沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 1 Meeting new people课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 1 Meeting new people课件

Unit 1 Meeting new people 沪教牛津 · 四年级上册 Lead-in Hello, I’m Kitty. My name is Kitty. What’s your name? I’m ... My name is ... New words new 新的 morning 早晨;上午 classmate 同班同学 her 她的 name 名字 sit 坐 afternoon 下午 his 他的 Listen and say Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Miss Fang. This is your new classmate. Her name’s Jill. Hi. My name’s Jill. Hello, Jill. You can sit here, Jill. OK. Thank you, Miss Fang. Hi, Jill. My name’s Kitty. Hi, Kitty. Nice to meet you. Language points 1. This is your new classmate. 这是你们的新同学。 “This is…” 的意思是 “ 这是 …… ” ,用来介绍离说话人较近的人或物, 表示人或物的名词要用单数形式。 例句:这是我的朋友。 This is my friend. 2. Her name’s Jill. 她的名字叫吉尔。 her 的意思是 “ 她的 ” ,是形容词性物主代词 。形容词性物主代词就 相当于一个形容词 ,后面可以接名词。 name’s = name is 。 3. You can sit here, Jill. 你可以坐在这儿,吉尔。 can 是情态动词 ,意思是 “ 能,会,可能,可以 ” ,表示能力,后接动词原形,没有人称和单复数的变化。 其常用句型为:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他。 例句:他能踢足球。 He can play football. 4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 这是与他人初次见面时,比较正式的打招呼用语。其答语是 “Nice to meet you, too.” 例句:很高兴见到你。 我也很高兴见到你。 —Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you, too. Look and learn morning afternoon 早晨;上午 下午 Make and say This is my classmate. His name’s Joe. He’s ten. Make a card about your classmate, then introduce him/her. Introduce your classmate This is my classmate. Her name is Kitty. This is my classmate. Her name is Alice. This is my classmate. His name is Peter. Say and act Good afternoon, Peter. Good afternoon, Kitty. This is my sister. Her name’s Sally. This is my brother. His name’s Paul. Hi, Sally. Hi, Paul. My name’s Kitty. Hi, Kitty. Nice to meet you. Goodbye, Kitty. See you, Peter. Goodbye, Sally and Paul. Listen and enjoy Hello, hello. My name’s Joe. J-O-E, Joe. What about you? Hello, hello. My name’s Rose. R-O-S-E, Rose. Nice to meet you, Joe. Learn the sounds J a ne likes c a kes. J a ne m a kes c a kes. The c a kes are on the pl a tes. The pl a tes are on the t a ble. a c a ke t a ble 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

