外研社四年级英语Unit 1 We have a big family dinner作业课件

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外研社四年级英语Unit 1 We have a big family dinner作业课件

Module 10 WY 四年级上册 Unit 1   We have a big family dinner. 提示 : 点击 进入习题 四 一 五 二 六 三 七 一、核心素养练  family year Chinese festival dinner 二、给下列句子选择合适的图片。 (    ) 1. We have a big family dinner. (    ) 2. I like peanuts. (    ) 3. Here’s a book for you. (    ) 4. Happy Spring Festival! (    ) 5. Do you have sweets at the Spring Festival? A. B. C. D. E. C A D E B 三、单项选择。 (    ) 1. —________ is it about? —It’s about the Spring Festival. A. How   B. Where   C. What (    ) 2. Here ________ a pen for you. A. am B. is C. are C B (    ) 3. At the Spring Festival, we ________. A. have noodles B. have rice C. have a big family dinner (    ) 4. Today is the Chinese New Year. We say “_____!” A. Happy birthday B. Thank you C. Happy New Year C C (    ) 5. —Merry Christmas! —________ A. Goodbye! B. Happy New Year! C. Merry Christmas! 点拨 : 春节时人们说 ”Happy New Year!” ,过生日时人们说 ”Happy birthday!” C 四、判断下列情景所用语言是 (√) 否 (×) 正确。 (    ) 1. 朋友过生日,你送他一本书作为生日礼物。你 应说: Here’s a kite for you. (    )2. Sam 想知道什么是春节,你应告诉他: It’s the Chinese New Year. (    )3. 你借朋友的钢笔,他递给你后,你应说: Here you are. √ × × (    ) 4. 新年到了,见到亲朋好友,你应说: Happy birthday to you. (    ) 5. 你告诉 Amy ,我们过年的习俗是: We have a big family dinner. We have peanuts and sweets. 点拨 : 当别人递给你东西时,他会说 ”Here you are. ” ,你应回答: ”Thank you. ” 。 √ × 五、给下列句子选择合适的答语。 (    )1. What’s the book about? (    )2. Here’s a book for you. (    )3. Happy New Year! (    )4. I like peanuts and sweets. (    )5. What’s the Spring Festival? C B A. Happy New Year! B. It’s about sports. C. Thank you! D. It’s the Chinese New Year. E. Me too. A E D 六、阅读短文,完成任务。 The Spring Festival is coming. It is usually in January or February. We are very happy. At the Spring Festival, we visit our friends and relatives( 亲属 ). We have a big family dinner. We say “Happy New Year” to everyone. We have sweets, peanuts and dumplings. Children can get lucky money( 压岁钱 ). ( 一 ) 选出与短文内容相符的图片。 A.       B. C. D. E. F. ( 二 ) 根据短文内容选择最恰当的一项。 (    ) 1. The passage( 短文 )is about ________. A. a Western festival B. the Spring Festival C. spring (    ) 2. The Spring Festival is in ________. A. January or February B. March C. May B A (    ) 3. We will not ________ at the Spring Festival. A. visit our friends B. watch the moon C. have dumplings B 七、小红帽要去看望外婆,她走哪条路才不会遇到大灰 狼?她在路上看到了本单元学过的哪些单词?抄写在横线上。 ________________________________________ family, year, dinner, Chinese

