三年级上册英语课件-Unit5 What colour is it? 25 人教精通版

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三年级上册英语课件-Unit5 What colour is it? 25 人教精通版

课 题:Unit 5 What colour is it? Lesson 25 难点名称:能够在情景中理解并运用 What colour is it ? 询问物品颜色,并能用 It's red / blue … 回答问题。能够用 It's … 介绍物品的颜色。 人教(精通版)三年级上册 Warm- up Presentatio n Practic e Summar y Warm-up red blue Let’s chant Red, red, red. It’s red. Blue, blue, blue. It’s blue. Presentation Look and answer What colour is it? It’s red and blue. Presentation What colour is it? Look and say It’s red. 这是什么 颜色? What colour is it? It’s Presentation Look and say blue. It’s red. What colour is it? Practice It’s red and blue. What colour is it? Look,I have a new... What colour is it? It's ... Oh,how nice! Pair work red red and blue blue 将图片与听到的颜色连线 Summary Words: red blue Sentences: --What colour is it? --It’s … Homework Make your own dialogue.(自己编对 话) ---What colour is it? ---It’s…

