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Unit 4 We Love Animals 我们爱动物 Part A Let’s learn Let’s sing a happy song. Teddy bear( 玩具熊 ) Let’s sing Teddy bear Teddy bear ,teddy bear ,touch your nose . Teddy bear ,teddy bear ,turn around. Teddy bear ,teddy bear ,touch your head . Teddy bear ,teddy bear, touch the ground. 1 动物联欢会 Look at the bear . It is brown . Bear,bear,bear , it’s a bear . Cat, cat ,cat, it’s a cat . Duck, duck, duck, it’s a duck. Riddle( 谜语 ): It is an animal.It is fat. It’s cute( 可爱 ). It likes to eat and sleep( 睡觉 ). What is it? Pig, pig, pig, it’s a pig . Dog, dog, dog, it’s a dog . Let’s chant Super! Bear, bear, bear, it’s a bear. Cat, cat ,cat, it’s a cat . Duck, duck, duck, it’s a duck. Pig, pig, pig, it’s a pig. Dog, dog, dog, it’s a dog. Let's play a guessing game What’s this? It’s a _____. dog What’s this? It’s a _____. duck What’s this? It’s a _____. cat What’s this? It’s a _____. pig What’s this? It’s a _____. bear Let’s read The animals are our good friends, so we must protect them. 动物是我们人类的好朋友 , 我们应该保护它们哦! Look at the d o g. It’s on the log. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the duck. It’s in the truck. Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. d o g l o g c a t f a t p i g b i g d u ck tr u ck b ear p ear What have you found? Read and match Look at the dog. It’s on the log. Look at the duck. It’s in the truck. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. Look at the pig. It is big. let's chant Super! Group work For animal dubbing( 给动物配音 ) 全班分作五个小组,分 dog 组 ,pig 组 ,cat 组 ,bear 组和 duck 组。每个小组每次派一名代表饰演该组对应小动 物,与别队的小动物在路上相遇,然后对话。 next Summary (小 结) Homework (作业) 1, 把学到的动物的英文名称说给家长。 2, 和同伴一起做模仿动物表演。 3, 完成新课标第二课时。 Bye bye! Look at the dog. It’s on the log. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the duck. It’s in the truck. truck What’s this? It’s a pear . Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. Where is it? Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. Let’s pass the animals. cat monkey panda duck dog rabbit W hat's this ? I t's a duck . W hat's this ? I t's a dog . Play a game 传小动物的游戏 小动物在谁手上停下来,那个同学站起来大声说该动物的单词。 3). Check: connect with word and picture (把动物图片和相应的单词连线) rabbit duck dog monkey panda cat Choose a animal, finish the task, then you can get points.( 选一种动物,并按要求完成任务,你将得到相应的分数。 ) Play a game 掰手腕 1 、 将全班分成两个小组大声读单词 2 、在两个小组中请两个同学进行掰手腕游戏。 Play a game dog PK cat pig PK dog Play a game bear PK duck Practice( 练习 ) 1 、选择正确的单词。 A 、 cat B 、 rabbit √ A 、 monkey B 、 dog √ A 、 panda B 、 duck √ 2 、看图连线。 Homework (家庭作业) 1 、读今天所学六个单词和句子 各五遍。 2 、完成创优训练 34 页第 5 、 6 、 7 题。 Warm-up (Let’s do) Touch your head. Shake your legs. next Look at the duck. duck I t's yellow and cute. I t can swim. dog Guess: what is this? Is it a___ ? cat let's chant Look at the dog. It’s on the log. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the duck. It’s in the truck. Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. Super!

