 描述 某人或某物在某处附近 时,可以用句型“ 主语 +be 动词 +near+ 地点 . ” 。在此句型中, be 动词随着主语人称和数的变化而变化。 例句:我的家在图书馆附近。 My home is near the library. 2. Now Li Ming is far from the school. 现在李明离学校很远。 描述 某人或某物离某处远 时 的 句型 : 主语 +be 动词 +far from+ 地点 . 在此句型中, be 动词随着主语人称和数的变化而变化。 例句:操场离教室远。 The playground is far from the classroom. Is the library far from here? Excuse me, where’s the library? I can show you. Is it far from here? No. It’s near. Let me help you. Thank you. This way, please. Here it is! Thanks! Play roles Excuse me, where’s the playground? I can show you. Is it far from here? No. It’s near. Here it is! Thanks! Language points 1. Is it far from here? 它离这里远吗? 询问某处离这里是否远时 的 常用句型 : Is+ 地点 +far from here? 答语: Yes, it is./No, it’s near. 例句:那个公园离这里远吗?是的,远。 Is the park far from here? Yes, it is. 2. Let me help you. 让我来帮助你吧。 此句是由 let 引导的 祈使句 ,用于表示 建议、劝导、请求、命令、警告 等。 句型结构: Let+ 人称代词宾格( us, me, him… ) + 动词原形 (do, go…)+ 其他 . 例句:让我们唱首歌吧。 Let’s sing a song. 3. This way, please. 这边请。 给别人 带路时 的礼貌用语 : This way, please. Go/Walk this way, please. 例句: — 打扰一下。请问会议室在哪里? — 这边请。 Excuse me. Where’s the meeting room? This way, please. Let’s do it! Pair work. Point and talk. home Where’s your home? Is it far from the school? No. It’s near the school. Play roles home Where’s your home? Is it far from the zoo? No. It’s near the zoo. home Yes. It’s far from the zoo. Where’s your school? Is it far from the zoo? home No. It’s near the restaurant. Where’s your school? Is it far from the restaurant? Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 15 Lead-in city New words 街道 street Where is the zoo? Excuse me, can you help me? Yes? I’m lost. Where’s the zoo? Go straight and turn left. There’s the zoo. Thanks! You’re welcome ! street go straight 街道 直行 turn left turn right 向右转 向左转 Language points 1. Excuse me, can you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮助我吗? 这是一个由情态动词 can 引导的一般疑问句。 询问 某人能否做某事 的句型结构: Can +主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答: Yes, 人称代词(主格)+ can 否定回答: No, 人称代词(主格)+ can’t 例句:你会踢足球吗? 是的,我会。 Can you play football? Yes, I can. 情态动词 can, can, can ,“能、会”意思记在前。 不管主语怎么换, can 的模样不会变。 句中只要出现 can ,动词原形跟后面。 一般疑问 can 提前,否定 can 后 not 添。 巧记 can 的用法: 2. I’m lost . 我迷路了。 lost 弄丢的 、 遗失的;迷路的 构成短语: be lost 迷路;丢失 例句:这个女孩在电影院里迷路了。 The girl is lost in the cinema. 3. Go straight and turn left. 直走, 然后 向左转。 straight 是副词,意为“笔直地”,在本句中修饰动词 go 。 例句:直走你就会看到那个书店。 Go straight and you can see the bookstore. turn 在本句中是不及物动词,意为“转向”,表示改变方向。 例句:向右转。 Turn right. 3. Go straight and turn left. 直走, 然后 向左转。 turn over 翻转 turn up 调高(音量) turn down 调低(音量) turn on 打开(灯、收音机、电视机等) turn off 关掉(灯、收音机、电视机等) 拓展:与 turn 相关的短语 4. You’re welcome! 不客气! “You’re welcome!” 除了表示不客气,还有以下含义: ( 1 ) 表示“你是受欢迎的人”。 例句:我能和你一起去吗? 可以。欢迎你来。 Can I go with you? OK. You’re welcome. ( 2 ) 表示“随意用”。 例句:我能骑你的自行车吗? 当然可以。随便用吧。 Can I ride your bike? Sure. You’re welcome. Let’s do it! Pair work. Point and talk. Excuse me, where is the school? Go straight... Play roles Excuse me, where is the school? Go straight, turn left, go straight, turn left and go straight. Excuse me, where is the zoo? Go straight. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? Go straight, turn right, go straight, turn right and go straight. Let’s chant I’m lost. Oh no! What do I do? Can you help me find the zoo? Yes, I can. The zoo is near. It’s not very far from here. Go straight. Turn left. Can you see? No, I can’t. Please show me. Now I see. I know the way. Thank you very much I say. Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 16 Lead-in How do you go to school? New words 自行车 bike 出租汽车 taxi 小汽车;轿车 car 公共汽车 bus 三十 thirty How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. I go to the zoo by taxi. I go to the restaurant by car. I go home by bus. bike car bus taxi Play roles How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. How do you go to the restaurant? I go to the restaurant by taxi. How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. How do you go to the zoo? I go to the zoo by car. Language points 1. How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? 此句型用于 询问对方的出行方式 。 询问出行方式 的 句型结构为 : How do you go (to)+ 地点( the bookstore, the park, home… ) ? how 意为“怎么样” 。 位于句首引导特殊疑问句。 do 是助动词,帮助构成疑问句,无实际意义。 例句:你怎样回家? 我乘公共汽车回家。 How do you go home? I go home by bus. 注意: 如果动词 go 后面所接地点为副词,则要省略 to ,如 go home, go there 等。 2. I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去上学。 by 意为“乘坐”,后接交通工具。 表达 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 的 句型 : 主语 +go(es) (to) + 地点 +by+ 交通工具 (bike, bus, taxi…). 例句:他坐公共汽车去公园。 He goes to the park by bus. ( 1 ) by+ 交通工具,表示“乘 / 骑 …… ” 例句:我爸爸乘小汽车去上班。 My father goes to work by car. 拓展:乘某种交通工具的表达方式 ( 2 ) take + a/one’s+ 交通工具 例句:我乘火车去北京。 I take a train to Beijing. 他骑自行车去动物园。 He takes his bike to the zoo. Numbers 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty Let’s say the numbers. Can you say it in English? Activity 20 23 24 29 30 twenty-three thirty twenty twenty-four twenty-nine 21 22 25 26 27 28 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-five twenty-eight Language points 英语中的数词主要分为基数词和序数词两类,用来 表示数目或数量 的词被称为 基数词 。 (1) 1 到 10 : one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten 。 基数词 (2) 11 到 19 : eleven, twelve, thirteen, four teen , fifteen, six teen , seven teen , eighteen, nine teen . 这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 为 特殊形式外, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen 都是在其 后加 -teen 构成。 (3) 在 20 到 90 的整十数 中,除 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty 为特殊形式外, six ty , seven ty , nine ty 都是在其后加 -ty 构成。 表示几十几时,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符 “-” 。 例如: twenty-one 21 Let’s play Count by three. Three! Six! Nine! Twelve! Fifteen! Eighteen! Twenty-one! Twenty-four! Play roles Count by two. Five! Seven! Nine! Eleven! Thirteen! Fifteen! Seventeen! Nineteen! Count by one. Nineteen! Twenty-one! Twenty-two! Twenty! Twenty-three! Twenty-four! Twenty-five! Twenty-six! Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 17 Lead-in go straight turn left turn right Do you know the meaning of these signs? New words 灯 light 红色;红色的 red 黄色;黄色的 yellow 绿色;绿色的 green Stop or go? traffic lights Red is stop! Yellow is wait! Green is go! 绿灯行! 红灯停! 黄灯等! Match the sentences with the pictures. Red is stop! Yellow is wait! Green is go! Red is ________! Yellow is ________! Green is ________! stop wait go Where is the restaurant? Excuse me, I’m lost. Where is Happy Restaurant? Well, it’s far from here. You can go there by bus. Where is the bus stop? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there. Thanks! You’re welcome. Language points Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. 直走,在交通灯处右转。 指路常用语: turn left / right at+ 地点名词 在某地左转 / 右转 turn left / right 向左 / 向右转 turn to the left / right 向左 / 右转 例: —How can we get there? —Turn left _______the bookstore. A. on B. in C. at C Play roles Excuse me, I’m lost. Where is the library? Well, it’s far from here. You can go there by bus. Where is the bus stop? Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there. Thank you! You’re welcome. Let’s do it! Read Part 2. Circle the bus stop. Heping Road Zhonghua Street Youyi Street Zhongshan Road B C A D Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there. Heping Road Zhonghua Street Youyi Street Zhongshan Road B C A D Heping Road Zhonghua Street Youyi Street Zhongshan Road B C A D Where is the bus stop? Play roles Heping Road Zhonghua Street Youyi Street Zhongshan Road B C A D Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights. Letters and sounds tr traffic tree dr drive drink ck duck chicken qu queen quack ing morning evening train drum clock Try to read. walking question Try to read. Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 18 Lead-in Who is it? It’s a cat! Where is she going? How does she go? Story time Read and answer the questions. What’s her name? Her name is _________. Kitty Who is lost? Who lives in the city? Which one is her house? MICE NICE I have a sister. Her name is Kitty. She lives in the city. I miss her very much. Today, I am going to visit her. city 我有一个姐姐。她的名字叫凯蒂。她住在城市里。我非常想念她。今天,我打算去看望她。 city There are many new streets in the city. Where is my sister’s home? 在城市里有许多新的街道。我姐姐的家在哪里? I meet a nice dog. The dog says, “Look! Go straight and turn left.” Excuse me. Yes? I’m lost. Where is the NICE house? 打扰一下。 有事吗? 我迷路了。“美好家园”在哪里? 我遇到一只善良的狗。 那只狗说:“看!直走,然后向左转。” But when I get there, I see the MICE house, not the NICE house. Oh no! MICE 但是当我到达那里的时候,我看到了“老鼠家园”,而不是“美好家园”。哦,不! I meet an old bird. The old bird says, “Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you will see the NICE house on the left.” Excuse me, where is the NICE house? I’ll show you. Thank you. 打扰一下,“美 好家园”在哪里? 我来指给你看。 谢谢你。 我遇到一只年老的鸟。 这只年老的鸟说:“直走,在交通灯处向右转。然后你就能看到左边的‘美好家园’”。 Finally, I get to the NICE house. My sister is happy to see me. I say, “What a big city! I got lost, but a dog and a bird helped me.” NICE I missed you, too. I missed you. NICE 我也想你。 我想你。 最后,我到达了“美好家园”。我姐姐见到我很高兴。我说:“多么大的城市啊!我迷路了,但是一只狗和一只鸟帮助了我。” Talk and act Who helps the cat find the NICE house? Act out the story. The old bird. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧! Unit 3 Let’s go! 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Again, please! Review 直走 向左转 向右转 去上学 交通灯 go straight turn left turn right go to school traffic lights 微机室 骑自行车 乘出租汽车 乘小汽车 乘公共汽车 离 …… 远 the computer room by bike by taxi by car by bus far from 1. 询问 某人、物或地点在哪里 的句型: —Where + be 动词 + 人 / 物 / 地点 ? —It’s in/on/under/beside…(+ 其他 ). 例句:微机室在哪里? Where’s the computer room? 2. 描述 某人或某物离某处远 时的句型: 主语 +be 动词 +far from+ 地点 (the hospital, the park). 例句:现在李明离学校很远。 Now Li Ming is far from the school. 3. 询问 某处离这里是否远 时的句型: —Is+ 地点名词 +far from here? —Yes, it is. / No, it’s near. 例句:它离这里远吗? Is it far from here? 4. 询问对方的 出行方式 的句型: How do you go (to)+ 地点( the bookstore, the park, home… ) ? 例句:你怎样去上学? How do you go to school? 5. 表达 乘坐某种交通工具去某地 的句型: 主语 + go(es) (to) + 地点 +by+ 交通工具 (bike, bus, taxi…). 例句:我骑自行车去上学。 I go to school by bike. Listen and talk. I’m lost. Where is the library? Excuse me, where is the library? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. Is it far from here? No. It’s near. Thank you! You’re welcome. Listen and circle. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look and say. Draw lines. Excuse me, where is the school? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. Play roles Excuse me, where is the library? Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights. Look and write. Li Ming: I go to the _________ by______. library car Danny: I go to the _________by_________. farm bus Jenny: I go to __________by________. school bike Kim: I go to the __________by________. zoo taxi How am I doing?   Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total stars At school   At home   I am... A 10~12 ☆ B 7~9 ☆ C 1~6 ☆

